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MY-2176 Planning & Execution thread

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  • MY-2176 Planning & Execution thread

    2176 seems like it will be a somewhat routine turn as we move the 2 armadas into the staging areas just offshore the target base, and position our airforces in Iaci Base

    We do have the option of mind-controlling a couple of PK rovers, as well as getting that probe in position for a possible mind-control of another PK base (see the PW thread)

    Plus we'll change production to a flying ginfreighter at Iaci, and then pop that seapod with the Disco Volante

    And there will be build orders and possibly crawler and tomcats to be deployed. And prolly some worker reassignments (Maniac, can you review these and tell me where I might have screwed up)

  • #2
    Some suggested build orders:
    • Arcadia University: a colony pod, to be sent to Zak
    • Fort Buster: a creche (has the potential to grow fairly quickly)
    • Fort Liberty: a rec commons (has a creche, and can be grown with adequate drone-control facilities)
    • Iaci Base: a flying ginfreighter, for the Disco Volante podpopping. If unsuccessful, then a former (maybe even 2 - lots of fungus around Iaci - plus, we need to connect it to the road network from our about-to-be-expanded empire)
    • Santiago Citadel: 2 more crawlers - needs a hab complex and a tree farm/holotheater/hybrid forest for further growth and crawlers will always be useful for MM'ing)
    • Tegea Harbour: another crawler - or two (lotsa forests to work there, and same need as SC2 - can be used for eventual MM'ing)
    (If the basename didn't appear, it's 'cos it doesn't need new build orders this turn)
    Last edited by Googlie; June 21, 2005, 16:39.


    • #3
      Suggested unit moves:
      • All naval units in the Arcadia Ocean theater, proceed to pre-invasion staging points
      • All air units that can reach Iaci by turn's end to proceed there (there's a B-6 at FS that wouldn't make it - I suggest we hold that to take out any PK units that aren't mindcontrolled)
      • The Crypteia at the FL monolith to return to TH to resume covert ops defense there while the Longstrider is absent
      • move the Elite Longstrider south down the road to High Commission, and "untraceably capture" as many PK units as it encounters
      • Keep our 2 Hoplites foraging in the Arcadian Wildlife Preserve to try and scare up some mindworms
      • ditto with the Hoplite climbing Mt Taygetus
      • ditto with the unity rover on the Rio Rojo
      • One of MT's B-4's to rendezvous to CAP the Slack Alice task force creeping across the Southern Arcadian Ocean
      • pop that pod with the Disco Volante, and see what results (if an IoD, then flee)
      • Move the General Tacticus to block the channel into UN High Commission - we don't want visitors immediately after we've captured that base getting infiltration on us
      • Likewise start the Invincible south towards the Great Refuge bay to anchor there until we get Crypteia in place in captured bases (one is on the Slack Alice group, 2 in the northern task force, and the 4th is waiting in Iaci to be picked up. This turn it should exit the base to the coast to the south to be picked up by the Mercury after it unloads its cargo


      • #4
        Originally posted by Googlie [*]One of MT's B-4's to rendezvous to CAP the Slack Alice task force creeping across the Southern Arcadian Ocean
        Is this necessary? It would mean one less unit for the initial attack in MY 2177. And personally I think the idea to capture five bases is already optimistic as it is.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5
          Well - those 3 B-4's at MT can't reach Iaci in 1 turn, so couldn't participate in the 2177 attack (they'd land in 2177 and be available as a second wave in 2178

          My thought was that after its CAP mission it'd fly to 2NutsStrand and thence to Iaci, where it would land in 2179


          • #6
            Ah yes woops.
            I was thinking about a different B-4 and taskforce.
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #7
              Turn's up - and some of my unspoken fears were groundless (Morgan didn't try to mc the Mjord sitting in Aid Station's bay)

              Should I proceed with the non-contentious moves? (I see we have a mindworm waiting to be flamed right outside 2NS!!)


