If possible, please tell me the extact changes in each difficulty level. Thank you.
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Difficulty changes
If I remember right, the level effects how much and who the game penalizes. (ie you or the AI players...)
The most notable change is production. The AI gets a penalty to it's production for the first few levels. After that it gets bonuses. Also the AI tends to be more aggressive as level incresses.
- It's sort of like whatever side of the dificulty scale you choose, the AI gets the opposite.
The difficulty "Librarian" is considered a fair fight for both the player and the AI.
In "Citizen" the AI is really bogged down and you get a combat bonus. This is for people who are new/horrible at the game. This is a special mode where you don't have to pay for SE changes. The AI is always so friendly
Specialist is a mid way between Citizen and Talant.
Talant gives you a nice game while keeping the AI sort of friendly.
Librarian: The AI won't hold back if they have a grudge with you.
Thinker: The AI gets angry with you fairly fast, the AI factions start off upset at you and may not trade tech with you. The AI also gets slight bonuses.
Transend: The AI gets many unfair bonuses against you. Everyone hates you. Expect sneak-attacks often. Factions may well declare war on you on first meeting.Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.
Confirming:The difficulty "Librarian" is considered a fair fight for both the player and the AI. If possible please tell me which difficulty level you think is the most realistic. (eg. AI don't start a war for no reason, not unrealisticly aggressive, logical...) I always wanted to play a fair and realistic game but couldn't find the correct difficulty level. (Kept losing on Transend)
Thank you.
Well, the Librarian level is a fair fight, and the AI is niether too friendly, nor too aggressive. Librarian may be the most realistic level in the game.Known in most other places as Anon Zytose.
+3 Research, +2 Efficiency, -1 Growth, -2 Industry, -2 Support.