A while back, a guy named Griggar posted a challenge over on the sidgames forums to get someone to play a game and get over one million energy credits.
I took that challenge. The game I played after that I like to call 'the game from hell.' For good reason. It was hideous.
I picked the Peacekeepers, one of my better factions. Early game, I was helped out by capturing several Spartan bases. I began my usuall tactic, ICS, with 2-3 open spaces between cities. My ICS, each city has the 'right' to develop the eight squares around itself, with the outside 12 open for grab with other cities, or sometimes open if city placement is somewhat farther apart.
So I get into this game. This hideous monstrosity that I didn't know what I was getting into.
Roughly around 2300 I had 'won.' I had all the wonders (all but two of them were in one single city, an industrial giant that I founded in the center of the crator). I decided not only to go for 1,000,000 energy credits, but to a. fill up the map completely with cities and b. terraform every single square, no exceptions. Each land square would have a forest and a magtube, and every sea square would have a kelp farm and wave harness (yes, this might have been wasteful, but I was counting on the jacked mineral production for energy late game).
This game took me an entire week to complete. An entire week of doing nothing but playing. I still have nightmares sometimes...
I did accomplish the goal, however. When I bought the transcendence, I had 2.5 million in the bank. My transcendent thought was up to 500+. My smallest city was still over 20. I had maxed orbitals. Only a few of the cities were still producing buildings. The year was around 2420. I used units to try and count cities. The game said I only had 72 24-12-1 AAA shock troops. I knew it had 'rolled over' from 255, so I obviously had over 300 cities on this poor map
Unfortunately, I only got a 422% rating. Since I suck, I can't win any higher then libraian level
Whats the point of this story? Don't try this at home unless you have an entire week to spend playing AC. And you have slight machocistic tendencies.
I took that challenge. The game I played after that I like to call 'the game from hell.' For good reason. It was hideous.
I picked the Peacekeepers, one of my better factions. Early game, I was helped out by capturing several Spartan bases. I began my usuall tactic, ICS, with 2-3 open spaces between cities. My ICS, each city has the 'right' to develop the eight squares around itself, with the outside 12 open for grab with other cities, or sometimes open if city placement is somewhat farther apart.
So I get into this game. This hideous monstrosity that I didn't know what I was getting into.
Roughly around 2300 I had 'won.' I had all the wonders (all but two of them were in one single city, an industrial giant that I founded in the center of the crator). I decided not only to go for 1,000,000 energy credits, but to a. fill up the map completely with cities and b. terraform every single square, no exceptions. Each land square would have a forest and a magtube, and every sea square would have a kelp farm and wave harness (yes, this might have been wasteful, but I was counting on the jacked mineral production for energy late game).
This game took me an entire week to complete. An entire week of doing nothing but playing. I still have nightmares sometimes...
I did accomplish the goal, however. When I bought the transcendence, I had 2.5 million in the bank. My transcendent thought was up to 500+. My smallest city was still over 20. I had maxed orbitals. Only a few of the cities were still producing buildings. The year was around 2420. I used units to try and count cities. The game said I only had 72 24-12-1 AAA shock troops. I knew it had 'rolled over' from 255, so I obviously had over 300 cities on this poor map

Unfortunately, I only got a 422% rating. Since I suck, I can't win any higher then libraian level

Whats the point of this story? Don't try this at home unless you have an entire week to spend playing AC. And you have slight machocistic tendencies.