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Logs of Boardroom Discussions

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  • Logs of Boardroom Discussions

    August 7, 2004 - Googlie, Kassiopeia and Zeiter

    [Sat Aug 07 21:34:15 PDT 2004].
    Captain Kassi Hello.
    > Hi there
    Captain Kassi sir
    > So I moved the rolling thunder rover 1 tile north then popped that pod -
    and Zak was sitting outside in a trannie
    Captain Kassi one north, got it
    > then pop
    Captain Kassi okay, now he's asking for Yang's commlink, what do I
    Captain Kassi give it to him?
    > yes - for 20 ec's > now he'll ask for flex > that's where I've stalled
    Captain Kassi I get the option of Flex for Planetary Networks. This is
    because I selected Nonlinear Math at a pop-up in the beginning.
    [Sat Aug 07 21:37:31 PDT 2004] Zeiter has no profile.
    > ask for gene splicing in exchange and see what he does
    Zeiter yeah, try that
    Captain Kassi I can only ask for PlanNets.
    > hey Zeiter
    Zeiter hey
    > but we have plan nets
    Captain Kassi There was this prompt in the beginning when I loaded.
    > aha
    Captain Kassi I'll reload and pick PlanNets, I picked NonMath.
    > right
    Captain Kassi Hang on a second.
    > OK
    Zeiter Ah, yeah, that would change things
    > isn't this great
    Zeiter yeah, wer'er finally getitng to use this!
    > boy - if we could get Gene Splicing
    Captain Kassi I quit, I'll try again now.
    > lift the nut restrictions
    > OK
    Zeiter yeah, then we'd be so close to syth fossil fuels
    Captain Kassi Okay, I did it the right way around now. No dice, "I can
    not trust you with that information".
    > If Kass gets the trade I'lla sk him to go in and see if we could change
    our research to ecol eng - see if that choice comes up
    Zeiter well, at least he doesn't declare war on us
    > aha at least we know we can probe that tech, anyway
    Captain Kassi Yeah, he stays Ambivalent, even after I said "make a
    trade or stop wasting my time"
    > so I'll go ahead and ask for the trade then
    Captain Kassi Well, I don't know, all I know is it didn't work here
    > same response, so I'll do the "stop wasting my time" reply as well
    Captain Kassi Should I ring up Yang and see if I could do something
    fancy with him now that were here?
    Zeiter Like what do you have in mind?
    > Hang on - is Zak still live on your screen?
    Captain Kassi Yeah, the "i believe we're finished" and stuff
    Captain Kassi You get to make choices, that is.
    Captain Kassi Want me to try to ask him again?
    > can you make another proposal?
    Zeiter yeah, sometimes that works,oddly enogh
    > no - ask for lal's commlink
    Zeiter ooh, yeah, good idea
    Captain Kassi What do I offer in return?
    > well, we have 60 ec's, or we could offer Mobility
    Captain Kassi we could try both?
    > maybe he'll ask for 25 ec's
    Captain Kassi I'll offer EC first
    Captain Kassi He'll sell it for 25
    > naw - he'll say "and what do you offer in return
    > and reply "maybe some ec's
    > he'll name a number
    Captain Kassi Yeah, did that, he wants 25
    Zeiter we could afford it
    Zeiter no switching to planned then, though
    Captain Kassi Then agian, he will probably get Mobility sooner or later
    > Question - do we buy it? - we now have 35 in the kitty - maybe we can
    sell yang's to lal for 20 or 25, still change to planned nthis turn
    > do it
    Captain Kassi Buy for 25?
    > yes
    Captain Kassi And then ring up Lal?
    Zeiter yeah, see what Lal does
    Captain Kassi ok
    > no - see if he'll trade anything for Mobility, or offer a treaty
    Captain Kassi "Do we have any other business". Should I ask him for
    something else? A tech trade?
    > yes - what will he give for mobility
    Captain Kassi What should I ask for?
    Captain Kassi Oh right, yes, tech
    > Meanwhile I'll go ahead and replicate this in the live turn
    Captain Kassi Our sociopathic people can not, in Zak's opinion,
    produce anything of value. Oh well.
    Captain Kassi I'll ring up Lal and see what happens.
    Captain Kassi Quarrelsome. Wants DocFlex, choice to get IndBase
    in return
    > LOL - I offered him a treaty and he wants Flex for it
    Captain Kassi Oh, right, didn't offer a treaty meself
    > OK - Zak's signed off - the rover popped a monolith, so now it's 100 %
    Captain Kassi So do I trade DocFlex for IndBase or just tell him to
    shove it?
    Zeiter Ind base is kind of out of the way for us right now, right?
    > shove it, I'd say (it's not the official turn so there are no repercussions
    > No
    > wait
    Captain Kassi IndBase is vital for IndAut is it not?
    > accepot the trade
    Captain Kassi ok
    Captain Kassi err, wait
    Captain Kassi I suggested that he give IndBase in return, right.
    > yes - and then maybe we can further tarde - or even sign a pact - we
    have to get to know where he is
    Captain Kassi And he accepted. (!)
    Captain Kassi Still Quarrelsome, I can talk more.