              • #8
                Some observations from opening the turn:
                • mindworm to be flamed at 2NS
                • do we call up Lal and see if we can get NG in trade?
                • the Gaians have just ignored our offer of Int Int for NG
                • Sector Cratersouth grows to size 4 next turn, so needs Hoplite upgraded to CDF
                • Cratersouth's worker can be taken off the 2/2/1 tile and put on a forest, and that lets Craterwest move a worker from a forest to the vacated 2/2/1 tile for faster internal growth
                • Arcadia University is at size 8 - and will grow next turn, but will be a drone. We can move a worker from the condensor farm to a forest, stalling growth, or can just wait and turn the drone into a Librarian or technician
                • if we do move the worker from the condensor farm, then we can move either an Ironholm worker to the vacated 4/1/1 tile, or move the Fort Soup crawler 2 tiles to crawl 4 nuts instead of its current 2 nuts, thereby freeing the second nut-crawler to run minerals from its forest tile
                • Fort Soup is at size 8 and will grow next turn. We might want to adjust the sliders to give 10% psych, as its Tree Farm isn't doing anything for Drone control when we run psych at 0% (+50% of zero is still zero). It'll safely grow to size 9 with that 10%
                • do we want to change to Fundy again in advance of Operation PW?
                • hmm - I see we have 3 Crypteia at Iaci Base. I wonder how that happened??
                • we can move a 2/1/0 worker at Minas Tirith onto the 4/0/0 mine to accelerate production of its crawler to eventually work that mine (6 turns versus 22)
                • Vladivostok needs its Rec Commons rushed - it'll grow to size 5 next turn
                • The General Tacticus can move to block access to the PK base UN High Commission (the Morgqan probefoil has moved - I bet it's going there)
                • Lal hasn't moved his 2 Alien Artifacts - and the neural Amplifier is getting built at his southernmost base - Temple of Sol (which is his best minerals base - not so dumb after all)
                • morgan is in full builders mode - currently constructing 6 Tree farms, 7 rec Commons, 8 Recycling Tanks, 2 crawlers and a Missile Interceptor
                Last edited by Googlie; June 22, 2005, 10:10.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Googlie
                  Some suggested build orders:
                  Arcadia University: a colony pod, to be sent to Zak
                  I'd say no. At least not yet. Pod costs 30 min et AU has 14/turn. Let's wait 2 turns (a librarian and a forest worker) and AU will be able to churn out 1 crawler/pod every 2 turns!
                  I should explain further in dedicated thread but I'd be more comfortable using our industrial base to expand itself before giving presents (I'm not convinced!)

                  The official motto of the Ministry of Infrastructure is to fully upgrade 5 bases to make them at least 20min/turn (1 former/turn) and even 30/turn (1 crawler/turn) when possible, turning them into superbases which, after, will much more speed the upgrade of 5 else bases into superbases,...and these 10 will upgrade 10,... The 5 current bases are (according to a former thread) AU, Fort Soup, Fort Buster, Santiago Citadel and Vladivostok.
                  Others should concentrate exclusively on crawlers or formers until it's their time to receive the flow of crawlers to MM like crazy 1 facility/turn.

                  Fort Buster: a creche (has the potential to grow fairly quickly)
                  One of the 5. Ok'ed!

                  Fort Liberty: a rec commons (has a creche, and can be grown with adequate drone-control facilities)
                  Not one of the 5 and the surrounding terrain doesn't seem terraformed enough. It would be pop for the sake of pop, when we seek pop giving added value. I'd say it waits for terraforming forests. Crawler or former?

                  Iaci Base: a flying ginfreighter, for the Disco Volante podpopping. If unsuccessful, then a former (maybe even 2 - lots of fungus around Iaci - plus, we need to connect it to the road network from our about-to-be-expanded empire)
                  Ok! To make a former in 4 turns instead of 5, it needs to relocate the river worker to a forest.

                  Santiago Citadel: 2 more crawlers - needs a hab complex and a tree farm/holotheater/hybrid forest for further growth and crawlers will always be useful for MM'ing)
                  One of the 5. Ok'ed!

                  Tegea Harbour: another crawler - or two (lotsa forests to work there, and same need as SC2 - can be used for eventual MM'ing)

                  -- AU: Like said,let's let it make a librarian! All the superbases will eventually need a specialist anyway (enhanced by Tree Farm and Hybrid Forest) if we want to go to pop 14 (with Longevity vaccine and its -2 drones).
                  -- Mmmhh, Fort Soup! With 3 more forest workers, it can build a crawler/turn! I tell you the investment in the Hybrid Forest will be mmmmhhh (Vishniac thinks of a hamburger! ).
                  -- Rushing Rec Commons at Vladivostok: I'd say yes, but it depends what our liquidities are after we mind control the rovers,perhaps UN High Commission, and we upgrade units (By the way, do we upgrade the B-4s to B-6s before the attack? Seems prudent!). Don't mistake the Ministry of Infrastructure with the Finance Ministry!
                  From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Googlie [*]Fort Buster: a creche (has the potential to grow fairly quickly)
                    How so? Where will FB get its nutrients?
                    For the same reason - lack of nutrients - I don't really understand why we're building a creche in IH and a rec commons in OA (before it even has a creche).
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Googlie [*]Fort Soup is at size 8 and will grow next turn. We might want to adjust the sliders to give 10% psych, as its Tree Farm isn't doing anything for Drone control when we run psych at 0% (+50% of zero is still zero). It'll safely grow to size 9 with that 10%
                      A lot of minerals at FS will be lost this turn due to the 10-min carry-forward limit. So how about changing the 0-6-6 borehole worker into a librarian for this turn? Some energy will be lost, but less than spending 10% psych I assume.

