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MY-2203 (3) Planning & Execution Thread

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  • MY-2203 (3) Planning & Execution Thread

    I had a quick skeggie at the turn

    Most of our units are now Elite (except for the old Ogres) as befits a faction running Power

    Gaians are currently researching Advanced Spaceflight (look out, shard weapons!!!)

    It seems that Yang has done little except land his aircraft.

    Angels continue to reinforce that old Hive base of Communal Nexus - even better pickings now!! (mind control it rather than destroy it?)

    I suggest we spend the credits to upgrade the new scout defenders in the captured bases to AAA 3res policemen (impact fusion)

    Rush the Aerospace at Southport, to protect it from gaian drop troops, as well as the Pressure Dome at red Fungus. MM a pressure dome at Vlad, and start one at Social Engineering Den (new names for the captured Hive bases?)

  • #2
    Things look good.

    I've done a lot of build order, worker placement, and rush-build stuff. I'm not very good at recounting everything I do, so I'll list the highlights and let you investigate in a more detailed fashion with the save:
    • Concentrated on replacing uproductive workers with engineers. Now earning 601 ECs per turn.
    • Put lots of bombers, fighters, drop-chaos-rovers, SAM-chaos-rovers, and MI6's in build orders.
    • Rushed a bunch of stuff, including the aerospace complex at Southport. Rushed Pressure Dome at Red Fungus.
    • It looks like the turn after this is going to be BIG! I estimate that roughly 25 units will come to completion just this next turn alone!

    Doesn't Social Engineering Den already have a pressure dome?

    Uh...let's see, how do you do that "Maniac Maneuver" again? I've never done it before.

    Which city in Hiveland shall we target? Communal Nexus and the Data Angel airforce? Unity Lair and its huge airfleet currently parked there? Manufacturing Warrens, in preparation for attack with the missile marines?

    Edit: Save file removed--see later version below.
    Last edited by Zeiter; February 14, 2006, 01:26.
    Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


    • #3
      Also, is the nerve-gas bomber raid on Flower's Preach a go this turn? If it is, I will probably scout with a regular bomber first and soften up whatever fighter defenses are guarding Flowers Peach.

      And how about the drop-probe operation? Is that a go for this turn? And how is that supposed to work, again?
      Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


      • #4
        Played a bit more.
        • Toasted a spore launcher near Iaci Base for 30 ECs.
        • Placed crawlers (it's nice having 3 moves with crawlers )
        • Did some terraforming stuff.
        • The contentious moves have yet to be played (such as moving military units).

        Now the question is: what is our plan? Where and how shall we strike this turn?
        Attached Files
        Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


        • #5
          Amazing. I think we might actually be able to hold off three factions at once. The world trembles as the spartan military machine rolls on! (now with gas pods)
          -=/+\ Wuy3 /+\=-


          • #6
            I say use the cash to upgrade to get more AAA defenders. Other than that, attacking northern Hive seems like a good idea. This will certainly give the Angels a nice scare.

            Originally posted by wuy3
            The world trembles as the spartan military machine rolls on! (now with gas pods)
            Great headline.
            Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Zeiter

              Doesn't Social Engineering Den already have a pressure dome?
              DUH - yes, it does

              Uh...let's see, how do you do that "Maniac Maneuver" again? I've never done it before.
              eg, to build a Pressure Dome at Vladivostok, assume that there's a crawler just completed there, then
              • put a PD in the build orders
              • note that there are still 65 minerals needed
              • upgrade the crawler to a BoB-60 (regular - we need to rename that a BoB-70)
              • go to the workshop and assemble a planetbuster
              • change the build to a PB
              • cash in the BoB (activate it, hit "O" and it will give the option of contributing its full minerals to the prototype)
              • go to the workshop and retire the PB design
              • go back to the base (which is now showing "stockpile energy") and change to a Pressure Dome
              • voila, onstabuild a PD for the cost of 1 speeder crawler plus 70 credits
              (Of course, it needs a crawler to be in the base)

              We could also have upgraded the crawler to a BoB-60 and not wasted that handful of minerals, but then we would have needed some credits to buy the missing minerals


              • #8
                Hooray! Manufacturing Warrens has been captured! The Hive forces formerly stationed within have been thoroughly slaughtered. I've managed to reinforce Manufacturing Warrens with 4 interceptors, an MI6, two other plasma garrisons, the IoD, the missile marine, and a mobile infantry from one of those cities in Terrapeso (I forget which). Hopefully that will hold the Data Angels at bay.

                I also got a glimpse at the Gaian base garrison for Silverbird Park (see below).

                Note: Most of these units were either of green or very green morale.

                I'm guessing the nerve gas raid on Flower's Peach is still a go? We also have a BX-8 up in Southern Laconia that could reach some Gaian cities. What do you want me to do with that unit?
                Attached Files
                Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                • #9
                  And here's the garrison for Deidre's Autumn...I'm not sure what the name of it is off the top of my head. I just know it's that city to the southwest of Silverbird Park. I see they have wisely built some SAM-rovers. It looks, though, that their builds are mostly defensive in nature...and rather sparse at that. Two cruisers full of chaos rovers could just roll through those coastal cities in one turn easily.
                  Attached Files
                  Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                  • #10
                    And then here's the garrison for Flower's Preach. Not too daunting, if you ask me.

                    By the way, with regards to the turn in general, where is that cruiser transport and accompanying destroyer out between Terrapeso and Arcadia supposed to be going? What's the plan behind that?

