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Parallel Ridge Energy Park

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  • #16
    Regarding crawlers harvesting in the territory of an ally, I have encountered this situation several times.

    My crawlers have harvested successfully in another faction's territory. This is true when I have a pact or a treaty with the faction. I've never harvested in enemy territory, for obvious reasons, but I can't see any reason why this wouldn't work too.

    - Mis
    Team 'Poly


    • #17
      ... however, when Echelon Mirrors cease to be in your territory, they cease to work for you ...


      • #18
        you can harvest in enemy territory, provided that the square is not in use already.

        btw, heavily armored drop crawlers are a wonderful way to bleed off some of those pesky units the enemy has filled their cities up with...
        it's just my opinion. can you dig it?


        • #19
          "What happens if an "ally" builds a base either on top of a harvesting trawler (if indeed that is legal) or such that "your territory" becomes his?"

          It happened to me. After that, the trawler would be harvesting no resource from the ally's base. It's a special resource spot also . My other nearby trawlers still harvesting as if nothing happened even though they were harvesting inside the ally's sea territory now. Since the submissive ally can't kick my trawlers out and there were few ocean shelf squares left, that base couldn't ever grow anywhere fast for a hundred turns or so.

          BTW, another advantage to sea energy park is that the trawlers move a longer distance and therefore when it's time to cash in some of them for a special SP (like the Supercollider or ToE) a few of those trawlers, expecially the expensive fission ones, can reach the SS city and get the SP built in one turn, giving instant benefit to the SS city. It's not so easy for crawlers in a land-based energy park which might not even be conveniently-located nearby.


          • #20
            As far as the great land v. sea energy park debate I'd have to say you need to go with what you have. I normally use both, but the proportion of energy I can pull in from these two sources depends on how much free land or sea space I have.

            Sea space is normally huge, but I am way happier sending out the sea crawlers to "captured" rather than neutral sea. I just find the enemy AI pinging away at my sea crawlers irritating. By "captured" sea, what I mean is sea that I either control all surrounding land, or big bays that I can effectively capture with terraforming up or strategic placement of sea bases. Open sea will do if I have no other option.

            Time is money (energy?) and the quickest route to gaining more energy is in the seas.


            • #21
              RedFred: Brilliant insight. Go with the territory. "Always go ocean" is asking for trouble on some maps; "always build on land" may be ignoring easy money.


              • #22

                I usually surround my continents with trawlers (with free radar). I try to keep them within friendly air or cruiser range to protect them, and use sea colonies when necessary to provide air bases. I agree that the player must take advantage of the hand s/he is dealt.

                I'm currently trying a hybrid perfectionist / Borg strategy, whereby some of the initial cities near the capitol become super science cities, and the outer cities go with the simpler Borg style, and produce mostly units. I realize that this style has the disadvantages of both modes, but I am hoping that for single player enjoyment the advantages and challenges will keep the game interesting.
                He's got the Midas touch.
                But he touched it too much!
                Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                • #23


                  • #24
                    To get either land or sea crawlers into production immediately, I use a "tag team" ploy. Send your new crawler to a square occupied by an existing crawler. Activate the old crawler and use its full move points to go to an unused square. You can end up harvesting energy from the other side of the board and having it show up in your merchant Exchange/Super Science City without inefficiency! And without waiting multiple turns for the crawler to get to its spot! No need for cruiser supplies, just use foils and deploy in tag teams.

                    Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet
                    Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


                    • #25
                      The consensus thought has been the


                      is the most efficient for harvesting power...
                      Speaking of Erith:

                      "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                      • #26
                        I like that tag-team idea. You get you resources faster, plus don't have to look at units and wonder where you sent them off to (my biggest problem with my huge empires).

