I'd like to warn everyone here that there may be a small rush of newbies to these forums in the next couple weeks; I appear to be the scout rover. 
Loki (<a href="http://www.lokigames.com/">www.lokigames.com</a>) is currently beta-testing their port of SMAC (including Alien Crossfire) for Linux. (They ported Civilization: Call to Power last year, almost simultaneously with the Windows release.)
I've spent the last few days beta testing (I got really lucky!) and reading Velocyrix's excellent <a href="http://apolyton.net/forums/Forum31/HTML/000049.html">strategy guide</a> (along with a fair sampling of the rest of the strategy forum).
I noticed that there's a separate forum for SMAC on the Mac. I doubt there's any justification for creating a separate Linux forum -- Loki has its own newsgroups and tech support for Linux-specific issues.
So, if you see some confused people asking questions here, go easy on 'em. At least at first.

Loki (<a href="http://www.lokigames.com/">www.lokigames.com</a>) is currently beta-testing their port of SMAC (including Alien Crossfire) for Linux. (They ported Civilization: Call to Power last year, almost simultaneously with the Windows release.)
I've spent the last few days beta testing (I got really lucky!) and reading Velocyrix's excellent <a href="http://apolyton.net/forums/Forum31/HTML/000049.html">strategy guide</a> (along with a fair sampling of the rest of the strategy forum).
I noticed that there's a separate forum for SMAC on the Mac. I doubt there's any justification for creating a separate Linux forum -- Loki has its own newsgroups and tech support for Linux-specific issues.
So, if you see some confused people asking questions here, go easy on 'em. At least at first.
