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MY 2171 Planning & Execution Thread

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  • MY 2171 Planning & Execution Thread

    Some suggestions:

    Build orders
    • AU: set to CDF
    • Hurry GH & FL.

    • Switch the new SC3 CDF with the SC2 CDF in SC4. Rehome the SC2 CDF to SC3.
    • Land the SC1 B-4 that's currently flying above Messena in Messena. Fly the SC1 B-4 currently in Messena to SC3, and rehome it to SC3.
    • Rehome the VV hoplite in SC1 to SC1.
    • Move the hoplite in SC3 to FB.
    • Move the hoplite in FB to RG.
    • Move the hoplite in RG in the direction of Messena.
    • I think the quickest way to get the fungal gin freight to Northern Arcada would be move it two tiles north back into Iaci Base. Then move the SNC Heimdall (after transferring its current cargo to the Pegasus) into Iaci Base, load up the freight and a crypteia, and sail off again. Oh I realized, we could also dock the Heimdall at Argos instead of Tegea Harbour. Then the fungal freight could move to every Arcadian base except Fort Liberty. So it's a matter of choice and preparation where to build the Ascetic Virtues, if things work out with the Angels...

    Engineering Corps
    • Tomcat-TH: move a tile SW to build a road
    • Tomcat-FS: move a tile E to build a road
    • New Tomcat-VV: what to do? Some options:
      -> move NW and build a road then forest on the flat tile
      -> move N and start building a condenser on the farmed rolling tile
      -> go help all other formers building condenser farms around the Eurotas Valley.
    • Still planning to build airbases on (50.8) and (47.17)?

    Crawler corps
    • Move the VV crawler on (65.15) S-SW to the mine emptied by the trancesynth crawler.
    • Move the (66.10) crawler to the (65.15) mine.

    Worker relocations
    • Vladivostok: move the forest worker to the farm emptied by the crawler.
    • Arcadia University: get a +2 nutrient surplus by relocating foresters to rainy tiles.
    • Olympus Academy: move the solar farm worker to the new river forest NE of SC2.
    • Gythium Harbour: move the (56.18) forester to (54.20). GH will have a nutrient shortage, but I'm sure we'll have the terraformation to solve it before the nutrient tanks are empty.
    • Santiago Citadel: move the 2-0-0 worker to the 3-1-2 solar farm. Move the new popboomed worker to the empty forest E of SC4. Move the crater farm worker to the forest west of SC2.
    • Fort Buster: move the crater farmer to the other crater farm emptied by SC2.
    • Sector Craterwest: place the new worker at the crater farm.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

  • #2
    Re: MY 2171 Planning & Execution Thread

    Originally posted by Maniac
    Build orders
    AU: set to CDF

    Worker relocations
    Arcadia University: get a +2 nutrient surplus by relocating foresters to rainy tiles.
    I wondered why. So I tried that in the sim. And...OUCH!
    So that's the famous popbooming: one pop-point more every turn! Can someone explain me the mechanism? (I think we reached 100% growth with Democracy+Planned+Creche).
    From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!


    • #3
      1) You need a two nutrients surplus in the base in question
      2) You need +6 SE Growth. In SMAX (or SMAC updated with the XP patch IIRC) this can be obtained by any combination of the following as long as it adds up to the magic number six:
      • Inherent faction Growth boni
      • Social Engineering choices: Democratic, Planned, Eudaimonic
      • Children's Creche: +2 Growth
      • Golden Age: +2 Growth
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4
        Or the Cloning Vats (gives an extra pop every turn to a base that has a +2 nuts and adequate hab facilities)


        • #5
          Aaah, now I see, awesome - I had no idea! Let's pop-boom


          • #6
            may I suggest to the editors of the phalanx to do a report on our recent pop-boom?

            Maybe something to do with soldiers returning home after the morganic wars? Or optimism within the federation about a new era of peace? (althought we know thats not gonna last long )
            -=/+\ Wuy3 /+\=-


            • #7
              MY-2171 – early moves
              • Disco Volante pops pod, gets a sonar buoy – reveals a Gaian coastal base. Pops by to have a look, but there’s a probe defender. Also reveals an Angel probe foil in the bay (pic attached)
              Attached Files


