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CTP is so much better!

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  • CTP is so much better!

    I can not believe that you guys play Smac! It is so horrible! I can not believe that I actually played it while, this whole time, Call to Power existed! CTP is so much better! Hail Call to Power! Down with Smac!

  • #2

    Haven't played CtP for ages.

    Tell me, are the stealth pilots still so mesmerized by the centurian's spears that they fly into the mountainsides?

    No thanks.



    • #3
      the real Imran disagrees. Speaking of which this is april fools joke isnt it?


      • #4
        So is this the real or fake Imran?

        Anyway, I sold my copy of CTP on eBay b/c it was so incredibly horrible. Horrendous game.
        My sorry excuse for a website


        • #5
          That is the same guy who always posts stuff like that about CTP everywhere. He's the only one who plays it.


          • #6
            As I've said before. He's fake!!! The real Imran spells his name with an I this one uses an L. Try it.


            • #7
              I am surprised that MarkG or DanQ didn't get upset about this, but then again it is April Fools.


              • #8
                the login is fake, and the creator has already goten a 2 week "vacation"

                btw, the real Imran hates CTP


                • #9
                  Apparently, the tanks in CTP are also so fearful of horses that they just collaspe in the field.


                  • #10
                    My worst experience was when a couple of musketeers shot down my spaceship. I uninstalled shortly after that.

                    I mean come on!!! It was a SPACEship!!!!


                    • #11
                      Hey, hallo! What is wrong with musketeers shooting down a spaceship? Ah, OK...

                      I love CtP. It doesn't steal all my spare time like the SM games do. Wanna know why? Because it won't install. What do you guys think, did I insult it when I uninstalled it after playing it only once? Is there a little file on my hard disk telling the installation program that I'm not worthy?

                      Spaceship was shot down by a phalanx last night and a human was outwitted by a CD. What is the world coming to? Alpha Centauri?
                      To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


                      • #12
                        Well, I still think it's wierd for a mind worm to kill planes, but then again I have no real understanding of what psi warfare is.


                        • #13
                          Adam: Imagine this: you're a needlejet pilot attacking a mind worm boil. Suddendly, you see, hear, and feel your worst fears materialize. Now, are you capable of flying a plane in sucha condition ?

                          I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
                          LoD - Owner/Webmaster of
                's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4


                          • #14
                            Am I crazy for thinking about getting into CTP again??

                            MJ's Web Empire
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                            Civilization Empire SMAC, Civ2, CTP.


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by MarkG on 04-02-2000 01:04 AM
                              the login is fake, and the creator has already goten a 2 week "vacation"

                              MarkG, just curious: why only a 2 week ban, why not indefinitely? How can that person possibly make any "good" posts in 2 weeks with a login impersonating somebody else?

                              The rivers shall run to the sea,
                              While shadows shall move across the valleys of mountains,
                              While the heavens shall nourish the stars,
                              Always shall your honor and your name and your fame endure.

