I've got a pentium 3 500+mzh machine, whenever I run SMAC to the point that I have about 7 supply crawlers on the screen, the game runs so slow to the point it's hard to move the screen around.
I have it set to normal zoom mode.
This happens as well on my 400 mzh machine on 800x600.
My guess is the game is rendering all those supply crawler voxels on a continual basis that it renders the game to a crawl.
This shouldn't be happening - not for a game that was designed to run on a p1 200.
Is there a way to delete the supply crawler voxel and replace it with something easier to render? My hunch is something is wrong with the SMAC graphic code, since Tiberium Sun also used voxels, and had a lot more than just 7 on the screen for fast running.
Or is there a way to shrink the voxel size, but keep the map size intact? (This would be a godsend, since I often have a really hard time telling what I put underneath those crawlers, and if there's a road there or not.)
I have it set to normal zoom mode.
This happens as well on my 400 mzh machine on 800x600.
My guess is the game is rendering all those supply crawler voxels on a continual basis that it renders the game to a crawl.
This shouldn't be happening - not for a game that was designed to run on a p1 200.
Is there a way to delete the supply crawler voxel and replace it with something easier to render? My hunch is something is wrong with the SMAC graphic code, since Tiberium Sun also used voxels, and had a lot more than just 7 on the screen for fast running.
Or is there a way to shrink the voxel size, but keep the map size intact? (This would be a godsend, since I often have a really hard time telling what I put underneath those crawlers, and if there's a road there or not.)