I was diedre fighting the hive. I had almost totally crushed them. They had like 3 bases left and where on the bottom of the power graph. So at one of my bases I dispatch a garrison to attack some worm to try and capture some worm. The garrison was from one of my few very big bases (size 14, early in the game). so then this Hive unit appears and steals my base. So 'm thinking "no biggy, I'll just take it back" so I hurry and troop along because I know it won't take much to beat him and then next turn I get a "Yang order the destruction of base 80,000 killed" So I lose my really big base. How often does that happen?
No announcement yet.
How often does this happen?
It happenned to me once, along time ago. I can't remember who I was, but it was Lal, who burned the base he had just captured from me. I remember he was sanctioned by all the other factions for 10 turns. I can't say how often it happens, cause I usually don't loose bases to the AI.Team 'Poly
I've only ever seen it happen when I first commited an atrocity against that faction, ie: on my very first transcend game I was fighting Lal as the drones on about equal-sized islands 8 squares away from each other.
I took his sea bases, but then accidentally nerve stapled a couple of them, while the Charter was still in place. So of course he hated me from them on. When he counterattacked and took one of my land bases, he obliterated it as soon as it became obvious I was going to retake it.....
That ended up being the only single player game which I've really lost badly. By making Lal hate me permanently I lost what would have been one of my main allies, particulerly since he's Yang's natural enemy, and Yang was spread across the top of the map so that he was on the other side of both of us.
Interestingly enough, the Cyborgs were the ones who won that game. They started on a large southern continent and out-built everyone else with ease, which is nothing short of miraculous considering Sven started around an empty continent that contained the Jugnle.
Aki was getting a tech every other turn and had 85% of the SPs when I gave up....
accidentally nerve stapled a couple of them,
LOL - yeah, right
Seriously though, I think Sindai hit the nail on the head - they do it for pure retribution. At least you would think so....
I remember it happening to me once whilst fighting the Hive - once the charter had been lifted, I started nerve gassing his bases with impunity, which he didn't like much.It has never happened to me without provocation, although I have seen AI factions obliterate other AI bases - usually involving the Progs.
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Wow, that is astounding - maybe there is something to do with the strategical advantages of this - i.e. he's about to take this massive size 14 base back, so if I destroy it, it will hamper him severely....
I could envisage a scenario where that could happen - especially considering the AI often initiates PB wars. It clearly isn't afraid to commit atrocities....
[This message has been edited by mark13 (edited December 30, 2000).]We're back!
Hey! It's true! I was getting lazy and hit the nerve-staplage button without checking which base it was first....a mistake which I'm very careful not to make anymore....
Muzta, it seems like the AI figured it had nothing to lose, since you were beating him so badly, and it just did as much damage as it could....
This is one of the very few occasions when I would congratulate the AI on sound tactical thinking - thing is, it was most likely sheer flukeWe're back!