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Careers at Morgan Industries

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  • Careers at Morgan Industries

    Department of Manufacturing

    Currently open positions: CLO
    No restrictions in joining the Manufacturing Commitee.

    Like to be a Builder? So build facilities and units, assign workers and crawlers (labor), plan building queues, terraform continents or the sea or keep track of our valuable energy credits or use them to rush stuff.

    The CMO (Chief Manufacturing Officer) oversees all those activities, with one secondary for each of the activities: CLO (Labor), CQO (Queueing), CTO (Terraforming) and CFO (Financial).

    These secondaries work together with the CMO and the Manufacturing Committee improving the continent, doing expansion via base placement and enhancing the infrastructure of established bases with new facilities. Additionally the CFO supervises allocation of energy for rushing and research.

    Among other building related things, they all develop detailed short term plans (1-2 turns) for improving individual bases as well as mid term (3-5 turns) and long term plans about growth via facilities, terraforming or expansion and spending or saving credits in advance.

    They also work closely together with the Security Department to also build and upgrade military units, the Intelligence Department to build and upgrade probes and the Research Department since new facilities require new technology.

    Department of Security

    Currently open positions: CAO (but no air force fielded yet)
    No restrictions in joining the Security Commitee.

    Building is one thing, build building in safety, showing strength to our competitors and defending from enemy incursions is essential for our survival and winning the game. The Department of Security also has control over all military units at land, sea or air.

    The CSO (Chief Security Officer) oversees all those activities, with one secondary for each "element": CGO (Chief Garrison Officer), CNO (Chief Naval Officer) and CAO (Chief AirForce Officer)

    The CSO develops - with the aid of his three secondaries and the Security Commitee - an overall defense (and in case of war, offensive) plan in both long and short term perspective. They also ensure that the required military units are built.

    Therefore, they work closely together with nearly all departments, especially Manufacturing (building units and advocating expansion directions), Research (for new unit enhancing technologies) and Intelligence (joint operations on exploration and covert operations).

    Department of Intelligence

    Currently open positions: all (no elections yet)
    Current positions without applicants: none
    No restrictions in joining the Intelligence Commitee.

    Where would we be without intelligence? We wouldn't know where we'd be of course! The department of intelligence is responsible for producing reports about the other factions in the game, including population data, military strenght, percieved threats etc. This department also has control over probe team movements.

    The CIO (Chief Intelligence Officer) manages these activities, and is supported by the SIO (Secondary Intelligence Officer).

    The Intelligence Commitee works closely with the Security Commitee, ensuring that joint operations move smoothly. They also ensure that all available information is given to the faction and in particullar the Diplomacy Department, as well as trying to keep up to date with that information themselves.

    Department of Diplomacy

    Currently open positions: all (no elections yet)
    Current positions without applicants: none
    No restrictions in joining the Diplomacy Commitee.

    Is everyone your friend? Are you able to make people do what you want, just by your powers of pursuasion? Then we need you in the Department of Diplomacy. This department is responsible for... diplomacy! Yeah! These are the guys who deal with the other factions, and make sure that we get value for money in all our deals.

    The CDO (Cheif Diplomatic Officer) heads the department and is in change of all diplomatic deals, sorting out diplomats and generally being the smiling face of the Morgan faction for the other factions. The SDO (Secondary Diplomatic Officer) aids them in this task, as does the Diplomatic Commitee. It is vital that the Diplomatic Commitee works closely with the Inteligence Department, as well as the Security department on occasion.

    Department of Research and Development

    Currently open positions: none
    No restrictions in joining the R&D Commitee.

    Are you obsessive over beelines? Do you fret when a single research point is lost? Well then you might be just the person for the research and development department. This department is responsible for deciding what technologies to research, planning research beelines and optimising our faction to research at the best available speed.

    The CRO (Chief Research Officer - no jokes about Cro-bars please) is supported by the SRO (Secondary Research Officer) in this planning. They are also supported by the research commitee, and together they should be producing short term plans, (1-2 techs into the future), mid term planning (3-5 techs into the future), long term planning (What are our overall tech goals?), as well as being flexible enough to change to reflect emergency situations.

    The R&D Department works closely together with nearly all departments, especially Manufacturing and Security.

    Public Relations Department

    Currently open positions: none
    No restrictions in joining the PR Commitee and writing entertaining stuff.

    Creativity oozing out of your pores? Then perhaps you should be in the public relations department! This department is responsible for producing the MorganLink Magazine (Name possibly subject to change) as well as ensuring that the general ACDG populus see the Morgan Faction as the best thing since sliced bread.

    The CPO (Chief Public Relations Officer) is helped by the SPO (Secondary Pubilc Relations Officer) in writing articles for the magazine, as well as collecting them all together and producing the finished product. The Public Relations Department should also be responsible for much spam in the ACDG public forum.

    Your Application
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