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Datalinks: Building an Energy Park

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  • Datalinks: Building an Energy Park

    Posted by Vi Vicdi on 21-12-1999 20:40:
    Parallel Ridge Energy Park
    I guess the time has come to share my spreadsheet-tested energy park design, which I call "Parallel Ridges".

    The energy park problem is one of dual, conflicting optimizations: terrain is raised most efficiently in a diagonal ridge (that would be in cardinal direction N, S, E, or W), while Echelon Mirrors are most efficient when laid down in a circular pattern.

    My compromise is the Parallel Ridge. Pick two points, separated by 3 squares one way and 2 squares the other, and raise them diagonally (N, S, E, or W) in the same direction, so that their 2000m sections will interlace like a zipper.

    Interlace and stagger your Echelon Mirrors. If you lay down the proper pattern, your Mirrors will fall in "strips" of every other square, like this:

    M s M s M s <-- strip
    s s s s s s
    s M s M s M <-- strip, staggered

    except, of course, the "strips" run NE, NW, SE, and SW -- because Alpha Centauri's map treats the cardinal directions N, S, E, and W as "diagonal". The reason for staggering is to avoid "hot spots", because energy production over 8 units is lost.

    A good way to get the right pattern is to build E.M.'s on the starting points of your ridge, then starting at point 1 move diagonally toward point 2, then to the side that is not adjacent to point 2, then build a 3rd Mirror. Use those 3 as a guide for building the rest. Put solar collectors anywhere >= 2k & adjacent to at least 2 Mirrors. Then send in the crawlers!

    If your formers only have a move of 1 (as mine do 'til hover) use a single former to go ahead of the others to build roads. It wastes turns for more than 1 former to enter a terrain square that doesn't have a road.

    A final note: the most efficient way to start the second point of your ridge might be to "build to it" from your 1st point. I leave it to you to figure this one out.

    The big advantage of the "parallel ridges" design is that it gives you lots of "surrounded" Echelon Mirrors which produce their maximum 8 units' output while at the same time allowing you to raise terrain in linear ridges. It is a compromise between the optimal linear pattern for raising terrain and the optimal circular pattern for maximizing the surface areas of your Echelon Mirrors.

    A minor advantage of the Parallel Ridges is that you can keep on expanding it as long as you need more energy. I have found it most convenient to build along a pole, because you don't have to defend the pole side. As an added bonus the poles themselves are always "rocky" (build far enough away from the pole so that you get both the energy AND the mines.)

    I leave it to you to decide where to drill aquifers. I sometimes put bases in the 1k areas on the edges of the ridge, but as a rule I don't allow base terraforming considerations to interfere with energy production, except occasionally in deciding where to drill aquifers.

    I have put some serious thought into energy park construction, and "Parallel Ridges" is the culmination of that work. Tell me what you think!

    Posted by Technocrat on 21-12-1999 22:23:

    Are you entirely sure that energy production over 8 units is lost? I'm not sure you're correct - I thought that SMAC displayed "8+" in squares when the square was giving you either 8 units or more. I'll check, but I'm pretty sure you're wrong about this one.

    My optimal base set-up is to terraform a ridge on the right side of the base going downward, so as to make all the squares in the production radius are rainy (and to raise the elevation for energy purposes), to place 2 boreholes at the left side of the base where I don't have to worry about slopes, and to place 2-3 Echelon Mirrors within the base's production radius itself (usu. at the squares adjacent diagonally to the base), and then surround the production radius with Echelon Mirrors in every adjacent square. Combined with rivers that I start at the peak of the ridge I've created to the right (which thus run down past the city to the left lowlands), I thus have made a city with "hotspots" in every square except in the Echelon Mirrors (and sometimes the boreholes, depending on social settings, rivers, and if the Merchant Exchange Project is in the base). Depending on Social Engineering settings and if I've built the Pholus Mutagen, I may have to make one, or sometimes even two, square(s) of forest in the production radius to keep eco-damage at zero.

    If you're right about production above 8 being uncollected, though, your Parallel Ridge Energy Park probably is far better for contructing high energy output than my plan is...


