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2105 end turn + 2106 discussion

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  • 2105 end turn + 2106 discussion

    Both bases switched to net nodes.

    Eastern scout pops eastern pod. Energy bonus. Meh! There's another pod further east but it's in the fungus and so may not be immediatly poppable.

    Western scout pops pod by MorInd. NetNode! Note that the node effect kicks in next turn, since labs production comes after mineral production. Yay!

    Independent scout moves south.

    Movement over! However, we now have an interesting choice. Do we switch sliders to 50/0/50 and move a worker at MorInd to the energy bonus for 9 tech/turn and 4 e.c. after maintenance or leave them at 30/10/60 for 10 tech/turn and 1 ec/turn after maintanance plus one extra min/turn. I'm thinking the first is better. In the latter, if we pop 4 pods we won't waste any labs. However, if we pop less than 4 pods, we will waste no.pods popped + 2 labs, potentially 5 labs points, thus wasting our net node bonus for a few turns. However, in the former (50/0/50) we waste no labs points popping no pods, and are gaining 3 e.c. a turn more. If we only pop one or two pods, the loss is negligable, and in any case, less than the latter case. The mineral does make a difference, however, we can easily afford to buy a CP from 10 mins, and the extra energy will only be needed for 3 turns, so we can still acrue 10 mins in the 7 turns before growth from next turn.

    I've convinced myself typing this, so executive decision made, 50/0/50 sliders set and worker moved

    Feeling somewhat chicken though, I'm gonna post the end turn and give people a few hours to complain though. Probably 5 hours or so before I post the final turn.

    EDIT: After making this post, sliders were adjusted to 20/0/80 for the possibility of IndEcon in 2 turns instead of three.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Chaunk; July 11, 2004, 04:48.
    Play hangman.

  • #2
    The net node moment
    Attached Files
    Play hangman.


    • #3
      Our view at the end of the turn.
      Attached Files
      Play hangman.


      • #4
        I vote for tech and money, we can rush the cp if we want to.


        • #5
          the sea!


          • #6
            I agree the worker should be on the energy bonus. I recommend 20/80 econ/labs. It will give us 2 ec's and 11 labs. That way we can pop two pods and get Ind Econ in two years. We lose a couple ec's to inefficiency, but it will be regained when we switch to FM earlier, plus we'll be that much closer to IA.

            To get two pods, we could pop the southern pod, and if we see a new one close by, that will be our insurance in case the eastern scout bounces off the fungus twice. If there isn't a new one in that area, maybe we could play it safe and send the eastern scout back toward the pod on the southern slope of Mt. Drogue. That would be instead of trying in the fungus. I'm getting confused as to whether that would be in time to get the tech a turn earlier, but it at least prevents truncation of lab points.

            Edit: Question: Before the Node, MorgInd will get 5 labs with 20/80... will we get 3 bonus labs, or will we get less because of inefficiency?

            Edit #2: Almost forgot, re Node:

            Edit #3: What should we do with the western scout? Send it along the river to the SW? Or explore to the north, west, or northwest? We could wait to see what the southern/middle scout uncovers, I guess.
            Last edited by jtsisyoda; July 10, 2004, 12:21.
            "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


            • #7
              In order for your plan to work, we need to pop 2 pods next turn to get IndEcon in 2. Otherwise, we'd get up to the tech barrier and not get the tech the same turn. In that case, we'd then loose all the research from MorInd.

              Small bit of number crunching:

              Tech cost = 35
              Current tech accumulated = 11
              Tech needed = 35-11 = 24.
              50/0/50 = 9/turn (6+3).
              That means three turns to indecon (24-(2*9)-6=0) + 3 points towards our next tech.
              20/0/80 = 11/turn (7+4?).
              That means three turns to IndEcon (24-(2*11))=2
              However, popping 2 pods next turn means 22-22=0.
              Should we only pop one pod though, 23-22=1 rp left. We lose 6(!) labs points, over half our yearly production.

              I'm inclinded to think the margin for error is too slim. Our only hope of doing it is to pop the western pod this turn (roughly a third probability) and the pod in the south (which is obviously easy to do, unless we run into worms in the fungus).

              If we set to 20/0/80 for this turn, then next turn, we've accumulated 22 labs points. We'd then need to get 13 to get IndEcon. Should we get lucky and pop both pods, then we stick with 20/0/80. If we only get one pod though, then we need 12 labs points. The best we can then do, is to switch to 50/0/50 and only lose 3 labs points, supposing we then pop no more pods.

              I'm not conviced possibly saving a turn is worth the potential loss of 33% of our labs output for a turn.

              I'll make a poll! Poll made. Please go and vote here.
              Last edited by Chaunk; July 10, 2004, 14:53.
              Play hangman.


              • #8
                Turns up, playing now. Fingers crossed on the pod situation
                Play hangman.

