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MY - 2184 - Planning and execution thread

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  • MY - 2184 - Planning and execution thread

    First observations after a quick survey of the turn:

    -- No forest expansion this turn. I'm disappointed!
    -- We are now listed first in Population, with 130 votes.
    -- Research rate is now 11 turns.

    -- Morgan has got Intellectual Integrity. Should have been by trade or stealing for he's now at 5 turns to getting MMI.

    -- No answer from either the Gaians or the Angels...
    -- Morgan asks "what kind of tech" we can offer for what we want.

    -- the seaformer at GH has finished its kelp farm. I propose another kelp on the energy bonus in Minas Tirith area.

    More to come this evening.
    From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!

  • #2
    PM from the gaians:

    sent by Chaos Theory to Googlie

    ACDG diplomacy

    1) Perhaps instead of askng us what we'd like, you could propose which techs you'd be willing to trade.

    2) We haven't come to a consensus on the price of granting you universal infiltration. You realize, of course, that the governorship is often granted to the weak, rather than the strong, as evidenced by Lal. When are you planning on holding elections, anyway?


    • #3
      It's reassuring that the Gaians and Morgan are asking "what techs?" - thus indicating (or bluffing) that neither has us infiltrated (nor the Angels, as the Gaians would be able so see our techs via their third party Pactmate status, if we were infiltrated by the A's

      As regards tech trades, if we were to go that route this turn, I'd suggest:

      For Bio-engineering from Morgan - Planetary Economics (Hybrid Forests would be most appealing to them, for the economy clout they give)

      For Centauri Empathy from the Gaians, I'd suggest the same technology - roleplay wise (which I think they are doing somewhat) it has to fit with their philosophy (Hybrid forests, again) although they are not running Green

      As an aside, Morgan also has Superstring Theory - must have purloined that from the Hive

      And the Gaians are researching "None" which means that they got Polysoft via an AA, trade or steal


      • #4
        Originally posted by Googlie
        It's reassuring that the Gaians and Morgan are asking "what techs?" - thus indicating (or bluffing) that neither has us infiltrated (nor the Angels, as the Gaians would be able so see our techs via their third party Pactmate status, if we were infiltrated by the A's
        Have I missed something or isn't infiltration mandatory to see who has which techs?
        I just open the diplomacy window, then Share tech and I see whether there is *already has* or not.

        For Bio-engineering from Morgan - Planetary Economics (Hybrid Forests would be most appealing to them, for the economy clout they give)
        Don't forget to remind them we proposed the same deal a few turns ago, and if they had accepted, they would now own the Ascetic Virtues. Instead of, we now own the AV and not the Longevity Vaccine, giving us even more advantages. Thus, refusing the deal only hurt them.

        For Centauri Empathy from the Gaians, I'd suggest the same technology - roleplay wise (which I think they are doing somewhat) it has to fit with their philosophy (Hybrid forests, again) although they are not running Green
        I am very reluctant to give a tech for CentEmp that we'll get for free in 3 turns.
        As sometimes said: Let them do their own research! The more tech the more time to research, but it's no reason to make gifts (especially if we plan to make them our next target).

        And the Gaians are researching "None" which means that they got Polysoft via an AA, trade or steal
        Where do you look to know which tech a non-infiltrated faction is researching?
        From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!


        • #5
          Originally posted by vishniac
          Where do you look to know which tech a non-infiltrated faction is researching?
          Here you see our own direct infiltration info on the Gaians.

          However since we have infiltrated the Corporation, and since the Corporation is pacted with the Gaians, we get some extra information. Just click on the Morganic icon while in the Gaian infiltration screen.

          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #6
            Posted by the Gaians
            2) We haven't come to a consensus on the price of granting you universal infiltration. You realize, of course, that the governorship is often granted to the weak, rather than the strong, as evidenced by Lal. When are you planning on holding elections, anyway?
            Perhaps point out that the other choice is Yang, who's not exactly weak, and on top of that hostile (and likely would veto a global trade pact)?
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #7
              Here's a turn. I just moved the worm hunting brigades near Río Rojo, Northern and Central Arcadia.
              Attached Files
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #8
                • Crater defungalization commenced.
                • Forest being planted SW of Messena, road NE of MSN, and condenser SE-SE of SN. (I know forests are generally better right now, but there was no empty roaded tile in range for the 3-former stack, so it was building a condenser, or wasting 3 former turns to movement.)
                • Forest plantation ongoing near Twonuts Strand.
                • VV crawler moves near 2NS and harvests minerals.
                • Hybrid forest hurried at last in Fort Superiority.
                • Two 2NS workers changed to librarians. The base doesn't have enough nuts right now to popboom further.
                • A Messenan worker switched to a librarian. Unless we have a hab complex there, the base can't popboom further, so nutrient surpluses are pointless there. We can switch between turns of nutrient surpluses and turns of librarians + nutrient deficits.
                • Same reason - see Vladivostok. We haven't gotten enough terraformations present there, so...
                • Did some shuffling of GH & SC2 workers to allow SC2 to popboom to size 9.
                • What to do with the two formers SE of AU?
                  - go south and plant a forest?
                  - go SE and do... something?
                  - go east and construct a mine?
                • Do we want to upgrade some crawlers near AU to hurry a research hospital/hybrid forest/whatever?
                • Same with Fort Buster. The place is flooding with crawlers, so do we want to upgrade one or two for bioenhancement center/tree Farm/...?