              • #8
                MY-2171 moves cont …….
                Fleet deployment
                • SCC Iaci pops that PK seapod, - Nothing useful
                Secret Projects
                • Planetary Datalinks completed at Santiago Citadel
                • Called lal – he wants Doc init, but won’t trade NG for it. Won’t sell us NG either , nor has he yet given it to Zak
                Unit movement
                • Unity Rover between MT and 2NS trolls fungus river, but nothing emerges
                • Moved AU’s fungi seaformer out to the seanut tile and commenced a kelpfarm
                Base production
                • Set AU’s production to a cdf – will be commissioned next turn in time to take up police duties with the new citizen
                • Tomcat at FL rushed for 5 credits
                crawler moves
                • rather than redeploy 2 forest workers, I rehomed the FS crawler at AU to AU, and put it on a 2-nut tile, will grow next turn to size 6 (also cut FS’s eco-damage from 10 to 6)
                • Moved the VV crawler on (65.15) S-SW to the mine emptied by the trancesynth crawler.
                • Moved the (66.10) crawler to the (65.15) mine
                Worker redeployment
                • Moved VV’s 1/2/1 forest worker to the 2/1/0 farm tile
                • Moved GH’s (56.18) forester to (54.20).
                • Moved the OA solar farm worker to the new river forest NE of SC2
                • Moved the SC2 2-0-0 worker to the 3-1-2 solar farm. Moved the new popboomed worker to the empty forest E of SC4. Moved the crater farm worker to the forest west of SC2
                • Moved FB’s crater farmer to the other crater farm emptied by SC2
                • Moved Sector Craterwest’s new worker at the crater farm


                • #9
                  lots more moves to make, but some questions to be answered:

                  Our western fleet & Task Force .... send it thru the Styx to get to Lal's western coast, so that we can project force there?

                  Our eastern Fleet (at Gagarin Memorial) - orders for them? Coastal patrol to reinforce our MoDo Doctrine (jowever it pans out)?

                  Our Southern fleet & task force (after transferring from the Heimdall) - turn south and head for lalaland, or proceed to 2NS as originally planned?

                  Our Air Force - standby, or active patrolling? (and if the latter, then in which theaters of operation)


                  • #10
                    Post overtaken by events
                    Last edited by Googlie; May 19, 2005, 10:14.


                    • #11
                      Re: MY 2171 Planning & Execution Thread

                      Turn looks great. I played a little further, just executing the hoplite dance described in the first post (and putting the sporelauncher to sleep to heal in the fungus).

                      • Switch the new SC3 CDF with the SC2 CDF in SC4. Rehome the SC2 CDF to SC3.
                      • Land the SC1 B-4 that's currently flying above Messena in Messena. Fly the SC1 B-4 currently in Messena to SC3, and rehome it to SC3.
                      • Rehome the VV hoplite in SC1 to SC1.
                      • Move the hoplite in SC3 to FB.
                      • Move the hoplite in FB to RG.
                      • Move the hoplite in RG in the direction of Messena.

                      edited to remove old savefile
                      Last edited by Googlie; June 7, 2005, 11:29.
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Googlie
                        SCC Iaci pops that PK seapod, - Nothing useful
                        An original copy of "Lady Deirdre's Lover"?
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • #13
                          LOL - i actually don't remember what it was 9even though i was running word parallel to the game to note moves as they happened. ity wasn't a sonar pop. 'cos the message comes up on that 9as it did with the Disco volante) and wasn't energy or a facs completion

                          By default, must have been a kelp pop, although i don't see anything different between 2170.sav and 2171 current
                          Last edited by Googlie; May 18, 2005, 12:09.


                          • #14
                            Then we'd see kelp?
                            Edit: Ah, just read your edit.
                            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                            • #15
                              Moving along:
                              • Moved Western assault force into the Styx - anchored in great Collective bay
                              • returned the MT CAP B-4 to base the long way - seems that yang has reduced his border patrol significantly
                              • sent an MT B-4 to CAP for the Western assault force at GC bay
                              • sent the B-4 providing ocean CAP to SC4
                              • Sent the B-4 that was providing Straits of laconia CAP to MT
                              • Offloaded heimdall's cargo, and sent it to pick up the ginfreighter, then parked it with the SCC Iaca for protection
                              • Moved the )now loaded) trannie south to the energy fungus seatile outside UN Planning Authority, and teamed it with the Invincible for protection
                              • Moved 2NS's B-4 to Iaci Base
                              • Iaci's maurauding hoplite trolled the fungus rived - nothing emerged
                              • Sent MT's B-6 south as far as Labourer's Throng to check for Hive units, then parked it over our forest-mineral tile
                              Last edited by Googlie; May 19, 2005, 10:13.