    Captain Kassi Should I sell Yang's link?
    > ask if he's interested in further trading under the same terms
    > is he asking for it
    Captain Kassi I don't get the option
    Captain Kassi No he's not
    Captain Kassi So, I got the three options, and there was no further
    training yada yada
    Captain Kassi Now I'm in the screen where you get to propose a deal
    > I don't think Ind Base is worth Doc Flex, but it might have been if it had
    led to other techs from lal
    > ask for a pact
    Captain Kassi We aren't treatied yet
    Captain Kassi He didn't suggest it
    > a treaty then
    Captain Kassi I'll offer the treaty first
    Captain Kassi And in return?
    > and say "whatever your price is" when he asks what's in it for him
    Captain Kassi cannot be bought etc.
    > of course - the highly ethical lal
    Captain Kassi he's quarrelsome and refuses a treaty, I don't see a
    pact in the horizon
    Zeiter Maybe try "goodwill and friendship"? lol
    Captain Kassi He quit. Should i reload and try to sell him the
    commlink to Yang?
    > right - a tech is rthe same as a bribe, so that's out
    > OK - worth a try
    Zeiter do we want Yang to have their commlinks?
    Captain Kassi What' was that talk about "whatever your price is" and
    "goodwill and friendship" being the other way around?
    Zeiter Because then the other human teams can get Zak's and Lal
    commlink through Yang
    > he'll get it from Zak, so we may as well try and get some ec's for it
    Zeiter ah yes, he already has Zaks
    > Yang will then be just missing gaia, else he'd call elections
    Zeiter that would be interesting
    Zeiter everyone would instantly meet everyone else
    Zeiter do we want that?
    > while we're here, I'll go ahead and move the 2 rovers on the southern
    monolith 1 tile southwest then 1 east, as set out in the orders thread?
    Captain Kassi Hmm
    Zeiter Yep
    Captain Kassi How did I offer an AI a commlink? Research data?
    > I believe so
    Zeiter yeah
    Captain Kassi He wants PlanNet
    > Unless Lal gets it the instant we give it to Zak (who is slave to whom
    Captain Kassi For EC's that is
    > We shoiuld do it - everyone else has it
    Zeiter yes, I believe anything taht Lal gets, Zak would get
    Captain Kassi Okay. Lal will buy it for 25 ec's.
    > So - kass - what's the sequence and I'll follow it in the live game
    Captain Kassi Where are you now?
    Captain Kassi And what do you want to do exactly?
    > I'm free of the commlinks - Zak just hung up
    > So I call up lal
    Captain Kassi I haven't tried the shove it approach to Lal yet, I should
    do that if we don't want to do the tech trade
    > shoot - I don't have lal's commlink - the version I'm using I've already
    changed to Planned, so i only have 20 ec's in the kitty
    > Never did buy lal's from Zak
    Captain Kassi Agh
    > Shoot. I wonder if that justifies a reload
    Captain Kassi I'll try Shove It in any case to see if he vendettas us
    Zeiter can you edit yourself to have 25+?
    Captain Kassi Editing the actual game turn? Uhm
    > No - I'm in the live turn, not a sim
    Captain Kassi I don't think it really qualifies.
    Zeiter I know, not the live turn
    Zeiter the sim
    Zeiter is that allowed?
    Captain Kassi I'm not following you now
    Captain Kassi Why would we need 25 in the sim?
    Zeiter oh, wait, nevermind
    Zeiter sorry
    > Can I invoke the "reload for AI diplomacy" rule to justify reloading
    Captain Kassi But you didn't do AI diplomacy, you did SE
    > Oh, wait, I can change back out of planned and then see if Zak will
    answewr his commlink
    Captain Kassi What if he doesn't?
    > naw - he's ignoring me
    Captain Kassi Ehm.
    Captain Kassi For the record, Lal didn't do vendetta with the shove it
    Zeiter We can try again next turn
    Captain Kassi All in all all we would net from lal would be IndBase for
    Mob, and 25 for PlanNets for the original privilege of calling him
    Zeiter get Lal's commlink
    Zeiter not really worth it anyway
    > I was in Planned to see what the delivery times would be for colony
    pods, rovers,e ct. I fully intended to get out and wait the results of
    Zeiter's Poll
    Captain Kassi Lal wouldn't have treatied either
    Captain Kassi But why did you change to Planned in the game save,
    not the sim?
    > But Ind base and 25 ec's for Plan nets (which everyone has anyway)
    seems like a good deal
    Zeiter although wouldn't getting ind base slow down our research?
    > 'cos I was playing the turn
    > at least the non-contentious parts (up to the mnidturn save)
    Zeiter the Zak contact was really unexpected
    Captain Kassi I closed the tab which sprung up the chat window. Didn't
    know it'd close this one too.
    > then LOL - I do that occasionally too
    Zeiter hey, do we need to keep a log of this chat?
    > But at least as the site owner i can still see all the history
    Captain Kassi I don't think a log is required by rules
    Zeiter okay, that works