                Over to military command!
                Attached Files
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by vishniac
                  Have I missed something or isn't infiltration mandatory to see who has which techs?
                  I just open the diplomacy window, then Share tech and I see whether there is *already has* or not.
                  That lets us know which techs we have that any other player (whether infiltrated directly or via third-party) has.

                  But we also know which techs the Gaians have that we don't via their faction profile, clicking on the Morgan icon, as Maniac posted above. And we used to know what the Angels had, via their faction profile, and the PK icon. But now we are blind there, with the elimination of the PK's

                  Likewise, the Gaians can see what they have that we don't, by clicking on "share techs" in their diplo box with us, but they don't know what we currently have that they dont. and I'm postulating that neither do the Angels, nor Morgan (and that's why we're rushing a longstrider to that new University base - we don't want the others to get our second-hand data via University infiltration)


                  • #10
                    Miscellaneous crawler orders needed:
                    • crawler outside and in Ironholm needing orders (but an Ironholm worker should come off a 1-2-1 forest tile onto the 2/5/0 farm tile)
                    • Crawler east of GH needs orders (convoy that 4 nut condensor it's sitting on - and move the worker elsewhere?
                    • FB's new crawler, and the one northeast on the nut tile
                    • RG's new crawler


                    • #11
                      MY-2184 – Military Moves

                      Covert Operations:
                      • Newly commissioned Longstrider at Fort Sup trudges along the road to Climactic Research
                      • Covert Operations Vessel Disco Volante sailed east to take up position north of the Angels base of Heaven’s Gate and northwest of the Hive base of Yang Mine – either can be reached next turn, if we want to try and do anything cute
                      Air Command:
                      • The B-6 and B-4 at Fort Sol use up their remaining movement points flying a westward and southern recce before returning to base to repair – nothing out of the ordinary spotted
                      • Laconian Western Command F-6 (between Cwest and Csouth) sorties to Buster Ocean, then lands at Sector Craterwest
                      • The B-6 from Kel Harbour that was scouting the Gaian eastern coast returns to base
                      • Healthy B-4 from Health Authority (no pun intended) sorties west to make sure the Gaians haven’t landed any troops or probes where the old PK base they destroyed used to be on the southern coast of the Freshwater Sea (they haven’t)
                      • Healthy B-6 from same base flies CAP over the SCC Njord (see below)
                      • F-6 at Iaci base continues south to Assassin’s Redoubt
                      Naval Manoeuvers:
                      • SCC Iaci cruised around in the fungus northeast of 2Nuts Strand
                      • SCC General Tacticus, now repaired, exited Vijayanigar to fungus-trawl
                      • SCC Vlademorei tracks Disco Volante to provide some protection
                      • SCC Njord patrols the waters between Southern Arcadia and Angels land (Heaven?) – sees nothing in the fungus
                      Army Operations:
                      • Scout rover trolling the fungus in “no-mans” land southwest of Aid Station/northeast of Health Authority (names for those 2 bases?) comes up empty handed
                      • Hoplite at Mt Taygetus continues rummaging but finds nothing
                      • SNC Pegasus, with 2 Impact Infantrymen on board, rendezvouses with the SCC Invincible in the southern Arcadian Ocean – if upgraded to amphi troops, these will form an instant interdiction task force for use against the Hive or the Gaians
                      • Skanky’s Sileni (wormhunting between ARC and Bunker-112) meets a mindworm and toasts it, becoming ELITE in the process
                      Merchant Navy:
                      • Sailed the Mercury into Vladivostok where it can load up on crawlers to ferry over to Southern Arcadia
                      • Southern Arcadian task force (2 empty trannies and the SCC Minas Tirith) finish exploring that small peninsula to the Gaians southeast
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        With some worker shuffling I guess it's possible to give those crawlers around the Crater something decent to harvest, but we really need to get rid of a couple soon by hurrying some infrastructure.

                        Edit: Didn't you suggest to build a sea former last turn? That way we could get rid of one crawler. Preferably the one in FB I think.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • #13
                          or load them onto the Mercury and sail them to home to Arcadian bases and work the mines around ARC?

                          (But I agree, a better investment would be to MM creches or tree farms, or something worthwhile. We are now in a builders race with Morgan's Tree Farms)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Googlie
                            Healthy B-4 from Health Authority (no pun intended)

                            Skanky’s Sileni (wormhunting between ARC and Bunker-112) meets a mindworm and toasts it, becoming ELITE in the process

                            Did we lose sight of that Angel probe foil btw?
                            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Maniac

                              Did we lose sight of that Angel probe foil btw?
                              Yes - it was no longer in our radar when we opened the turn