    Posted by Tau Ceti on 22-12-1999 06:32:

    You can get more than 8 energy from a square. I have a crawler harvesting 10 energy per turn from my energy park right now...

    Posted by Vi Vicdi on 22-12-1999 20:42:
    Yikes! I tested the 8+ energy limit with workers, but not with crawlers!

    Is it back to the drawing board, er, spreadsheet?

    Posted by Vi Vicdi on 22-12-1999 21:22:
    Yikes! I just tested it again, with workers no less, and the whole "8-unit limit" thing seems to be a figment of my imagination! I'm getting 9 energy, plain as day.

    How could I have missed that?

    Oh well, back to the spreadsheet.

    Posted by Technocrat on 23-12-1999 11:37:

    Sorry about that, Vi Vicdi! At least now you know so you can get more energy than before . Of course, why they didn't just go to "9+" instead of "8+" is anybody's guess (I mean, if they wanted to avoid displaying two digits in a square, why not just simply stop at 9?)

    Oh well


    Posted by tfs99 on 23-12-1999 12:02:

    Probably has to do with the the fact that 8 is a power of two.

    That is, the display of the graphic is somehow table driven and they did not want to "waste space", so they only used a 3-bit index.

    That would be my guess.

    SMAX n ... Ted S.

    Posted by Urban Ranger on 23-12-1999 23:31:

    There seems to be one small problem: cost. If you terraform far away from your bases, it will cost you thousands if not tens of thousands. It seems you will never recoup the cost, let alone make any profits, unless you do this parallel ridge thing near your bases, or even directly underneath them.

    Posted by shimmin on 21-01-2000 13:49:

    If cost is a problem, why not use a "disposable base"?

    Build a base where you want the energy park, adjust food to keep it at size 1 (or 2, if you must). Raise the terrain. Abandon the base via colony pod, so you get your population point back, and build the improvements.

    Posted by Fistleaf on 22-01-2000 00:36:

    Why not simply build Boreholes and put crawlers on them, preferably from the base with Merchant Exchange?
    Takes much less effort, smaller area to defend and energy per crawler is a very reasonable 6. Raising terrain and building so many echelons and mirrors is too time consuming and tedious.

    Posted by Vi Vicdi on 22-01-2000 03:17:

    SMAC-X certainly makes ocean energy supplying more attractive.

    I have been meaning to compare the cost of an energy park w/ the cost of tidal harnesses. I guess I should compare w/ boreholes as well ...

    Posted by Aredhran on 24-01-2000 02:05:

    Re: ocean energy supply

    As a matter of fact, I'm just about to complete a SMAC-X game with the caretakers where most of my energy production is done by sea.

    With the I-forget-what-it's-called-sea-energy-enhancing-facility, Merchant Exchange and Golden age, each supply foil brings in 6 energy, 8 if there is a special resource.

    It's much less costly both in $$$ and terraforming time (with WP and Super Formers, it takes just 2 turns to build a tidal harness, and 2 more if you have to clear fungus beforehand). I did not bother raising ocean floor, simply building along the coasts. 3 formers per "supply ship producing city" (assuming 1/turn rate and the occasional fungus patch to clear) are sufficient.

    With the same units, a land-base energy park, while more efficient on a per-square basis, requires much more time, since you need to build solar collectors (2 turns), echelon mirrors (4 turns) and raise the land for maximum efficiency (4 turns, plus $$$).

    Speaking of raising land, last night I played around with Tectonic Payload missiles, which are really convenient to raise your land, especially with high-power reactor types (they do not destroy terraforming enhancements !)


    Posted by Bblue on 24-01-2000 03:00:

    My energy parks are almost always waterbased. They are much quicker to build; faster to get the crawler too without a lot of micromanagment, and I don't have to worry about leaving room for a huge mirror array. And don't forget to look for the Geothermal Shallows.

    "Power does not corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

    Posted by Urban Ranger on 24-01-2000 22:07:

    I agree that a faster method is always better. The only thing that is of essence is speed. Therefore, using Tectonic payload - when available - and water based energy parks are great ideas.

