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Spartan Diplomacy II

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  • #31
    Greetings, Col. Googlie,

    on behalf of the Corporation I would like to thank you for your open introduction of yourself and the current organization of the Federation, as well as your proposal of a 1st Planetary Peace Conference (1PPC).

    Since Chief Diplomacy Officer Mead is currently coordinating all other diplomatic efforts of the Corporation through various channels as his daily duty, the Board of Directors has decided to appoint a special spokesperson - me - to express the opinion of the Corporation in matters dealing with the 1PPC. CDO Mead and all other Boardmembers will stay closely involved with this matter of course.

    As we stated on some occasions before, the Corporation is definitely interested in peace on Planet and subsequently in taking part in the 1PCC, since "Peace is good for business" (Morganic Rules of Acquisition Rev II, No. 47). We would also accept the Data Angels as neutral party and hosts of the 1PPC.

    It is a coincidence that we are currently formulating new long term strategic business plans on corporate level just right now. Given the current state of affairs, it should not be surprising that we did not include the Federation as potential business customer yet. But first prognoses show that it would be truly beneficial for both of us if we could be allowed access to the Spartan markets and vice versa again. Just to be able to validate our prognoses before the conference starts, what would be the most important gains from the Federation point of view?

    As a sign of goodwill in the light of your proposal, what would the Federation think of ceasing attacks on Morgan units? In return, we would offer strict adherence to the Modo Doctrine in the future. Additionally, as you might have noticed we did not offensively return fire on any Spartan attack in the last years, not to worsen the - then-deteriorated - relations even more.

    Regarding the Hive, I'm sure that Chairman Yang will soon find out that the Corporation is no less a tough nut than the Federation and we are more than prepared to face his "military machine". We congratulate the Federation to persuading the Chairman to the advantages of peace, as well as to the recent acquisition of the Citizen Defense Force.

    On behalf of the Corporation
    SOO AndiD
    Looking forward to feedback to my diplomacy.


    • #32
      a nice solid diplomatic post
      What type of idiot quotes himself


      • #33
        A bit slimey, but I know the wheels of diplomacy need to be oiled

        Good job!

        Especially covering our inability to cope with the invading forces with the sentence "we did not offensively return fire on any Spartan attack in the last years, not to worsen the - then-deteriorated - relations even more"
        Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
        Let me eat your yummy brain!
        "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


        • #34
          Doesn't the alpha centauri AI have the # 1 & 2 factions hate each other's guts? I am concerned where the DAs go.

          It is worth noting that the Spartans launched their offensive the turn before we got fossil fuels, and they somehow had fossil fuels when we did, despite the fact no Yang or Uni didn't have them and Sparta's research sucks.


          • #35
            Postings in the embassy - opinions, please:

            Since peace finally reigns again between the Corporation and the Federation, we were wondering whether you'd be interested in cementing our relationship by resuming technology trades. You've got the credits. We've got the techs. What better circumstances for tech trades could there be?

            Specifically, we have Doctrine : Initiative, Adaptive Doctrine, Cyberethics and Intellectual Integrity for sale. Imminently we will be able to add Neural Grafting and Planetary Economics to that list.

            Dear Sirs:

            Regarding intercession by the Federation on behalf of the Corporation to pursue a cessation of hostilities between the Corporation and the University of Planet and the Peacekeepers, the Federation suggests the following:

            Given that the Corporation will benefit financially to a significant extent by a cessation of hostilities between them and the University and Peacekeepers, the Federation would be willing to intercede with our allies on behalf of the Corporation provided suitable recompense was paid for our efforts.

            The Junta suggests that perhaps 50 credits for each faction (100 credits in total) would persuade our ambassadors to use their good offices on behalf of the Corporation in this regard


            • #36
              Hm, does anyone has the numbers what kind of commerce we´d get if we agreed to that?

              About the tech trades: We could purchase those techs Yang doesn´t have. But don´t pay too much, you know what they´re spending their credits on...
              Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
              Let me eat your yummy brain!
              "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


              • #37
                Lal will be worthwile ~ 20-25 credits commerce per turn - I'll ask them in the embassy and send 50 credits not pre-accepted.


                • #38
                  Had a slight change of mind - not to appear over-enthusiastic about their deals.

                  The Corporation is very interested in resuming trade with Brother Lal and will gladly compensate the ambassadors of the Junta for their efforts.

                  The Corporation usually prefers performance-oriented salarys and could think of 17 ec for the preparation of a successful Truce negotiation, 17 ec for the preparation of a profitable Treaty business agreement and another 17 ec as soon as the Peacekeeper faction is willing to agree to a Pact.

