Industrial Economics! Free market () put into full swing. Centauri Ecology is our next target (Although I was severly tempted to go for Planetary Networks and then indauto one turn earlier than planned, but didn't.). We'll get our next tech in 5 turns unless we can pop 4 pods in three turns or find an extra labs point from somewhere. Tech cost is 54, tech per turn is 12 at 30/0/70. We have 4 accumulated at the start of this turn.
Moved MorInd scout NW, and discovered a mind worm! Little surprised by that, it usually means we have active opponents somewhere nearby, but I think we can rule that out? I moved the independent scout north to cover MorInd just in case. Probably unnecessary but we can't afford to lose a base at this stage.
Eastern scout moved north.
Chairman Yang now leads in all categories except tech, where we lead. That includes energy by the way, we only have 96 e.c. and an income of a measly 1 per turn.
Next turn, we should probably set sliders to 50/0/50 so as to increase our income. We'll still be getting CentEcol in 5 turns (2113).
Moved MorInd scout NW, and discovered a mind worm! Little surprised by that, it usually means we have active opponents somewhere nearby, but I think we can rule that out? I moved the independent scout north to cover MorInd just in case. Probably unnecessary but we can't afford to lose a base at this stage.
Eastern scout moved north.
Chairman Yang now leads in all categories except tech, where we lead. That includes energy by the way, we only have 96 e.c. and an income of a measly 1 per turn.
Next turn, we should probably set sliders to 50/0/50 so as to increase our income. We'll still be getting CentEcol in 5 turns (2113).