A question re the SP's
Given the instabuild feature of having 2 speeder trance synthcrawlers (for the MCC) how about the following for the Command Nexus:
Use the current synthcrawler, and then 1 of the AA's. Move the worker from the 4 mienral mine to the 7 mineral mine. That leaves 51 minerals needed to complete.
Upgrade the current crawler sitting in OA to an unarmoured trance crawler (50 minerals, 50 ec's, leaving 195 ec's) and add that to the CN build. Then swap the garrison scout with Sparta Command's and rehome it there, thus freeing up that last mineral for CN completion in 2150. That way we save an AA either for cashing in for a tech in one of the captured Uni bases' netnodes, or to accelerate the CDF build when we get Int Int
Plus, with 195 still in the kitty, we still have enough to upgrade the 3 rovers to impact (50 for the Warwag laser rover and 60 for the two scout rovers) even without the 27 ec's we'll get from Morgan next turn.
(btw, do we/should we owe/offer him any reparations for destroying that armored probe defender?)
Given the instabuild feature of having 2 speeder trance synthcrawlers (for the MCC) how about the following for the Command Nexus:
Use the current synthcrawler, and then 1 of the AA's. Move the worker from the 4 mienral mine to the 7 mineral mine. That leaves 51 minerals needed to complete.
Upgrade the current crawler sitting in OA to an unarmoured trance crawler (50 minerals, 50 ec's, leaving 195 ec's) and add that to the CN build. Then swap the garrison scout with Sparta Command's and rehome it there, thus freeing up that last mineral for CN completion in 2150. That way we save an AA either for cashing in for a tech in one of the captured Uni bases' netnodes, or to accelerate the CDF build when we get Int Int
Plus, with 195 still in the kitty, we still have enough to upgrade the 3 rovers to impact (50 for the Warwag laser rover and 60 for the two scout rovers) even without the 27 ec's we'll get from Morgan next turn.
(btw, do we/should we owe/offer him any reparations for destroying that armored probe defender?)