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2106 End turn + 2107 discussion

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  • 2106 End turn + 2107 discussion

    Seems we miscalculated last turn alas. Net node effect left us with 7 labs points in MorInd not 8, and so we only produced 10 labs points not 11. The inefficiency must have been taken off from the total labs points, not the labs points pre multiplying facilities (Sorry thats not a clear sentance ) The ironic thing being that we managed to pop both pods

    Southern pod-> Monolith. Found the southern coast. Suggest square 2 south of MorMet be our next base location after the slopes of Mount Drogue.
    Eastern pod-> Monolith too!
    MorInd scout moved into MorInd. Will explore Northwards unless I get different orders from the CSO.

    NetNode at MorMet could be rushed for 134-140. We only have 130 so thats not an option atm. I was hoping we would get cash from one of the pods, then we could rush the netnode and get IndEcon next turn. Alas no.

    The angels took the tech lead. They now have IndBase. The Gaians are now the only faction not to have researched a tech. It appears as if the uni also got their first tech last turn.

    I set sliders to 50/0/50 as whatever we set, we can't get indEcon next turn. 50/0/50 gets us the most e.c.s.

    Both bases grow in 7 turns. MorInd gets its CP in 15, while MorMet in 7. In reality, they're both set to produce in 8 turns with a little e.c. application at MorInd and a small doctoring at MorMet

    I'll post the turn in about 4 hours unless someone has some suggestions of things that need to change.
    Attached Files
    Play hangman.

  • #2
    Shrinking map. At some point I'll split it down into 2 or more sections, but for now zooming out is still clear (ish!).
    Attached Files
    Play hangman.


    • #3
      too bad about the miscalculations, anyways it wont be a problem on the long term.
      So cps are ready in 8 turns, when do we start discussing the location of the new cities? The spot with the monolith and the energy bonus looks sweet but it will be 5 turns before our cp from Morgan Indrustries is there, so i guess starting one city on top of the river and one on the delta next to the monolith is best?
      Chaunk can u give an idea how far we are until the main continent. Mayby we should block out the entrance to the Morgan Peninsula asap to prevent the hive or other factions to expand in OUR territority.



      • #4
        Sorry, I didn't realize inefficiency would cut down on the bonus labs. We're still doing well on the tech front, though.

        No objections or suggestions for this turn.

        For next turn, the western scout could go NW so it doesn't bounce off fungus. The southern scout could follow the river westish/SWish. The eastern scout could go either west then north, or SW-SW.

        Two squares south of MorgMet is a good spot. We have to be wary of probe foils. We have to try to stay on top of what techs people have as far as PlanNets and Flex. The eastern energy bonus is also an obvious spot for a base. Which one first? The eastern site gets one more energy per year, but it takes two extra years to get there, and it will take CP's more time to get to good spots from there. So I recommend this order:

        Mt. Drogue / Drogue's Keep / Morgan Magma / Vander Volcanics / Micha Magma / Mead Magma
        Southern river site
        Eastern energy bonus site (possibly sent from Mt. Drogue after two roads are placed)

        Depending on what else we find, though, that could change.
        "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


        • #5

          I didn't realise inefficiency would affect (effect? Never sure!) lab mulitplying facilities. You learn something new every day! I did think it strange that 7 labs points was impossible though (4*1.5=6, 5*1.5=8). I'll start work on a turn simulator so we can hopefully try and avoid mistakes like this again. This time it cost us 2 e.c or so (And may have saved us a few labs points actually anyway), but perhaps next time we'll make a bigger mistake.

          I was thinking the Northern scout would follow the river NE and then N from there. If there is a prefernce for NW then it'll go there :shrugs:
          CwJ on S scout.
          With the E scout, do we want to try and bring it back in 8 turns to disband for a former? I'm all for that plan, and if so, W, then N seems the way forward.

          If we do pack bases around MorMet, then perhaps we should pin it for disbanding at a later point, or turning into an all specialist city. It will probably be fairly unproductive long term. We could do the same with the volcano base too, although I think that would have a great min out put if we crawl a few nuts to it.

          I'd like to have a mod ruling on selling the hab complex in a base at size five (one over the pop limit) providing no further growth is done. Allowed or not?

          I like your proposed base sites jt. The monolith enables the energy bonus to be a good base site, and with those five initial bases being close together, we can easily build the HGP in one of them. Probably the Mount Drogue base I'd think initially.
          Play hangman.


          • #6
            I was thinking we might as well expose the squares within MorgInd's base radius. It's not a big deal, though.

            I usually only disband bases if it means a size one city can become a new size three city. I would prefer crawling mins from Mt. Drogue and con-farms from wherever to make a good specialist city. We can get six mins from each rocky volcano mine.
            "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


            • #7
              Turns up, playing shortly.
              Play hangman.


              • #8
                Not disbanding base jt. Disband scout.
                Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                • #9
                  Hmm... Chaunk, did you mean disbanding the base, or disbanding it's scout, since it would be shielded by other bases?
                  "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                  • #10
                    Hmm I wasn't very clear at all was I...

                    I did say disband the base, but actually, I'll retract that. We can farm+condense two squares and turn the 5 pop into librarians with no problems, so that would be better methinks. Once(if) we get sats, the base would be fully functional, but before then, a mini SSC would be helpful anyway.

                    Yes to disbanding the scout though definatly. The supported scouts are a long term nuisance rather than a help, so lets get rid of them. Exploration with independent units only is my thought (Although I know the CGO + CSO will probably throw a wobbler at that )
                    Play hangman.


                    • #11
                      Throw a wobbler? Is that like throwing out a knee? Ouch.
                      "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Chaunk
                        I'd like to have a mod ruling on selling the hab complex in a base at size five (one over the pop limit) providing no further growth is done. Allowed or not?
                        Allowed. Hab complexes are quite clearly for growth over the pop limit. If you don't grow while over the pop limit, you don't need it, so can sell it.
                        For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                        But he would think of something

                        "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker

