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Which Game is Best?

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  • #16
    Okay -- my personal preferences would be

    2. Rollercoaster Tycoon w/ expansions
    3. RRT2
    4. Civ2
    5. SimCity3000
    6. Baldurs Gate
    7. The Sims

    The top 3 are essentially equal, just depends on my mood as to which one is the current 'favorite'. Don't play Civ2 much anymore but its still high on my all time favorite list.

    Haven't played the others or not enough to count.

    Not listed but personal favorites include GrandPrix2/3 and European Air War.


    • #17
      Helium, I didn't know that there was going to be a MOO3 - until I started reading these boards, I had no idea that anyone except me ever played MOO

      Excellent. If/when it appears, I will definitely acquire it. SMAC/SMACX is easily my favourite strategy game of all time, followed by Civ and MOO/MOO2 and ... um ... the XWing stuff. The early ones. I just loved the combination of combat and strategy.

      My all-time list ...

      1 SMAC/SMAX
      2 XWing/Tie Fighter/B Wing etc, but not the awful later stuff
      3 Civ/CivII
      4 MOO/MOO2

      edited to add the 5th. Um, well

      5 UFO Enemy Unknown

      Yes, I know. But I just loved the way it played. Don't ask me why.
      [This message has been edited by Misotu (edited October 13, 2000).]
      Team 'Poly


      • #18
        Help, I downloaded Masters of Orion and I can't get it to run. What icon do I click on, or do I run it from DOS? I tried both and couldn't come up with anything. When I ran it it said that it requires 1024k of extended memory and I think I have that??? Any suggestions?


        • #19
          WE, I can't be much help here as I tend to play MOO2 nowadays, but I think MOO only ran in DOS. My husband made a special boot disk for me, so that I didn't get Windows at all because I think we had problems running it in a DOS window under Windows.

          Does this make sense at all? I'm not very technical really, sorry.
          Team 'Poly


          • #20
            So, let's go! All games here are the ones I can't live without.

            1. Chrono Trigger
            2. SMACX
            3. MOO2
            3. MOO
            4. C&C: Tiberian Dawn
            5. C&C: Red Alert
            5. Starcraft
            6. Elite: The Frontier
            6. Seiken Densetsu 3 (AKA. Secret of Mana 2)
            6. Shogun: Total War
            7. Baldur's Gate
            7. Populous 2
            8. Transport Tycoon
            9. Railroad Tycoon 2
            9. UFO: Enemy Unknown
            10. Railroad Tycoon
            10. X-Com: Apocalypse
            10. Earth 2150
            10. Ground Control
            11. Populous
            11. Tie Fighter
            11. X-Wing: Alliance
            11. X-Wing
            12. Falcon 4
            12. Pirates Gold
            13. System Shock
            13. Ultima Underground
            14. Terranova: Strike Force Centauri
            14. Mech Warrior 2
            14. Novastorm
            15. Triplane
            15. Wings
            15. Assualt Wing
            15. Tappo 2
            15. Ultimate Tapan Kaikki
            15. Tappo Tactics
            15. Fight 2
            15. Nukes 3D
            15. Scorched Earth
            15. Rocket Chase
            15. Turbis
            15. Auts 2
            15. Auts

            The last ones (15.) are small, mostly finnish, freeware or shareware games.
            So, there are the great games. Not-so-great, but playable games list would be too long, so I don't type it. Bad games list would be equally long, so I'll leave it too.
            "I'm the silent thunder. The voiceless bullet. The invisible knife. I work for the Grim Reaper. Beware, those who stand in my way, for I shall win through. That's the way it works. That's the way of the death."
            -Mech Assassin


            • #21

              Originally posted by WhiteElephants on 10-18-2000 04:46 PM
              Help, I downloaded Masters of Orion and I can't get it to run. What icon do I click on, or do I run it from DOS? I tried both and couldn't come up with anything. When I ran it it said that it requires 1024k of extended memory and I think I have that??? Any suggestions?

              This might just go a little too technical, especially when this might need slight modifications at every computer, but I know what's the problem. You don't have EMS memory activated. It can be activated throught config files, called Config.sys and Autoexec.bat. Add this line to config.sys, if not already added:
              device=C:\windows\emm386.exe RAM

              Also, if not already added, add this line before the first one:

              Many more switches would be useful, but they are different for every computer, so I'd basically need to be on your computer to do them.

              Also, if you want to go to the dos mode in start, press F8, when it says "Loading Windows XX..." (XX=your windows versio, 98, 95 or ME). Then you get a menu. Choose Command Prompt Only to go to the MS-Dos.
              If you want to make a boot disk for it, create it by putting empty formatted disk to Diskette Driver. Go to the My Computer in windows. Right-click the Diskette Drives picture and choose Format... Choose Full and check the box "Copy System Files". After that just press start. Now when you start computer with the Diskette in Driver, it'll load dos, instead of windows.
              "I'm the silent thunder. The voiceless bullet. The invisible knife. I work for the Grim Reaper. Beware, those who stand in my way, for I shall win through. That's the way it works. That's the way of the death."
              -Mech Assassin


              • #22
                If you want old games, go to
                If you want emulators and games for them, go to
                "I'm the silent thunder. The voiceless bullet. The invisible knife. I work for the Grim Reaper. Beware, those who stand in my way, for I shall win through. That's the way it works. That's the way of the death."
                -Mech Assassin


                • #23
                  Thanks for the tips Mistou and Mech, but I already gave up on it. I found Romance of the Three Kingdoms and have gotten into it. Again, Thanks.


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by Mech Assassin on 10-24-2000 04:25 AM
                    This might just go a little too technical, especially when this might need slight modifications at every computer, but I know what's the problem. You don't have EMS memory activated.

                    *clap* *clap* *clap*
                    Looks like you learned computers the same way I did: by trying to install computer games. You learn the most that way, I think.
                    Black Sunrise


                    • #25
                      Mech Assassin .....

                      LOL. Oh yes. Transport Tycoon. Number 6 on my list of all-time greats.

                      I'm judging these purely on the basis of the time I spent playing them, and the number of times I went back to them of course

                      I notice UFO Enemy Unknown is on your list too -
                      Team 'Poly


                      • #26
                        For me it would have to go like this:

                        1. SMAC/SMACX -> I don't really differentiate the two, SMACX is too me just an expansion of the same game but with cool new characters, techs, weapons etc. There's so much about the game that's great, the different characters of all the factions, the graphics, the storyline itself, the diplomatic options...I could go on.

                        2. Civ II -> Still a very close second. From the day it came out till the day SMAC came out, this was pretty much all I played. I will always consider it one of the best games.

                        3. AOE II -> I really liked this game. A big improvement on the first one, and I'm glad I bought it. I play it every now and then when I've been on an all day SMAC marathon and want something new to do, but have no where to go.

                        4. The Sims -> I liked this game, although the expansion pack got a little too gimicky. It's a fun game, but it loses its novelty unfortunately. Still, I can always go and revist it my little familes, or if I get really bored lock them into a room and just laugh. It's actually a fun game to fool around with with friends.

                        5. SimCity 3000- A big waste of money for me. Not any better than SimCity 2000, just more complicated and less user friendly. Didn't really like it.

                        I haven't really played any of the other games except...

                        DEAD LAST. Civ: CTP. I hated this game. The graphics weren't great, diplomacy was a step BACK from Civ II, and all in all was a completely inferior game to Civ II, even Civ I actually. Spent to much time trying to provide exciting new gimicks that they forgot to make the game fun. Not even an Earth map?????? No thanks. Games like that make me wish you could get a refund on opened software. Even contemplated scratching the disc so that it could be taken back, but then I'd probably only get a replacement.

                        That's my two cents...and probably a few extra.

                        "People want to believe what they see is true, even if it's only for the time they are in the playhouse. That's what theatre is, don't you understand? Showing people what they wish were true."
                        -Robertson Davies "World of Wonders"

                        "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                        • #27
                          Argonaut, you should have taken it back, giving some technological excuse of why it didn't work on your computer. As this will baffle the checkout staff of wherever you got the game from, they will give you a refund or failing that, a credit note with which you could buy something far better. But if a game is ****e, I reckon you should be able to take it back, in my opinion. Actually, you have given me a great idea for an OT thread...
                          Speaking of Erith:

                          "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                          • #28
                            Me Fav's

                            Dune 2000
                            Sim City 2000 (I have 3000 but it's not fun)
                            X-Com Apocolypse, Terror and UFO equally
                            All the original Might and Magic :-)!
                            All the Original SSI AD&D games (Pool, Curse etc. I just can't get enough of them!)

                            This keeps me pretty occupied!
                            Sole Proprietor!
                            "DaRangers Deep Space Spice and Fungus Grove"
                            Place your order today. We deliver via missile payloads!


                            • #29
                              Oh Yeah,

                              They ain't your traditional Computer games but I also like the following BBS Door Games alot :-)!

                              TradeWars 2002
                              Barren Realms Elite (Now Earth 2025 on the internet)

                              These guy's have to be considered some of the best of the best when it comes to turn based multi player gaming :-)!

                              Sole Proprietor
                              DaRangers Deep Space
                              Spice and Fungus Grove
                              Sole Proprietor!
                              "DaRangers Deep Space Spice and Fungus Grove"
                              Place your order today. We deliver via missile payloads!

