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Fall '00 Challenge - Setup Discussion

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  • #31

    I admit that I have recently experienced the pod pop creating fungus. I wouldn't call this a random event, however. To avoid pod pop negatives, I attempt to place a base next to preferably 2 pods first, and then pop them. I think this eliminates negative outcomes, with certainly no worms.

    As for the "other" events(satellite destruction, etc.), I just don't experience them. Perhaps I don't play enough games, if they only occur in 1 out of 10 or so. I suspect however, that those "other" negative "random" events may be caused by ecodamage. I rigourously avoid ecodamage, even to the point of switching a worker before growth away from a mineral square. (I do miss it once in a while, and get ecodamage for 1 turn in the usually 2-20% range)

    If you would like to discuss further, maybe we should do it in the random events thread. Sorry I went on so long here, but, **slap me**, I'm obviously a random events fanatic.

    I just couldn't win, without all those positive events.
    Team 'Poly


    • #32
      Umm... probably a bit late, but if the settings are still up in the air I would vote for random effects off, but pods on. Pod-popping is very much part of the game, and how and when to go about doing it is an art in itself. Random events are usually an irrelevant factor, but hold the potential to ruin someone's good position, and you can't do anything to reduce the risk from the nasty ones. I had the asteroid strike at my best base once.. not nice.
      "Wise men make proverbs, but fools repeat them."
      - Samuel Palmer


      • #33
        OK, I can bend a little. Both Big Canuk and Simpson II have made some good points about pods. So, in the Floridian tradition I am going to plead that I was confused and wish to recast my vote for pods on. Thanks.


        • #34
          Umm ... if the polls are still open I'd like to cast my vote for random events off. I hardly ever get them either - but they just irritate me. *And* whenever I get the network surge, or whatever it is, I have no idea what the result is supposed to be. It tells me I've made a breakthrough and ... nothing happens.
          Team 'Poly


          • #35
            If you don't mind i would like a chance at this challenge. Please mail to me at thanks, It's been great reading these forums for the last year or so.

            "Farmer, pointing the way. With a radish." -Issa
            "Farmer, pointing the way. With a radish." -Issa


            • #36
              Mis, I believe the research breakthrough is an amount of research points, rather than a specific breakthrough. I must confess that I have not tested this (gee, I'm sounding like Mis already ), but I believe that is the case.
              We're back!


              • #37
                So just to summarize (I hope I'm not stepping on any toes here)

                I think we mostly agree on:
                Directed Research
                Pods On
                Random Events Off
                Planet Settings Standard
                Difficulty Transcend
                Spoils Off
                Tech Stag
                No Iron Man

                The options I'm not sure we agree on are:
                Planet Size Standard?
                Faction: Zak or Lal?
                Agressive AI?
                Amount of Fungus? Standard or Abundant?

                I'm just trying to get the ball rolling here.


                • #38

                  Originally posted by mark13 on 11-10-2000 07:13 PM
                  Mis, I believe the research breakthrough is an amount of research points, rather than a specific breakthrough. I must confess that I have not tested this (gee, I'm sounding like Mis already ), but I believe that is the case.

                  Emulation doesn't bother me. Feel free.

                  You must be right, because this happens so many times to me. But, you know, in that case ... what's the point? I mean, really.

                  A game like this is a strategy game. A certain level of randomness is fine. Pods, battle odds not panning out, the initial decision to explore north or south. But in the end, this *is* a strategy game. After the initial few turns with the pods, the game settles down in MP, especially on the tourny map. And random events are simply distractions. In SP, fine. The AI needs all the help it can get. But in MP? They add nothing, except that random chance that your opponent will be sunk by bad luck. Well ... terrific. A victory well worth having [/sarcasm]

                  Team 'Poly


                  • #39
                    WE: Thanks for trying to summarise.

                    I prefer Lal, but I'm not that bothered.
                    Aggressive AI ... ditto.
                    I'd prefer huge map of Planet for an SP challenge.

                    My vote goes to average fungus. Tech stag is OK - I don't care for it, because it favours momentum style play and this game is about transcendence ...

                    (Ducks behind desk and scrabbles frantically for sandbags).
                    Team 'Poly


                    • #40
                      Pods, whatever. Just another human advantage, 'specially in the water.

                      Ah, here's my e-mail:


                      • #41
                        I would also prefer Lal, to be honest, as he has not been done before, whereas Zak has been.

                        Aggressive AI - I would prefer it off, but anything that is agreed I would be happy with.
                        We're back!


                        • #42
                          i will do it. Procrastination's me second name.

                          thanks White Elephants. I'm leaning towards

                          Directed Research
                          Pods Off
                          Random Events Off
                          Planet Settings Standard
                          Difficulty Transcend
                          Spoils Off
                          Tech Stag
                          No Iron Man

                          Planet Size Standard
                          Faction: Lal,
                          vs 2 Aliens, Yang, Miri, Zak, Sven
                          Nonagressive AI?
                          Amount of Fungus? Standard

                          if its ok with you i 'll play till the year of the aliens land (read: those pods will be popped)

                          I'm leaning towards unity survey (yes, it makes it much easier, but makes more sense in terms of the technological background, and minimizes another random factor, and even recognized starting positions of all AI's (its impossible to miss a gazillion tons of metal on a planet like Chiron. +, i have to use the scen editor to make sure the starting positions are not too extreme.

                          protest away ;-)


                          • #43
                            No, I like it actually. It makes sense to play until the year the aliens land, and non-aggressive AI sounds good, to make sure *everyone* doesn't hate you, just Yang, Miriam, Sven and the aliens.

                            Tech stag will make things tricky, it is a challenge I am looking forward to. I don't suppose we'll all start with any extra techs?

                            But no, seriously, it sounds good - now get the game out so we can have a look!
                            We're back!


                            • #44

                              If you want to hang the file, when ready, in the Spartan Chronicles website for downloading (rather than e-mailing 30 players independently) fire it to me and I'll put it in the "what's new" page.



                              [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited November 11, 2000).]


                              • #45
                                Who is supposed to set this up?

