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Morgan - What now?

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  • Morgan - What now?

    So what do I do now? As Morgan I've got myself in a corner and need to go to war. There are five remaining teams other than me with the Believers dead.

    Morgan: The second strongest rated now leading in tech and wealth. Almost no secret projects though.

    Spartans: My pact brother, on an island and is the smallest faction
    Hive: My pact brother, on an island and is a pretty small faction
    University: My pact brother, has one base left that was a gift from me

    Peacekeepers: Vendetta, but they were the second largest not long ago but are now on the downfall as the Gaians move in.

    Gaia: Vendetta, they are the largest faction and will only get bigger as they take more Peacekeeping bases. They hate my Free Market and I think they will only get stronger and angrier at me over time. They have a lot of the secret projects after starting in the monsoon jungle and expanding quickly.

    So what do I do now? This is the type of situation that makes me believe the Morgans are the worst. I had a slow start like Morgan generally has and now that I'm starting to pick up in strength I'm being threatened with war by a superior military. Its going to be a tough war no matter what but how should I go about achieving victory?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Running green is an excellent fighting stance for Morgan. You still get the plus one nrg per worked tile if you run Wealth. If you want you can even call up Dierdre and have a chance at a cessation of hostilities. She usually likes Greenies.


    • #3
      I still see lots of room for expansion. Why would you go to war? How could you have failed to expand more than this in 182 turns? And get some crawlers, you get no production at all in your bases. No wonder you don't like Morgan, without crawlers their support penalty hurts like hell.

      Switch back to wealth. Get some crawlers to get atleast some productivity, you have plenty of unworked squares. And right now your working your bases down to no production. Set all your formers (you would be better off if you had more of these) to borehole construction. After that you sould be able to build units. Build penetrators. They will easily kill any advancing units without dying themselves. Head for MMI to get some copters, then Retroviral engineering to get clean reactors.

      Btw, you have Plasma and Missile, they have Synthmetal and Impact Laser. How is their military superior? You'll win a war of attrition, so you could just sit back and enjoy the destruction. Oh, and get some probes to speed things up. Buying their army from them as they approach your empire is always fun.


      • #4
        Gaians have the hunter seeker.


        • #5
          Lal doesn't. Steal Lals units, use them to kill Dees.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gufnork
            I still see lots of room for expansion. Why would you go to war? How could you have failed to expand more than this in 182 turns? And get some crawlers, you get no production at all in your bases. No wonder you don't like Morgan, without crawlers their support penalty hurts like hell.

            Switch back to wealth. Get some crawlers to get atleast some productivity, you have plenty of unworked squares. And right now your working your bases down to no production. Set all your formers (you would be better off if you had more of these) to borehole construction. After that you sould be able to build units. Build penetrators. They will easily kill any advancing units without dying themselves. Head for MMI to get some copters, then Retroviral engineering to get clean reactors.

            Btw, you have Plasma and Missile, they have Synthmetal and Impact Laser. How is their military superior? You'll win a war of attrition, so you could just sit back and enjoy the destruction. Oh, and get some probes to speed things up. Buying their army from them as they approach your empire is always fun.
            I was going for expansion as you can see with my colony pods, however war was thrust upon me by the Gaians and they won't even talk to me now.

            The reason I'm not expanded very well was caused a lot by losing all the early secret projects and mindworm attacks that severly hampered two of my earliest bases.

            I'd also be glad to get some crawlers but I don't have time anymore. I just recently gained the ability to start building them and haven't had much time to get started with them. I was worried more about perimeter defenses and hab complexes and now I have to worry about a war.

            Thanks for your tips. I'll switchs to wealth and start putting in some boreholes, but I think my initial few bases that Gaia approaches will fall unless something drastic happens. I don't think she is going to think about signing a treaty with me anytime soon but hopefully Lal will.

            This is going to easily be the toughest war I've ever come across. I don't know if it is possible for me to win at this point but I'll see what I can do.


            • #7
              Get crawlers. They pay off in 14 turns, this war will last a lot longer than that. I strongly believe that your current units can hold them back long enough. If you doubt it, get some penetrators first, then build them. Since I don't think they have D:AP they have nothing that can attack your planes.


              • #8
                Woohoo! I've held off the initial attack! I lost two bases but have faught back and taken both of them and one of the Gaian bases. The penetrators were without a doubt the key factor in all of this! I've never been so happy to see the Morgan airforce striking out against my enemies!

                At least for the time being things are back under control as Lal is essentially halting his attacks while the Gaian attack is getting smaller and smaller. I think I've taken out the first line of both of their attacks and now they are playing a defensive war.

                Thanks for all the tips everyone!


                • #9

                  I played this out for 30-40 turns and the key was switching to penetrators IMMEDIATELY. I scrapped all your perimeter defenses and a couple of command centres for cash in the first two turns. I switched from your 6-3-2 units to penetrators and ate the mineral hit ( it was huge) before rushing a prototype plane. The result was deidre never got close to taking the base and a rushed aerocomplex kept the planes regenerating. I also started crawlers to crawl minerals and rushed stuff all over the place.

