I am playing a game where both alien factions threw in the towel and fired all their research staff.
My infiltrator status shows both at a mere 9999 years until their next discovery. Normally I only see this after a faction is wiped out. But come on, the Caretakers were at least a 20 city empire when they (presumably) went with a 0% research strategy.
The other odd thing is the marine control feature is effective 0% of the time. It will not work in this one game at all. I have made several dozen attempts so far. This is kind of embarrassing because a few months ago on the bug thread I told another poster that this feature was enabled. Now it looks to me like it may not work at all in some games.
Are other players experiencing either of the above odd features?

My infiltrator status shows both at a mere 9999 years until their next discovery. Normally I only see this after a faction is wiped out. But come on, the Caretakers were at least a 20 city empire when they (presumably) went with a 0% research strategy.
The other odd thing is the marine control feature is effective 0% of the time. It will not work in this one game at all. I have made several dozen attempts so far. This is kind of embarrassing because a few months ago on the bug thread I told another poster that this feature was enabled. Now it looks to me like it may not work at all in some games.
Are other players experiencing either of the above odd features?