This post obviously belongs elsewhere on these boards, but what respectable SMACer ever goes to the CTP forum? 
IGN got a look at an early build of CTPII...
a couple of points really got my attention (and I never played CTP 1 so they might be there as well...)
A) Feats of Wonder - temp bonuses for doing certain things. They example they gave was that if you are the first civ to circle the globe, you get a sea movement bonus for a few turns.
B) National management. You can have all your cities do something, for example, once you discovered the tech for city walls, you can set all your cities to building them without having to go into each city. And you can selectivly take cities out of the national model.
The web post is at:

IGN got a look at an early build of CTPII...
a couple of points really got my attention (and I never played CTP 1 so they might be there as well...)
A) Feats of Wonder - temp bonuses for doing certain things. They example they gave was that if you are the first civ to circle the globe, you get a sea movement bonus for a few turns.
B) National management. You can have all your cities do something, for example, once you discovered the tech for city walls, you can set all your cities to building them without having to go into each city. And you can selectivly take cities out of the national model.
The web post is at: