I've been noticing in one of my MP games that I'm not accumulating the right numbers of research points. Didn't pay it too much attention at first ... until I started to have a sneaking suspicion that we're talking *thousands* of missing research points. SP, you can live with that. But not MP.
So I checked my games. Here's the deal. Over the last six turns, I have lost a grand total of 2,284 RP - last turn alone I lost 967 RP. Yes indeed. Thousands of the little buggers have vanished, into thin air.
This can't go on! I need to know what horrible strategic mistake I have made here, so I'm hoping someone can enlighten me.
Now ... I've built the Supercollider and ToE in one base. That's nothing new, I've done it before in MP and it worked fine. But this time, I didn't build them in my HQ. I came up with a Very Cunning Plan to site my super-science base on the coast to take advantage of a thermocline and sea foils. Energy parks on both land and sea, all feeding into my single base. OK, you get a little energy loss, but look at the advantages. How could it fail?
Yeah, well. Last turn my science base generated 1212 RPs and I lost 967 RPs from my accumulated research. Very annoying - I should have had two techs this turn, but only the one showed up.
I seem to remember Zsozso saying something, ages ago, about the game preventing you from discovering more than one tech per base. So if you have a huge science city which is generating enough RPs for two or more techs per turn in its own right, the game does not permit you to discover more than one.
That's not the case here. My super science base is generating only a little over a third of my total RPs (1212 vs 3097 total RPs) and just over half the RPs required to get a single tech (1212 vs 2135 tech cost).
I suppose this could just be a one-off bug in this particular game. But I can't believe that - it's the standard tourny 3-player map, I've done exactly the same before (except in my HQ) and this did not happen. Trust me, I'd have noticed and so would the other guys I was playing.
I have a horrible feeling that the game does something weird when you discover a tech. Like maybe, just maybe, forgets all the remaining RPs collected in the base that it's processing when the tech is discovered except where that base is your HQ?
Could this be true? And if so, I want the name of the developer who put this in. Also, the home address and the location of the children's school.
Any other suggestions/comments gratefully received. I really want to understand this - losing 30% of my RPs per turn for no reason in MP is not an experience I want to repeat.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Misotu (edited October 26, 2000).]</font>
So I checked my games. Here's the deal. Over the last six turns, I have lost a grand total of 2,284 RP - last turn alone I lost 967 RP. Yes indeed. Thousands of the little buggers have vanished, into thin air.
This can't go on! I need to know what horrible strategic mistake I have made here, so I'm hoping someone can enlighten me.
Now ... I've built the Supercollider and ToE in one base. That's nothing new, I've done it before in MP and it worked fine. But this time, I didn't build them in my HQ. I came up with a Very Cunning Plan to site my super-science base on the coast to take advantage of a thermocline and sea foils. Energy parks on both land and sea, all feeding into my single base. OK, you get a little energy loss, but look at the advantages. How could it fail?
Yeah, well. Last turn my science base generated 1212 RPs and I lost 967 RPs from my accumulated research. Very annoying - I should have had two techs this turn, but only the one showed up.
I seem to remember Zsozso saying something, ages ago, about the game preventing you from discovering more than one tech per base. So if you have a huge science city which is generating enough RPs for two or more techs per turn in its own right, the game does not permit you to discover more than one.
That's not the case here. My super science base is generating only a little over a third of my total RPs (1212 vs 3097 total RPs) and just over half the RPs required to get a single tech (1212 vs 2135 tech cost).
I suppose this could just be a one-off bug in this particular game. But I can't believe that - it's the standard tourny 3-player map, I've done exactly the same before (except in my HQ) and this did not happen. Trust me, I'd have noticed and so would the other guys I was playing.
I have a horrible feeling that the game does something weird when you discover a tech. Like maybe, just maybe, forgets all the remaining RPs collected in the base that it's processing when the tech is discovered except where that base is your HQ?
Could this be true? And if so, I want the name of the developer who put this in. Also, the home address and the location of the children's school.
Any other suggestions/comments gratefully received. I really want to understand this - losing 30% of my RPs per turn for no reason in MP is not an experience I want to repeat.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Misotu (edited October 26, 2000).]</font>