We have lost one battle and we have won one, too.
-- Our Scout Patrol survived attack by Alien Mindworms near Paramiria
-- Our Defence Attorney has been destroyed by a Spartan probe team (0-1-2) at Vander Eudaimonics
All Drone Riots have ended, Morgan Industries entered a Golden Age.
We have researched Adaptive Economics. Our next techs may be:
-- Doctrine: Initiative (Cruiser, MCC, Naval Yards, Amphibious Pods)
-- Polymorphic Software (Heavy Artillery)
-- Social Psych (Recreation Commons)
-- Field Modulation (Resonance-3-Armor)
Spartans sent us the Peacekeeper Commlink. I have examined our options there:
*Lal demands Industrial Economics. If we decline, he won´t talk to us anymore, meaning no treaty and no tech exchange.
-- He won´t pay anything for IndEco, neither 25ec nor Applied Physics
*When he gets IndEco, we can talk him into a treaty:
-- Either for Adaptive Economics
-- Or for 50 ec
*Once we have a treaty, he offers Applied Physics for 100 ec, which we don´t have
*He has no commlinks to trade for
*He is unwilling to enter a pact of brotherhood, no matter what we offer
*If we gift Adaptive Economics to him (after buying treaty for 50ec):
-- He will then trade Applied Physics for our Progenitor Psych
-- He still won´t enter a pact of brotherhood
We now gain 10 energy from commerce with Sparta and 7 energy from commerce with Peacekeepers.
The Fungus at the chokepoint will be removed this turn, but only AFTER the colony pod receives its orders. So remember to let it WAIT instead of hitting space (which I did)...
-- Our Scout Patrol survived attack by Alien Mindworms near Paramiria
-- Our Defence Attorney has been destroyed by a Spartan probe team (0-1-2) at Vander Eudaimonics
All Drone Riots have ended, Morgan Industries entered a Golden Age.
We have researched Adaptive Economics. Our next techs may be:
-- Doctrine: Initiative (Cruiser, MCC, Naval Yards, Amphibious Pods)
-- Polymorphic Software (Heavy Artillery)
-- Social Psych (Recreation Commons)
-- Field Modulation (Resonance-3-Armor)
Spartans sent us the Peacekeeper Commlink. I have examined our options there:
*Lal demands Industrial Economics. If we decline, he won´t talk to us anymore, meaning no treaty and no tech exchange.
-- He won´t pay anything for IndEco, neither 25ec nor Applied Physics
*When he gets IndEco, we can talk him into a treaty:
-- Either for Adaptive Economics
-- Or for 50 ec
*Once we have a treaty, he offers Applied Physics for 100 ec, which we don´t have
*He has no commlinks to trade for
*He is unwilling to enter a pact of brotherhood, no matter what we offer
*If we gift Adaptive Economics to him (after buying treaty for 50ec):
-- He will then trade Applied Physics for our Progenitor Psych
-- He still won´t enter a pact of brotherhood
We now gain 10 energy from commerce with Sparta and 7 energy from commerce with Peacekeepers.
The Fungus at the chokepoint will be removed this turn, but only AFTER the colony pod receives its orders. So remember to let it WAIT instead of hitting space (which I did)...