    If I can't believe in my own eyes, whose eyes can I believe? Yours?!

    Posted by Vi Vicdi on 25-01-2000 19:33:

    In the Morgan Challenge I used the land-based Parallel Ridge park for landlocked bases and the ocean for sea bases. It worked out pretty well.

    Fusion power is the key to trawling. Before fusion the trawlers are way-expensive; after fusion you can build the bottom-of-the-line foil supply for the same price as a crawler.

    Once your industry cranks up you can start using Cruiser suppliers, which are faster, and you can armor them, which makes it more feasible to put them further out to sea. You can also put Drop Pods on land-based crawlers ...

    One problem with trawlers is you can't put drop pods on them, making it costly to reassign them to other duties as your empire expands. I hate having non-harvesting suppliers. Suppliers should start harvesting the same turn they are built!

    With Drop Pods you can reassign minerals from a base that's got too many to a base that has too few without missing a turn, either via magrail or Airdrop. (You can make as many 8-square drops as you want in any given turn, but your crawler takes damage every time you don't land on a base.)

    That said, most suppliers don't get reassigned, so as long as you've got a few with Drop capability having a bunch that don't is no big deal.

    What happens if an "ally" builds a base either on top of a harvesting trawler (if indeed that is legal) or such that "your territory" becomes his?
    [This message has been edited by Vi Vicdi (edited January 25, 2000).]

    Posted by Misotu on 26-01-2000 18:48:

    Regarding crawlers harvesting in the territory of an ally, I have encountered this situation several times.

    My crawlers have harvested successfully in another faction's territory. This is true when I have a pact or a treaty with the faction. I've never harvested in enemy territory, for obvious reasons, but I can't see any reason why this wouldn't work too.

    - Mis

    Posted by Vi Vicdi on 27-01-2000 17:20:

    ... however, when Echelon Mirrors cease to be in your territory, they cease to work for you ...

    Posted by pauli on 27-01-2000 19:02:

    you can harvest in enemy territory, provided that the square is not in use already.

    btw, heavily armored drop crawlers are a wonderful way to bleed off some of those pesky units the enemy has filled their cities up with...

    Posted by Civ-wrecked on 13-03-2000 18:22:

    "What happens if an "ally" builds a base either on top of a harvesting trawler (if indeed that is legal) or such that "your territory" becomes his?"

    It happened to me. After that, the trawler would be harvesting no resource from the ally's base. It's a special resource spot also . My other nearby trawlers still harvesting as if nothing happened even though they were harvesting inside the ally's sea territory now. Since the submissive ally can't kick my trawlers out and there were few ocean shelf squares left, that base couldn't ever grow anywhere fast for a hundred turns or so.

    BTW, another advantage to sea energy park is that the trawlers move a longer distance and therefore when it's time to cash in some of them for a special SP (like the Supercollider or ToE) a few of those trawlers, expecially the expensive fission ones, can reach the SS city and get the SP built in one turn, giving instant benefit to the SS city. It's not so easy for crawlers in a land-based energy park which might not even be conveniently-located nearby.

    Posted by RedFred on 13-03-2000 18:47:

    As far as the great land v. sea energy park debate I'd have to say you need to go with what you have. I normally use both, but the proportion of energy I can pull in from these two sources depends on how much free land or sea space I have.

    Sea space is normally huge, but I am way happier sending out the sea crawlers to "captured" rather than neutral sea. I just find the enemy AI pinging away at my sea crawlers irritating. By "captured" sea, what I mean is sea that I either control all surrounding land, or big bays that I can effectively capture with terraforming up or strategic placement of sea bases. Open sea will do if I have no other option.

    Time is money (energy?) and the quickest route to gaining more energy is in the seas.

    Posted by Vi Vicdi on 16-03-2000 22:52:

    RedFred: Brilliant insight. Go with the territory. "Always go ocean" is asking for trouble on some maps; "always build on land" may be ignoring easy money.

