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Chiron (and Pholus) Peace Conference Thread

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  • Chiron (and Pholus) Peace Conference Thread

    Conference is underway, let's see what we can do and what happens.

    This thread is intended for spontaneous commentary, suggestions, feedback, requests etc.

    I'll start with a request : If anyone has a couple of minutes spare time, please load all startturns since the beginning of war and list our losses as Geo has requested. I can start this only in about 12 hours, so perhaps someone is quicker...

  • #2
    Another issue:

    What do you think of proposing to unite and attack Yang all together until he "makes peace" (= ceases to exist)?

    Reason: The Spartans need something to do with their military and the Hive is (another) major threat of peace on Planet. We have enough bases and as soon as we get MMI + BioEng we can field a massive army and defend ourselves decently.


    • #3
      Odd that this peace conference should start about the time we get airpower...


      • #4
        Coincidencts happen

        -- Any opinions towards the Hive-attack-idea from anyone?


        • #5
          I like it. Recommend minimum Morgan military commitment, and be vary wary of a Spartan backstab.

          -- CTO #endgame
          #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

          Quantum P. is a champion:


          • #6
            Sparta is demanding something in excess of 600 credits for peace. If we spend that money to gain peace, what other gain will we notice? Giving Sparta both that, and the oportunity to grab large portions of Hive Territory is not what I would call wise.

            For now the spartans will continue to build ships to send at us, but I'd say that with our tacticals up they have nothing to stand on, since their planes are flying suicide runs and some of ours will survive. I think we should see how the air war goes to see if we can force better terms on sparta.

            Also it seems likely that given the nature of their demands the Spartans are not interested in peace.
            Last edited by Whoha; April 30, 2005, 22:20.


            • #7
              I also still wonder why they want peace, except to confuse us. However, they did not fire a shot this turn.


              • #8
                Make a point to mention that every Spartan that has "officially" perished(if they want to play games about probe teams), died as a result of Spartan fire, from the Hunter on down, and that we will not compensate them for their actions.


                • #9
                  Don't give them peace for that kind of money. Rush up a defence force instead.

                  -- CTO #endgame
                  #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

                  Quantum P. is a champion:


                  • #10
                    Ditto, don't give them the money.

                    It wasn't me, but someone here said they might kill us, but they won't get our money (or something like that). It sounds right.

                    We give them the money, we die. We don't give them the money, we die.

                    Let's die fighting.



                    • #11
                      It was me.

                      -- CTO #endgame
                      #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

                      Quantum P. is a champion:


                      • #12
                        I would clearly enjoy the game more with a state of peace from now on and we certainly can afford the sum technically. I would pay 98 cr reluctantly but pay.

                        We might not win - either way, but it would be more enjoyable and motivating for me as member of the Corporation (and current turnplayer) if we could actually build something and not senselessly crank out defence units ad infinitum).

                        So paraphrased differently from my point of view:
                        "We give them the money, I continue enjoying the game. We don't give them the money, I don't enjoy the game anymore.

                        I want to enjoy playing the game."

                        For example, we could start mines on Mt. Planet and have Crawler crawling minerals for several turns uninterruptedly - because otherwise we would be paralyzed soon.

                        Since Googlie talked about Air Power, I would use this remark to again pinpoint to the Hive as main aggressor and use this to get something started towards Yang.

                        (Now I understand the remark from someone way back in our first discussions on the Aimoo board. Let's discuss first and poll afterwards.)

                        Edit: Can someone please do the math for their numbers? I wasn't really active at that time so I would have to dig up ancient threads. Even a vague pinpointing at the correct mission years would be very helpful.
                        Last edited by AndiD; May 4, 2005, 16:01.

