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MY 2186 Planning & Execution Thread

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  • MY 2186 Planning & Execution Thread

    Crawler-hurry a tree farm in GH?
    Crawler-hurry a bioenhancement center in FB?

    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

  • #2
    Yeah! Better use those crawlers before Yang toasts them...
    Can we do both or do we have to choose one? (in this case, I think the bio-center would have priority due to the extra-move elite gives to the units)

    I haven't seen whether we have enough crawlers around AU to MM the forest.

    I must admit I am a little upset for our formers and crawlers near Yang's border.
    From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!


    • #3
      We can do both.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4
        Should we give all our techs to Zak next year?
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5
          If the Angels can get money from Zak, I wouldn't trust him not to give or trade techs too...
          From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!


          • #6
            Good point. It would be nice to use Zak this way, but I think it is too dangerous. What we can do, is give him the techs others already have.
            Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


            • #7
              IIRC the only tech that no one else yet has is Applied Relativity. I did a little test in the ACDG simulator and unfortunately Zak doesn't seem able to select Presentient Algorithms without that tech. Other usefuls such as Silksteel Alloys and MMI are available though.

              This is of course all assuming the AI is limited by the mod3 rule.
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #8
                • Advanced Military Algorithms researched. The choices for our next research project were Centauri Empathy or Presentient Algorithms. The latter selected.
                • Aid Station renamed Defiance Freehold. Health Authority renamed Hero's Waypoint.
                • Cleaned out the unit workshop now that we have chaos weaponry.
                • Zak has moved a probe himself in his new base Academgorodok. I wonder what's causing him to be so smart about probe defenses.
                • A university missile noodle has landed in Vijayanagar. I wonder where he's going.
                • Laborer's Throng conquered with Spartan Kel. 4 credits diverted. Immediately traded it back to the Hive in return for a truce. He isn't interested in a treaty - might be related to us having a treacherous reputation... Kel and a B-4 have been teleported to Minas Tirith. What to do now with the forces that AFAIK were scheduled to move to the Hive?
                • B-4 near Hole of Aspiration lands in 2NS to act as police - 2NS worker is now able to be placed on new forest.
                • B-4 in MT flies to FB for repairs.
                • Mind worm flamed near the Ironholm hunting arena. Our worm grew to pre-boil.
                • Probe team escorts a Uni CP.

                • I got the option to change OA F-6 production for free towards F-8 after the chaos prototype was completed.
                • VIJ nutrient worker relocated to a forest, now the nutrient tanks are full.
                • Tegean condenser farmed relocated to a forest. Production set to a crawler. (ok?)
                • Fort Libertar worker changed into a librarian to avoid riots when the base popbooms to size 9.
                • Set Fort Soup to bioenhancement center production?
                • How about hurrying a tree farm in Argos?
                • Messenan librarian relocated to a new forest.
                • Bioenhancement center in FB, and tree farm in GH hurried with a crawler.

                • Kelp growth near Gythium Harbour. Forest growth near SC1 & Assassin's Redoubt.
                • Crater tile defungicized. Forest over it?
                • Forest planted near 2NS. Should we start on condenser farms on those nutrient boni now?
                • Mine completed near AU. A bunch of crawlers now placed on the empty mines near AU.
                • Forest plantation begun near MSN.
                • Some formers near FS are moving to a rocky tile to mine it.
                Attached Files
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • #9

                  -- Tree Farm in Argos: I'd prefer a Forest in AU first.

                  -- Crater tile: I don't know the % of forest spreading into clear or fungus tiles. if significantly different, then let's forest the tile before moving to another one.

                  -- 2NS: I'd say we let the formers forest and we'll build a farm and a creche later. Better former-time efficiency. Or, if we really want more nuts fast, a seaformer.

                  -- Rush the crawler in ARC? (and also in Kel and B-112?)
                  From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vishniac
                    -- Tree Farm in Argos: I'd prefer a Forest in AU first.
                    For the record, I calculated the profits yesterday:

                    AU hybrid forest 24 rows cost
                    11 energy:
                    5 credits -> 10-4=6 credits
                    6 labs -> 24 labs -> 28.8 labs

                    Argos tree farm/CC/rec commons/two (clean) CDFs 25 rows
                    to size9: 6 x 2-2-1 + 3 labs
                    12 minerals
                    2 credits
                    10.8 labs

                    -- 2NS: I'd say we let the formers forest and we'll build a farm and a creche later. Better former-time efficiency. Or, if we really want more nuts fast, a seaformer.
                    All non-fungal tiles are already forested. So we'd need to clear fungus first. Is that ok?
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #11
                      So, it depends on what we want:
                      AU for more labs or Argos for minerals (=crawlers).