                    And also, we still have probably a dozen aircraft on the South Arcadian front awaiting orders. What shall we do?
                    Attached Files
                    Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                    • #11
                      How about spending the 680 credits to upgrade all our B-8's to X-capability (we have 5 stationed in Southport and 4 in 3Nuts Crag)

                      We could totally destroy Virgin Soil and the Longevity Vaccine!! (that'd give them drone probmels in all other bases as they are running Planned)

                      that cruiser and trannie were making their way to Defiance Freehold ultimately to carry the Invasion task force against the Angels


                      • #12
                        Now I will post the turn so far.

                        Military considerations:
                        • Three mobile infantry have been sent to Fort Gateway in preparation for paratroop dropping onto road network near Manufacturing Warrens and entering city next turn.
                        • One cruiser transport was required to end its turn 3 squares NE of Manufacturing Warrens. It is in the fungus and outside of any base radii. It is unlikely that the Angels will find it. However, I fear that Yang might pick it off.
                        • Two amphirovers, a police-missile squad, an F-8, and a B-8 ended their turns just outside of Manufacturing Warrens. Theoretically, the Angels could pick off these units, but they would have to break through the air cover of 5 nearby nterceptors and pay a deadly price in order to so do.
                        • Our defense of the eastern sector of the Jungle territory is solid. We have at least 1 (and in some cases 2) elite 4-<3res>-1*2 units in each city, along with a few interceptors and other various units.
                        • Once again, embarking a group of units towards the Gaian continent had to wait, as those units were busy fighting Hiverian hordes in the jungle.
                        Attached Files
                        Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                        • #13
                          Some notes:
                          • In ARC, there's a crawler working just 1 mineral that can move north to the mine releasing the worker there to convert to an engineer
                          • In AU, take a worker off the forest by Ironholm, and convert to an engineer (the base is maxxed out, and you can run a food deficit for a few turns, and the minerals are currently being wasted)
                          • Ironholm - move the 1/1/0 worker to the now vacant forest tile and the base will grow next turn
                          • Scapa Flow can grow to size 9 if you put the 2 engineers onto ocean tiles
                          • Impaler Keep has a crawler working 1 mineral within Scorpi's base radius. Take it off, and relocate the engineer to there. Move the 0/2/1 worker immediately southwest of Scorpi north to the 1/1/0 tile, and scorpi will grow next turn. Rehome the now inactive crawler to scorpi (down the river and up the road) and it cqan work that vacated 2 mineral tile


                          • #14
                            Cont (after looking at the new save)
                            • Vlad - can grow if we reassign an engineer to the kelp tile
                            • Chaunk Citadel (has a Hab Comples) will grow if we move that crawler working just 1 nut southwards (outside the base radius) and allocate both engineers to the vacated tile and the fungus tile north of it
                            • Fellowship City will grow if we assign an engineer to that monolith
                            • Fort Buster (has a Hab Complex) will grow if we assign an engineer to the fungus tile
                            • Fort Liberty can't grow - so is it better to go for the extra 8 credits this turn, or the 2 minerals stockpile energy equivalent?
                            • scrap the perim defences at Great Collective and Manu Warrens, as well as Red Fungus
                            • Rio Grande - take a worker off a forest tile and assign to the condensor farm, for a pop growth next turn


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Googlie In ARC, there's a crawler working just 1 mineral that can move north to the mine releasing the worker there to convert to an engineer

                              Originally posted by Googlie In AU, take a worker off the forest by Ironholm, and convert to an engineer (the base is maxxed out, and you can run a food deficit for a few turns, and the minerals are currently being wasted)

                              Originally posted by Googlie Ironholm - move the 1/1/0 worker to the now vacant forest tile and the base will grow next turn
                              Erm...if Ironhold is allowed to grow as it is, the base will go into riots. So, instead of allowing it to grow, I did a little bit of re-arranging and managed to squeeze another engineer out of the deal while keeping mineral production the same.

                              Originally posted by Googlie Scapa Flow can grow to size 9 if you put the 2 engineers onto ocean tiles
                              Hmm...I don't really see the point in growing the base if the new workers are going to be completely unproductive. For the time being, I'd rather have a size 8 base with 6 extra ECs and 4 extra labs per turn, rather than a size 9 base with none of that.

                              [SIZE=1] Impaler Keep has a crawler working 1 mineral within Scorpi's base radius. Take it off, and relocate the engineer to there. Move the 0/2/1 worker immediately southwest of Scorpi north to the 1/1/0 tile, and scorpi will grow next turn. Rehome the now inactive crawler to scorpi (down the river and up the road) and it cqan work that vacated 2 mineral tile
                              Neato. Done.

                              I hope the military decisions look okay. Modo suggested something along the lines of "Attack Northern Hiveland," and Manufacturing Warrens was already an appealing target with the IoD in position and that huge Hive airforce parked in a vulnerable manner in the city.

                              So...yes on the nerve gas raid on the Gaians? If we want to dispense some nerve gas, might we want to go ahead and hit several cities at once, while we are at it? I think we have the manpower to do it, if we wanted to.

                              • Vlad engineer put on kelp tile for growth next turn.
                              • Concerning Chaunk Citidel, once again it doesn't seem worthwhile at this time to grow it and give up 6 ECs and 4 labs per turn while not really getting anything in return, other than boosting our population total by one more.
                              • Fellowship City engineer reassignment--done.
                              • Fort Buster--in this case, since it is only costing us one engineer, I guess it's a good idea to put the worker on the fungus and make it growth next turn.
                              • Fort Liberty--four workers taken off forest tiles for engineers, and production changed to BX-8.
                              • Perimeter Defense scrappings completed.
                              • Rio Grande workers rearranged for growth.

                              Edit part deux:

                              Actually, I think changing production at Fort Liberty to a hab complex would be a good idea. We have enough military production in that sector as it is, I suppose, and a hab complex will enable instant growth and instant engineer-creation as the city grows.
                              Last edited by Zeiter; February 14, 2006, 19:52.
                              Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.

