I know it is way to early to speculate on this, but if angels & gaians have contact and are both in the south. That would put the Spartans in the north right next door to us. If the gaians and angels form an alliance, what would we do with the spartans?
Would we form an unholy alliance of a mighty spartan war machine backed by the research and industry of Morgan Industries bent on world domination?
Would we be uneasy neighbors whom share tech and trade purely out of necesity, but have closely watched borders?
Would we be enemies, and try to get peace and trade with whomever we can?
I know this is to early to tell how things will turn out, but we will meet our neighbor soon should we quickly build a few quick exploration foils.
Would we form an unholy alliance of a mighty spartan war machine backed by the research and industry of Morgan Industries bent on world domination?
Would we be uneasy neighbors whom share tech and trade purely out of necesity, but have closely watched borders?
Would we be enemies, and try to get peace and trade with whomever we can?
I know this is to early to tell how things will turn out, but we will meet our neighbor soon should we quickly build a few quick exploration foils.