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Do the Progenitors ever surrender?

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  • Do the Progenitors ever surrender?

    I have never gotten a submission pact from them because I always nerve gas them. Anybody experienced that?

  • #2
    It never happened to me, but that does not mean it can't happen...


    • #3
      I've had the Usurpers surrender to me once. I don't believe I had contact with the Caretakers and I didn't commit any attrocities. I'm wondering if they perhaps might refuse to surrender if you have a pact with the opposing alien faction, seeing as they won't sign a treaty. Just my two cents.

      Jason the Argonaut
      "I like horses. Thank You."
      -Daniel MacIvor
      [This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited April 24, 2000).]

      "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


      • #4
        I had one of the Progenitors surrender to me. Later, I had such a large empire that I decided to run for Supreme Leader. When I did, I got a message saying "You cannot run for supreme leader if there are any alien races who have not sweared a Pact of submission to you." This really annoyed me.


        • #5
          From the readme with the Crossfire patch:

          *The manual states that an alien may be in a submission pact and not affect
          a diplomatic victory; this is not true. For a human faction to win a
          diplomatic victory, both alien factions must be completely eliminated from
          the game, regardless of their Pact status.


          • #6
            Okay, that's fine. But what's more annoying than the manual being wrong is having the in-game text tell you something untrue.


            • #7
              Is the probability of the Progenitors surrendering the same as that for human factions?
              Or do you have to totally crush them?


              • #8
                I've had the Caretakers offer to surrender to me. They had constantly annoyed me during the game so I was forced to reject their offer.