                      As for 2NS, defungussing is ok. Is the former already fungicide? If not, we should consider upgrading it
                      From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vishniac
                        As for 2NS, defungussing is ok.
                        I'll let you move those formers then.
                        Edit: 2NS already has a creche btw. No nutrient surplus though.

                        Is the former already fungicide? If not, we should consider upgrading it
                        Nope, not fungicidal. Though how about waiting with upgrading, if we might get clean reactors from the Corporation soon? Then we could kill two flies with one hit.

                        I'll play the turn a bit further now. Though - once again - I probably won't be able to finish it. I have my second and last exam the sixth of september, and I'll be in Gent tomorrow evening without internet access.
                        Last edited by Maniac; September 4, 2005, 19:34.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • #13
                          • Forestation begun in the crater.
                          • Mine under construction east of Sparta Command.
                          • New MT former moves NE-NE. I assume a forest there would be nice.
                          • Two formers south of SC1 move to some empty tiles for road building.
                          • Tomcat-SCW2 continues on its forestation task near GH.
                          • New GH former decided to go plant some forest north of SC2.
                          • Crawlers hurried in ARC, B112, Kel Harbour,
                          • SC2's and OA's mineral production needed to be reduced to prevent waste. Some crawler shuffling, worker wizardry and unit rehoming acrobatics done to achieve this end.
                          • Damaged Vijayanagaran rover moves to Iaci Base for repairs (though I just realized it would have been faster to move to the monolith to the north...). The F-6 in VIJ deals with the mind worm.
                          • No worm hunting luck in Southern Arcadia.
                          • The SCC Njord did a quick exploration of Mart Pact. Defenses still the same, except for a commando Beaver B-6 needlejet that has landed there. The Njord then moved to cover the Disco Volante which is now in range of Mart Pact...
                          • Three rovers and a probe team board on the SNC Heimdall, which together with the SCC Minas Tirith and a B-4 as escort also hides in the fungus, should we wish to invade Mart Pact next turn.
                          • A bunch of needlejets converge at Fort Sol.
                          • Some probe movements in Southern Arcadia to fill in for the Fort Sol probe who boarded the Heimdall.
                          • The SNC Tiger's Claw sails back in the general direction of Vladivostok.
                          • Rolling Thunder II and 2NS probe defenses return to their normal duties, disappointed with the early end of the second Hive-Spartan war.
                          • F-6 in 2NS crosses the ocean for the umpteenth time.
                          • SCC Iaci sails south. There it can guard our borders where hunting for IoDs at the same time.

                          There's some military stuff left to do, so if I can't play the turn further, don't forget to do so!

                          Some suggestions/questions:
                          • There are two B-6s in Kel Harbour. Do we want to fly them to Hero's Waypoint to possibly help in Mart Pact bombing? Or would that be overkill and should they just patrol the Southern Arcadian Ocean?
                          • With the Hive war already done, the Isle of the Deep and the SCC Invincible are kinda jobless. Perhaps one suggestion for the IoD: move through the Hive-Gaian strait and explore that black bloc between the Angels and Gaians?
                          • If we want to build a hybrid forest in AU, the crawler south of AU on the condenser farm can be upgraded to a Builder Bob Mk11.
                          Last edited by Maniac; September 4, 2005, 21:26.
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • #14
                            Here's a new attachment. I noticed I forgot to hurry the bioenhancement center in Fort Buster a little.
                            Attached Files
                            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                            • #15
                              If nobody else, then I'll finish and post the turn.
                              I can do it this evening or wait until tomorrow morning for last minute suggestions.
                              I'd prefer faster but...

                              For now, I'll wait before opening the turn, for fear of being accused of tampering.

                              So, still to be made:
                              - move formers around 2NS
                              - send a B-6 to Hero's Waypoint and patrol the Gaian border with the other
                              - explore with the IoD
                              - hurry (a little) bio-center in FB
                              - upgrade a former at AU
                              - bring back rover & probe on our side of the Hiverian border (or directly into 2NS)
                              Last edited by vishniac; September 5, 2005, 07:42.
                              From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!

