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Just....checkin' in! :D

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  • #31
    Googlie should be around. I last saw him a couple of weeks ago when he was getting ready for his fall migration southward.


    • #32
      And by the way a big wave to all the vets in this thread especially Vel.

      Personally I thought that the criticisms of the strat guide's take on the SMAX factions rather harsh... at least until the criticiser proves his point by coming up with a bunch of fresh insights into these factions.

      You just can't beat the strat guide. But I admit the CGN SMAC academy people have also done some good work.


      • #33
        Originally posted by RedFred

        You just can't beat the strat guide. But I admit the CGN SMAC academy people have also done some good work.
        Not to mention that there's a wealth of very useful information in the old threads in this board, though it takes some digging to find it.

        By the way, I have to say that Vel's guide truly changed my game for the better. When I first downloaded the free version from Gamefaqs, I could barely drag myself away from the screen, that's how interesting the guide was. I realized that even though I had played the Civ games for a long time, I had a lot more to learn.


        • #34
          Hey, Vel .........good to see you you back for a spell (pun intended)

          (My tardiness in noticing this thread shows how little time I spend in the strategy forum - mostly I'm CMN'ing or moderating the Democracy Game)

          I do flit for Candle Bre news from time to time, and sneak through the Renaissance Portal to see what's happening, but mostly as a lurker these days.

          Good to see you, bud!



          • #35
            ~Frown on my face & tapping my foot~ It is about damn time that you got back here Vel ! ~Grins~ It is good to see you again. I hope that life is going well for you & your's. Take care, my friend.

            "Close only counts in horseshoes & Fireball Spells!!!" From "Tangled Webs

