I guess this is nly natural...I asked for the worst start, but what was your best?
I started a game once as the Peacekeepers (SMAC) and found my position was average. But lo and behold, who started a few tiles away? YANG! I was pissed! I hate being near Yang at the beginning. Miriam, too, but I can usually beat her if I can hold her at bay long enough to overcome her morale advantage. (play defensively) But Yang? His cities start with a perimeter defense which is nearly impossible to beat in the early game. But I discovered something...Yang was bottlenecked in on a peninsula! So when he contacted me I played nice. (meaning I gave him energy he demanded and even a tech...can't remember which one, but it was very early in the game.) I bided my time, knowing Yang would never fit more than three or four cities in his space. Whenever he tried to send a colony pod through my territory I asked him to withdraw. I was hoping...praying...he'd say "We shall soon see whose territory it is!", because I had been building a rover anti-Yang attack force. Finally he snapped and declared vendetta. I unleashed my hellish...um peacekeeping hordes and destryoed him. That really made my day. (payback for all the other games that he pestered me in.
But one of my best starts was as the UoP on a random map. I had the entire monsoon jungle to myself. Yeah, the accelerated growth made it hard to quell the drone problems for awhile, but I expanded so fast that by mid game I was so far ahead of everyone else I just quit. The few AI's that gave me any trouble were easily smashed. Miriam was on my continent, but she only had about ten cities and I had double that when she declared vendetta. Also its not like her puny impact weapons scared away my Chaos armed soldiers.
Hmmm....after typing this I guess a good start ain't all its cracked up to be. Too easy. (like CTP2)
I started a game once as the Peacekeepers (SMAC) and found my position was average. But lo and behold, who started a few tiles away? YANG! I was pissed! I hate being near Yang at the beginning. Miriam, too, but I can usually beat her if I can hold her at bay long enough to overcome her morale advantage. (play defensively) But Yang? His cities start with a perimeter defense which is nearly impossible to beat in the early game. But I discovered something...Yang was bottlenecked in on a peninsula! So when he contacted me I played nice. (meaning I gave him energy he demanded and even a tech...can't remember which one, but it was very early in the game.) I bided my time, knowing Yang would never fit more than three or four cities in his space. Whenever he tried to send a colony pod through my territory I asked him to withdraw. I was hoping...praying...he'd say "We shall soon see whose territory it is!", because I had been building a rover anti-Yang attack force. Finally he snapped and declared vendetta. I unleashed my hellish...um peacekeeping hordes and destryoed him. That really made my day. (payback for all the other games that he pestered me in.

But one of my best starts was as the UoP on a random map. I had the entire monsoon jungle to myself. Yeah, the accelerated growth made it hard to quell the drone problems for awhile, but I expanded so fast that by mid game I was so far ahead of everyone else I just quit. The few AI's that gave me any trouble were easily smashed. Miriam was on my continent, but she only had about ten cities and I had double that when she declared vendetta. Also its not like her puny impact weapons scared away my Chaos armed soldiers.
Hmmm....after typing this I guess a good start ain't all its cracked up to be. Too easy. (like CTP2)
