Current Status
Pop 13
Social Engineering
frontier, planned, wealth, none
Pop 53
police state, planned, survival, none
Data Angels
Pop 13
frontier, planned, wealth, none
Pop 17
frontier, planned, survival, none
Pop 34
frontier, free market, wealth, none
Cash on Hand 75
Progentitore Tech
Every 4 years, one year to go.
(Are we going to feel lab truncation? What does that mean?)
Tech Cost 239, Accum 236, Per turn 61
Net Income 56 (prior to share to Sparta)
Income from Commerce 10
We owe Sparta 5 this turn.
Military Situation
I can't see the any non Morgn unit. There are no native life forms in sight (other than the fungul tower that isn't moving anytime soon).
Military Suggestions
We need *-1-2 Probes. They are the only effective defense we have. I suggest switching our production of syn rovers to probe rovers in ZZT and Impala Poly.
Let an invader try to take one of our cities. If they do, we should probe techs and units from them. The probes will cost nothing to support and are more of a threat, than any syn rover.
The syn rover might slow down an invader, but will not stop an invader. The probes will capture an invader's units.
Keep our southern probe parked in the fungus to guard the southern approach.
Keep a certain amount of cash on hand so that we can probe any enemy units that invade our territory.
Other Thoughts/Concerns
1. Change the CP to a probe foil in Morgan Mussels. Get it launched from the western shores (Morgan Mussels) as soon as possible.
2. Continue the western movemnet of that trans foil out of Morgan Mussels and towards the (hoped for) location of the Peackeepers and Uni as soon as possible.
3. Keep enough cash on hand to allow us to make use of our probes. They (their ability to buy enemy units) are the only effective defense we have.
4. Continue the crawler construction for the PEG.
5. Whohabitat - move a worker from forest square to farm square to prevent starvation.
6. Morgan Aero - move a worke from flat rainy square to forest square to get more mineral production.
7. As mentioned above, change Morgan Mussels from a CP to a Gator Boat. Rehome 'half an SP on wheels to there to help production, and have that crawler crawl a safe forst square near Morgan Ind.
Possible Rushes this Turn
We need to send 5 ECs to Sparta to honor the treaty.
After that we have 70 ECs.
Mead Metal - CP 37 - 8 (4 min) = 29
Money Valley - CP 28 - 12 (6 min) =16
Vander Eud - Gator Boat 81 - 12 (6 min if we move a worker to a volcano square) = 69
Normally, I think we should not rush the Gator Boat in Vander Eud before the CPs, but right now I feel it is more important to launch that boat now to reach out to our neighbors, than to rush the CPs.
Pop 13
Social Engineering
frontier, planned, wealth, none
Pop 53
police state, planned, survival, none
Data Angels
Pop 13
frontier, planned, wealth, none
Pop 17
frontier, planned, survival, none
Pop 34
frontier, free market, wealth, none
Cash on Hand 75
Progentitore Tech
Every 4 years, one year to go.
(Are we going to feel lab truncation? What does that mean?)
Tech Cost 239, Accum 236, Per turn 61
Net Income 56 (prior to share to Sparta)
Income from Commerce 10
We owe Sparta 5 this turn.
Military Situation
I can't see the any non Morgn unit. There are no native life forms in sight (other than the fungul tower that isn't moving anytime soon).
Military Suggestions
We need *-1-2 Probes. They are the only effective defense we have. I suggest switching our production of syn rovers to probe rovers in ZZT and Impala Poly.
Let an invader try to take one of our cities. If they do, we should probe techs and units from them. The probes will cost nothing to support and are more of a threat, than any syn rover.
The syn rover might slow down an invader, but will not stop an invader. The probes will capture an invader's units.
Keep our southern probe parked in the fungus to guard the southern approach.
Keep a certain amount of cash on hand so that we can probe any enemy units that invade our territory.
Other Thoughts/Concerns
1. Change the CP to a probe foil in Morgan Mussels. Get it launched from the western shores (Morgan Mussels) as soon as possible.
2. Continue the western movemnet of that trans foil out of Morgan Mussels and towards the (hoped for) location of the Peackeepers and Uni as soon as possible.
3. Keep enough cash on hand to allow us to make use of our probes. They (their ability to buy enemy units) are the only effective defense we have.
4. Continue the crawler construction for the PEG.
5. Whohabitat - move a worker from forest square to farm square to prevent starvation.
6. Morgan Aero - move a worke from flat rainy square to forest square to get more mineral production.
7. As mentioned above, change Morgan Mussels from a CP to a Gator Boat. Rehome 'half an SP on wheels to there to help production, and have that crawler crawl a safe forst square near Morgan Ind.
Possible Rushes this Turn
We need to send 5 ECs to Sparta to honor the treaty.
After that we have 70 ECs.
Mead Metal - CP 37 - 8 (4 min) = 29
Money Valley - CP 28 - 12 (6 min) =16
Vander Eud - Gator Boat 81 - 12 (6 min if we move a worker to a volcano square) = 69
Normally, I think we should not rush the Gator Boat in Vander Eud before the CPs, but right now I feel it is more important to launch that boat now to reach out to our neighbors, than to rush the CPs.