                  I forget the year now but I have taken a couple of deidres bases and 3 PK bases and am fighting a long war of attrition on a couple of fronts. I snagged the Cyborg factory, Supercollider and the neural amplifier and stole a fusion unit to make up for the lack of that tech. My science base is pumping out sea crawlers to crawl energy back to my science base. I have MMI and am now going about 80% labs running Demo/Green/wealth with superstring coming in 2 turns. Once I get that I will spend a couple of turns gathering cash and will then move out of wealth and go clobbering with newbuilt and upgraded units. The PKs and gaians are at war with each other as well as Morgan so I just try to stay out of their way in areas they both are active.

                  The AI is showing no imagination in its attacks and only my lack of tech ( missile only) is keeping me from running them over. 6 level weapons against 3AA is not a happy situation. Once I have attack 8 weapons, the SE changes will bring a higher morale and I should be able to chew through their bases faster.

                  There were several mistakes obvious in this game

                  1. No crawlers !!!! Huge error unless doing this intentionally
                  2. Building 6-3-2 rovers . .. These are ridiculously expensive. I know support is an issue but see point 1. Crawl some minerals
                  3. No boreholes
                  4. Little exploration and no infiltration on the Gaians-- this lack hurts a lot
                  5. Uniform development-- EVERY base had all the facilities. Why put a perimeter defense in EVERY base and a command centre too ??? Specialize your bases. Build a command centre in 2-3 and start pumping out a rover a turn from each base. Also --its a huge waste to put all the lab enhancements and a hab complex in a tiny base with minimal energy production. Crawling additional energy to a fully developed base is a better use of resources.
                  6. Base spacing-- you are morgan, they can be even closer together. It makes no sense to have all those terraformed condensors and mines being unused so either build crawlers to use them or space your bases closer.

                  If a good human player had the gaian empire, I don't think the morganites would have a chance.

                  Current setup

                  My current setup, I have 3 bases with command centres pumping out drop troops and 4 or 5 with aerocomplexes pumping out choppers. 1 Base is building drop probes ( for security on the front), my SSC -- only producing 150 Labs/turn but increasing fast-- is producing trawlers and I have a hodgepodge of bases either recently conquered or recently established that are producing a variety of stuff.

                  I plan to play this out and hope to win this thing. My only fear is running out of years before I can get to all of the far-flung gaian empire-- getting the Hunter-seeker will be a priority.
                  You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                  • #10
                    Thanks for all the tips. I guess I'll have to learn to use some different strategies in the future.

                    I have already learned quite a few new tactics in this game. The first is better utilizing my aircraft. Even if they cannot shoot anyone they can provide good cover for units and block the path of oncoming enemies. Also, once I started conquering bases in the main Gaian group of bases I knew I would have trouble holding them, so I came up with the unique plan of conquering and handing them over to the University which was pacted with me and treatied with Gaia. The bases were completely undefended and the University still holds them today.

                    I've essentially worked around fighting the Peacekeepers at all. I never took one of their bases and just let the Gaians finish them off with their Eastern bases. I cut a straight beeline from my bases to the main group of Gaian bases and then quickly captured Empathy Guild and Hunter Seeker. Now I'm world leader and have a military right in Gaias back yard. Unfortunantly the Hive decided to PB Gaias Landing so my trophy is now gone


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Flubber

                      5. Uniform development-- EVERY base had all the facilities. Why put a perimeter defense in EVERY base and a command centre too ??? Specialize your bases. Build a command centre in 2-3 and start pumping out a rover a turn from each base.
                      This is exactly why I'll never be an expert player. It just hurts me not to build everything in each and every base. I'm getting the hang of the crawler stuff, but not to build stuff? For an empire-builder like me, that is an atrocity.

                      Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Asmodean

                        This is exactly why I'll never be an expert player. It just hurts me not to build everything in each and every base. I'm getting the hang of the crawler stuff, but not to build stuff? For an empire-builder like me, that is an atrocity.

                        But build a smarter empire. Have a base that only crawls minerals and and give it all the morale enhancing stuff. Build a couple of energy centres that have minimal military installations. Spend the cash/minerals you would spend on the less useful facility for the type of base on more and more crawlers to increase the energy flowing in
                        You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                        • #13
                          I played your game for 60 years but now its boring as its all over but the crying. i would win within another 10 years I figure. . . I actually estimate 5 years before I reduce Lal enough that I have the votes for supreme leader.

                          While I didn't like the way you set things up, you did have well developed bases. I pretty much ignored their further development and went military. Its not the prettiest game I played but it was a bit of fun-- It felt odd to be so late in the game though . . I don't remember the last time I went past 2250

                          My save is attached
                          Attached Files
                          You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Flubber

                            But build a smarter empire. Have a base that only crawls minerals and and give it all the morale enhancing stuff. Build a couple of energy centres that have minimal military installations. Spend the cash/minerals you would spend on the less useful facility for the type of base on more and more crawlers to increase the energy flowing in
                            So what you're saying is that I should focus development on different areas in different bases. Okay...I can live with that. But the numbers don't add up. You say a couple of energy bases, and a copuple of mineral bases. How many bases do you normally have, Flubber? I kinda like to go ICS. Are you saying that is not the way?

                            Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Asmodean

                              This is exactly why I'll never be an expert player. It just hurts me not to build everything in each and every base. I'm getting the hang of the crawler stuff, but not to build stuff? For an empire-builder like me, that is an atrocity.


                              It's nothing wrong with building everything everywhere. I do this, too. Just delay building the not needed improvements to a later stage (usually I let the Gov. do this work when it's clear that I will win)

