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erratic AI diplomacy [a SMAC, not SMACX question]

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  • erratic AI diplomacy [a SMAC, not SMACX question]

    My last game was a very annoying game (as Morgan). I found myself stuck in _very_ late game (the year was 2370 or so), with my pet Zak and pact Deirdre, at war with the fundies. Both my allies are fast on tech compared to me (Transcend stinks), but I had built the Cloning Vats and now I can call for Unite Behind Me. I do that, and the Believers defy the will of the council, so I have to exterminate the whole big eastern continent in like 25 years.

    Normally I'm not the one to complain, but I lack the tech to take on the believers *that* fast, my stinking allies will have it in a couple of turns or so, they're both submissive, but they don't respond to my commlinks. "X has politely declined to speak to you" means nothing.

    Why won't the "submissive" AI respond to commlinks ? Is that because I bribed them to Repel the U.N. Charter, then nuked Yang to hell, then bribed them again to Reinstate it ?

    question 2, somewhat related : I quickly change to knowledge, put more money on science and somehow I get singularity reactors. I have 15 turns to nuke out the believers, I have the resources to do it, but I can't repell the U.N. Charter because the commlinks are down (sunspot activity). I *hate* sunspot activity. If I choose "bell curve" will it go away ?
    Artificial Intelligence is no match for human stupidity. [AI Paradigm]

  • #2
    First, even the most friendly AI will stop talking to you if you bother them all the time. I make it a practice of only talking to the AI when I need to, or when they call me up.

    As to sunspots, your problem has probably been solved for you: nuke the Orange Menace anyway, Charter or no. This may cause problems when the sunspots lift, but you are under a deadline. Personally, I like random events like sunspots. It gives the game flavor.

    For conquering an empire fast I highly recommend reading Vel’s SMAC/X guide. One of the military strategies he talks about (developed by an old veteran korn469), and is here on the forum, is “Chop and Drop”. Here you use chopper and needlejets to remove resistance (the “chop”), then air drop in troops (the “drop” – get it?). You can then repeat the next turn, using your newly taken bases as new jump points. It helps if you have the Space Elevator, since then you can drop from anywhere; otherwise you have to be about 8 squares away. You will be amazed how fast you can obliterate the AI, especially if you have a big reactor advantage. Remember: choppers rule.

    For tech, get +4 or better efficiency (demo/green works well here), then crank your sliders to whatever is comfortable for you without any efficiency loss. Knowledge may help. Play with your SE until you get the best research mix.


    • #3
      I only talk to the AI when I need to. The only reason I leave Zak alive on Transcend is because he should give me tech, and I often need tech (especially Explore tech, since after Air Power I stop researching that). The AI went mute after I was declared Supreme Leader. Before that, it was cooperative.

      Second, methinks that the AI "sees" nukes even during sunspots. It doesn't see bases obliterated or nerve-stapling, but I'm pretty sure that it sees nukes.

      The "chop and drop" is an AI exploit (although I sometimes use it). The AI doesn't use it's air power well, so you can go right through their defenses.

      Finally, Morgan is useless unless you use it's "best asset" to the max, that is, money. Putting more money into knowledge means I can't speed up the development of my cities to keep up with the dirty cheater AI. Sure, maybe I'll be as advanced as Zak, but I'll be anemic for the rest of the game.
      Artificial Intelligence is no match for human stupidity. [AI Paradigm]


      • #4
        chop and pop doesn't work well in this situation (it would still be effective if you were technically advanced, but you aren't). Miri will have an airport in every city, so the defense is doubled and the drops are prevented.

        It also is too late to think about wealth/knowledge ratios.

        I suggest to collect as many nukes as possible until the last turn before you lose the game. Nuke Miri out (make sure you can reach all cities she has) and then see what happens. You will have plenty time to deal with the others, then.


        • #5
          What actually happens if you can't kill all the other defying factions within that time limit ? do you lose or does the proposal just get rejected ?
          Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.

