As short as I felt I could make this, here we go. Observations welcome.
Facility: 2 credits/mineral, double for below the first ten minerals (4).
Secret Project: 4 credits/mineral, double for below the first four rows of minerals completed (i.e. - dependent on Industry rating) (8), double again (16) for below the first ten minerals.
Units: cost to hurry = INT ((M^2)/20 + 2M) Where M = number of minerals left to complete the unit. INT means drop any fraction and only use the integer. Double for below the first ten minerals.
A couple of important points.
1. When I say double for below minerals completed, that means if you have less than amount complete (usually less than 10), the cost/mineral applies to ALL of the minerals left. If you've done 5 of 30 on a facility, the 25 left cost 4 for ALL of them (i.e. total cost = 100). Once you're at 10 of 30, the remaining 20 cost 2 each (i.e. total cost = 40).
2. Partial hurries are directly = to the (cost to hurry)/(minerals left), important for units only. You KNOW 1 mineral cost two for a faclity, but when a unit has 25 minerals left it may cost 100 (4/mineral), and when you have 20 left it may cost 60 (3/mineral). BTW, the cost for units isn't always an integer (11 to rush the last ten = 2.something / mineral).
3. Effective rushing: Never rush anything at less than ten minerals unless you really need it. Instead, do a two stage rush or wait a turn. Pay for enough minerals to get to 10 minerals on the next turn (i.e. +4 minerals per turn from the base, starting at 0 minerals, only buy 6). Then complete the rush the following turn at the lower cost. For secret projects, make this three stage (up to 10, up to 10%, then finish).
According to input below, overpay does not work. However, ten minerals of the current turn production WILL be carried over. Therefore, only partial rush if you get more than ten minerals a turn. If you get 30 mins/turn at a base, rush to complete-20, and you will have completed the production and carried over ten minerals.
Link to the original Hurry Thread in the General Forum. There is a table in this thread that included the Cost/Mineral and Total Hurry Cost for units based on how many minerals are left.
Edit: reflected some corrections from MariOne regarding SPs costs.
Edit: overpay changed to reflect posts below.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Fitz (edited October 05, 2000).]</font>
Facility: 2 credits/mineral, double for below the first ten minerals (4).
Secret Project: 4 credits/mineral, double for below the first four rows of minerals completed (i.e. - dependent on Industry rating) (8), double again (16) for below the first ten minerals.
Units: cost to hurry = INT ((M^2)/20 + 2M) Where M = number of minerals left to complete the unit. INT means drop any fraction and only use the integer. Double for below the first ten minerals.
A couple of important points.
1. When I say double for below minerals completed, that means if you have less than amount complete (usually less than 10), the cost/mineral applies to ALL of the minerals left. If you've done 5 of 30 on a facility, the 25 left cost 4 for ALL of them (i.e. total cost = 100). Once you're at 10 of 30, the remaining 20 cost 2 each (i.e. total cost = 40).
2. Partial hurries are directly = to the (cost to hurry)/(minerals left), important for units only. You KNOW 1 mineral cost two for a faclity, but when a unit has 25 minerals left it may cost 100 (4/mineral), and when you have 20 left it may cost 60 (3/mineral). BTW, the cost for units isn't always an integer (11 to rush the last ten = 2.something / mineral).
3. Effective rushing: Never rush anything at less than ten minerals unless you really need it. Instead, do a two stage rush or wait a turn. Pay for enough minerals to get to 10 minerals on the next turn (i.e. +4 minerals per turn from the base, starting at 0 minerals, only buy 6). Then complete the rush the following turn at the lower cost. For secret projects, make this three stage (up to 10, up to 10%, then finish).
According to input below, overpay does not work. However, ten minerals of the current turn production WILL be carried over. Therefore, only partial rush if you get more than ten minerals a turn. If you get 30 mins/turn at a base, rush to complete-20, and you will have completed the production and carried over ten minerals.
Link to the original Hurry Thread in the General Forum. There is a table in this thread that included the Cost/Mineral and Total Hurry Cost for units based on how many minerals are left.
Edit: reflected some corrections from MariOne regarding SPs costs.
Edit: overpay changed to reflect posts below.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Fitz (edited October 05, 2000).]</font>