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2138 End Turn and 2139 Discussion

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  • #16
    Originally posted by jtsisyoda
    The drone control effects of building Rec Coms, CP's, HGP, etc. are well documented and tested. The base building the HGP will get the benefit of HGP before riots are calculated for that base. (It's the same way with the CP's we've built, if you look at previous turns.) All cities later in the base list will also get the benefit of HGP.

    Here's the sequence:
    Starvation calculation (yes/no)
    Mineral calculation and construction
    Population growth
    Riot/Golden Age calculation (or end of riot/GA)

    Thus, you can build a facility or CP to prevent riots just in time. But you can't build a rec tank (or Tree Farm, etc.) to prevent starvation.

    It goes through that entire sequence for the first base on your list, then again for the second base, etc. (IWO, it doesn't do all starvation calculations for all bases, then mineral calcs for all bases, etc.)

    Thanks, good info, I agree with you.

    I'm sorry, you might be right about keeping the Hive perimeter. I haven't tried it in a while. I might be thinking of when the faction colors switch in multiplayer and it looks like you have Hive bases without perimeters.
    I think he is right about the perimeter defense. If I remember correctly, usually, it stays in place when I capture a hive base, but sometimes it is lost when I capture it.



    • #17
      By the time Planet Busters come around, PTS won't be that critical, so I don't think it's necessary to place it anywhere special. Any inland base like Mor Ind, Imp Pol, or SSR would probably be fine (and faster). For any other projects like WP, VW, etc., it would be good to spread them out.

      I'm going to leave the extra crawler in production. You never know when you'll have to switch to a scout to fend off worms or whatever. There's no reason to walk a tight rope.

      Loaning Lal some cities so he could grow them to 16 or 18 would be very interesting. I've never tried anything like that. Lal would have to be more friendly than Yang has been, though.
      "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


      • #18
        Would anyone else care to chime in on where to send the southern CP? The two choices are two squares west of RFR, or down at the chokepoint with the synth def attorney. Provide your reasoning, too, if you don't mind.

        In another thread, Drogue reminded us that trading bases with the AI is against the rules. Gifting the cities with the intention of taking them back wouldn't be allowed either.

        I agree rehoming crawlers to bases still building crawlers for PTS is a good idea. Next turn the only one not assisting with another crawler will be the one on Mt. Drogue.
        Last edited by jtsisyoda; September 28, 2004, 01:13.
        "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


        • #19
          Originally posted by jtsisyoda
          Would anyone else care to chime in on where to send the southern CP? The two choices are two squares west of RFR, or down at the chokepoint with the synth def attorney. Provide your reasoning, too, if you don't mind.

          In another thread, Drogue reminded us that trading bases with the AI is against the rules. Gifting the cities with the intention of taking them back wouldn't be allowed either.

          I agree rehoming crawlers to bases still building crawlers for PTS is a good idea. Next turn the only one not assisting with another crawler will be the one on Mt. Drogue.
          Let me clarify my thoughts about placing the CP on the chock point.

          I like having it there because it should keep Yang from building more bases closer to us (plus it helps our land grabbing).

          I like having that fungus barrier between Yang and us.

          Placing a base south of the fungus barrier means it will be more likely that we will have more contact with Yang.

          If we place the base on the chockpoint it will need to be well defended so Yang would not seek to attack it. This could be expensive. I am thinking, at least 1 probe, well armoured infantry, perimeter, children's creche, at least one (preferably 2 or more) sensor nearby, command center. We could road one square south and pack some rovers in the base to strike out and then return to the base each turn. If we do plant the base on the chokepoint and harden it well, it will give us a good launching pad for probe actions and a future invasion of the Hive should one promise to be profitable.

          We should also plan on linking it with the rest of our empire.



          • #20
            In the event the base does it captured, we can mind control it back at half cost (quarter cost if in rebellion) in addition to any military units in or adjacent to it, and we might get to keep a free perimeter defense (a 100 EC value).

            I do have to agree about a lower chance of encountering Yang.

            I would like to get some forest there to slowly remove the fungus. Hopefully the small base there and its terraformer will expand the forest and plop up the sensor array. Also, it will help reduce Yang's land grabbing.


            • #21
              2 west of RFR will be a good base site for putting a few rover garrisons later, but we'll need the former power to make it useful. Note the absence of rainy squares.

              -- CTO #endgame
              #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

              Quantum P. is a champion:


              • #22
                Although I would like a base on the chokepoint as soon as we can get a CP there, I recognize that it will take several turns for the CP that just came out of RFR to get down to the chokepoint.

                For now, I recommend:

                Building a base on the river with that CP this turn to get it productive making ECs and units (crawlers and formers) now. We can't wait several turns for it to make a base.

                Once we either get the PTS or one of our southwesterly bases grows beyond pop 1 make a CP and send it to establish a base on the chokepoint. By then, we might have a former in place to start a road towards the chockpoint, and maybe even a sensor completed on the build site.

                Build a base, this turn, either where the CP is now, or no more than 2 river squares away from where the CP is now.