                      [*]we can move a 2/1/0 worker at Minas Tirith onto the 4/0/0 mine to accelerate production of its crawler to eventually work that mine (6 turns versus 22)
                      An alternative to get the mine worker immediately could be:

                      Move GH crawler on (61.27) to (60.30).
                      Move VV crawler on (61.21) three tiles south to (61.27).
                      Move VV crawler on (64.18) to (61.21).
                      Move SC2 crawler on (60.16) to (64.18).
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vishniac
                        Not one of the 5 and the surrounding terrain doesn't seem terraformed enough. It would be pop for the sake of pop, when we seek pop giving added value. I'd say it waits for terraforming forests. Crawler or former?
                        A rec commons there would support two extra forest workers. Why's that not added value?

                        Btw, may I suggest to let FS instead of Argos work the (80.18) forest? Now the extra energy is lost to inefficiency.

                        Everything else seems good to me.

                        Edit: Well, except then for changing to Fundamentalism.
                        I can see three drawbacks:
                        • We'll be unable to popboom
                        • Everyone will know we're up to something.
                        • IIRC factions are more likely to surrender to someone with their favourite ideology (in Lal's case democracy).
                        Last edited by Maniac; June 22, 2005, 20:25.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Maniac
                          How so? Where will FB get its nutrients?
                          FB cxurrently supports 3 pops with 6 nuts. Within its radius are 2 unusd tiles (ne/ne and e/ne) that provide another 5 nuts. If we move cratersouth's 2/2/1 worker off that tile and onto one of its 1/2/1 tiles, that's another 2 nuts. even without de-fungussing the crater rim, that's another 7 nuts and 3 pops, without even resorting to crawling nuts. IMHO it's a better prospect than many other bases

                          For the same reason - lack of nutrients - I don't really understand why we're building a creche in IH
                          I suggested that AU gives up the condensot farm - that's 2 extra pops to Ironholm if it has a creche (and those 2 extra workers generate another 2 nuts for a sixth citizen)

                          and a rec commons in OA (before it even has a creche).
                          That latter one has me confused as well - it even has stagnant growth (and it was 2 turns ago that it was placed in the build orders)

                          I'm wondering if we were planning a recycling tanks and I just goofed? (I can't look at the 2174 planning thread until I close this, so there might be a subsequent edit)


                          • #14
                            Some non-contentious moves:

                            Naval Manoeuvers
                            • Changed Iaci's build orders to a flying ginfreighter, and then popped the pod with the Disco Volante. Got an IoD, so scuttled off to the northeast
                            • Moved the 3 task forces into their 2176 staging positions
                            • moved the General Tacticus to block the access to UN High Commission
                            Unit moves
                            • the Discplined CDF at 2NS flamed the mindworm and got a morale boost to hardened
                            • the Unity Rover on the Rio Rojo ran up and down the river bed, but nothing materialized
                            • ooh - neat. the Hoplite at Taygetus stepped further into the fungus (nothing) but the formers completed their farm at Messena, and Taygetus fungus shrunk a bit!!
                            • The 2 Hoplites in the Northern Arcadian Fungus trudge onwards, but nothing is stirring
                            • Rummaged in the fungus between Iaci and TH with the sporelauncher (can bombard UN High Commission next turn - or a PK Unity Rover - as needed) and the Hoplite patrolled the fungus covered river, but, again, nothing
                            Air Force:
                            • returned the B-4 that destroyed the IoD beside the SCC Invincible to Iaci
                            • Upgraded the B-4 at Iaci to a B-6 (60 credits)
                            • Landed the B-4 at Iaci that was crossing the Arcadian ocean from 2NS
                            • Returned the scrambled F-6 to Cratersouth (I had put it "on alert" and the AI sent it foraging)
                            • Returned the CAP B-4 to Minas Tirith
                            EDIT: save deleted as later version below
                            Last edited by Googlie; June 23, 2005, 01:05.


                            • #15
                              some additional moves:
                              • executed the Maniac Crawler Dance (got the mine worked, but didn't accelerate MT's build of its next crawler)
                              • took a Vlad worker off the seakelp farm onto a forest, and rushed the rec commons for 6 credits (it'll grow from 4 to 5 next turn and needs the facility)
                              • brought the Crypteia back from the FL monolith to Tegea Harbour, to free up the Longstrider there next turn
                              • switched the FS and Argos forest workers to conserve energy
                              • switched the craterwest and cratersouth workers to stimulate craterwest's growth slightly
                              • called Lal - he wants PE but won't trade NG - "Wait until I have completed the NA project ..."
                              • Sortied the F-6 south to finish astride the UNHQ - Planning Authority road - as suggested elsewhere, it can land in a captured base and provide interceptor cover against that Temple of Sol B-6 of Lal's (btw, it overflew 2 PK colony pods - it'd be nice to mind-control them, too!!!)
                              fresh save attached. Some crawler and former orders needed, as well as build orders

                              Edit:.sav deleted as endturn.sav now posted on page 2
                              Last edited by Googlie; June 24, 2005, 01:13.