                  Social Engineering-wise the Corporation runs Democracy and the Peacekeepers run Free Market, no fire has been exchanged between us yet, so this should be perfect premises for successful negotiations as soon as the Peacekeepers' amabassadors are willing to listen thanks to the Junta's suggestions.

                  Fees and salary details are open for further negotiation.


                  • #39
                    Sounds good, though I doubt they´ll go for it...
                    Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                    Let me eat your yummy brain!
                    "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                    • #40
                      We can onlly hope
                      What type of idiot quotes himself


                      • #41
                        from a post in the turn 2171 thread:

                        => There is a problem with the Spartan Modo doctrine. Some of their "8-tile border around any of their cities" covers some of our territorial waters. We should point this out to them, and have them acknowledge these regions as exceptions.
                        no sig


                        • #42
                          PM'd to Googlie


                          I've had difficulty getting into the embassy lately.

                          Although I haven't got into the embassy lately and haven't looked at the map lately either, I note that the unmodified Modo doctraine would extend into our territorial waters.
                          Is that your intention?

                          Please let me or AndId know through PM.



                          Why is Geo so upset?


                          • #43
                            Response from Googlie

                            RE: Modo and Geo


                            In answer ...........


                            I've had difficulty getting into the embassy lately.

                            Although I haven't got into the embassy lately and haven't looked at the map lately either, I note that the unmodified Modo doctraine would extend into our territorial waters.

                            Is that your intention?

                            Please let me or AndId know through PM.

                            I have put a proposal to the Junta that we scale back our doctrine to be 6 tiles from a land base. that would give us the protection we think we need as well as giving you clear egress from your ports


                            Why is Geo so upset?

                            Ah - a long story.

                            When we got them to research Int Int for us, they agreed not to build the CDF and we agreed not to build the AV

                            A couple of turns ago we asked them what we could pay/trade to be absolved of that prohibition, and they said "Nothing - you can't have it. A deal is a deal"

                            We then said: "well, we doubt that you'll get it either - we'll just sell/trade Planetary Economics to Morgan and they'll instabuild it, so why are you being so stubborn?"

                            Realpolitik, we called it. Geo didn't like it, so picked up his marbles and left.

                            My response was: "Look, it's diplomacy in action. Give Morgan something of value so that they won't build it (like we did with Ethical Calculus - we got everyone's agreement not to build the CDF)

                            But I think a few of the old ACDG-2 Pirates are in the ACDG-3 Angels, and some are still smarting over the MCC steal by the Cycon, and can see a recurrence in this game by Sparta and the Ascetic Virtues.

                            (Althouhg IIRC geo was a member of that CyCon team himself.

                            Anyway, notwithstanding tassadar's agitating for another game top start, I still see this one as having just passed its infancy stage. You've got your "Fortress Morgan" look about you now, with a huge interceptor airforce, and solid defensive troops, and we are going to try and get our infrastructure up and running to give you a builders battle

                            It promises to be an interesting next 50 or so turns .....

                            Although I am doubtful of the future, if the Board so wishes, let's accept the deal.



                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Mead
                              Response from Googlie
                              Originally posted by Googlie
                              I have put a proposal to the Junta that we scale back our doctrine to be 6 tiles from a land base. that would give us the protection we think we need as well as giving you clear egress from your ports
                              Although I am doubtful of the future, if the Board so wishes, let's accept the deal.
                              We might still be in trouble when/if they build a base closer to one of ours.

                              From the peace conference thread:

                              => As to the definition of "coastal waters", we will respect any waters that fall within boundary markers as they appear on the universal map of Chiron - waters outside such markers we will treat as open waterways.
                              => Note, however, that our MoDo Doctrine still stands. For the Federation, our prohibited area extends 8 land or maritime tiles from any Spartan or University base, unless prior agreement has been given by the Junta for a non-Spartan vessel or other unit to traverse.

                              They should just acknowledge that "coastal waters" over-rule the "Modo Doctrine". They probably think of it like this already, but it does no harm to state it explicitly.

                              If they agree, we might ultimately be able to circumvent their modo doctrine by putting sea bases in their "protected waters". Ofcourse, if they too notice this possibillity and ask about it, we didn't even think of it .
                              no sig


                              • #45
                                I sent this to Googlie. I have not heard back yet.

                                Are you going to continue to build or capture towards us?

                                What happens then?

                                Can we have a division line where we divide the distance between our respective bases in half, with each half being the territorial waters of the side closest to it?