    Posted by Sikander on 17-03-2000 06:51:


    I usually surround my continents with trawlers (with free radar). I try to keep them within friendly air or cruiser range to protect them, and use sea colonies when necessary to provide air bases. I agree that the player must take advantage of the hand s/he is dealt.

    I'm currently trying a hybrid perfectionist / Borg strategy, whereby some of the initial cities near the capitol become super science cities, and the outer cities go with the simpler Borg style, and produce mostly units. I realize that this style has the disadvantages of both modes, but I am hoping that for single player enjoyment the advantages and challenges will keep the game interesting.

    Posted by Googlie on 08-08-2000 05:53:


    Posted by DilithiumDad on 18-08-2000 17:33:
    To get either land or sea crawlers into production immediately, I use a "tag team" ploy. Send your new crawler to a square occupied by an existing crawler. Activate the old crawler and use its full move points to go to an unused square. You can end up harvesting energy from the other side of the board and having it show up in your merchant Exchange/Super Science City without inefficiency! And without waiting multiple turns for the crawler to get to its spot! No need for cruiser supplies, just use foils and deploy in tag teams.

    Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet

    Posted by Provost Harrison on 19-08-2000 14:02:

    The consensus thought has been the


    is the most efficient for harvesting power...

    Posted by Grigger on 21-08-2000 11:04:

    I like that tag-team idea. You get you resources faster, plus don't have to look at units and wonder where you sent them off to (my biggest problem with my huge empires).

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    Originally posted by Slimehorse

    Combing Vel's guide one sees the term "Energy Park" come up quite a bit... but would one of you experts please explain how to build one? I'm lost without a map. Specifically- 1) what do they look like and how do you put one together; 2) patterning/ratio of collectors to Echelons; 3a) do bases or crawlers work them; 3b) and therefore should they be in the center of your empire or out in some lightly colonized hinterland; 4) sea parks vs. land parks. From what I've gathered, parks are the key to winning on Transcend, which is something I have yet to do. By far. Wow, didn't want to confess that.

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    Originally posted by Kinjiru

    Energy parks are not necessary to win on transcend, but they sure do make things easier!

    The best place to build one is in a remote region that no one is likely to investigate. The reason you want it remote is that your usuage of the park will wholly depend on crawlers. And as I am sure you know, a couple of arty units or a squadron of bombers can utterly destroy a collection of crawlers in no time.

    As to how to build one, simply raise all the land you are going to use. You want every square above 3000 meters to gain the maximium benefit. It will get very very expensive to raise all this land, so first of all, look for spots that are already up high. Second, plop a colony pod down in the middle of the to-be-raised land. If you have a base there, your terraforming costs will drop tremendously. Once you have the land raised, you can starve the base down to size one and then disband it by building another colony pod there.

    As for layout, I will leave that to you to find the old threads that talk about it. There is a layout that provided maximum benefit for least cost. The thread was originated maybe 14 months ago or so. Look for ones with the term 'energy park' in the subject.

    How to utilize a park? Once you have your mirrors and collectors set up, just plop crawlers down on every square. If you are using the most efficient layout, you will be pulling in 10 or 12 energy per square every turn ( I forget which, the screen would just show '8+').
    You can achieve higher absolute returns with land parks. However, in SMAX, I think sea parks are the better value because you do not have to spend a dime (other than unit costs) to build them.

    Have fun!

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    Posted by Slimehorse on 22-02-2001 10:25:

    Kinjiru: thanks a lot. One other thing- at what part of the game should you begin building them? It seems to take a lot of effort- when is it worth it to pull all those formers off your city squares to start on a remote energy park? Oh- and also, does the energy park serve one city only (i.e. all the crawlers come from your Headquarters) or do you share the wealth?

    Also, has anyone had the pleasure of seeing the real-life energy park out in the Mojave desert? It's somewhere between Mojave, CA and Barstow, CA, on the way to Las Vegas. Very very cool.

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    Posted by LoD on 22-02-2001 12:09:

    Adding to Kinjiru's post: the most efficient way to build crawler parks AFAIR is like this:


    S - Solar Collectors
    E - Echelon Mirrors

    Also, you have to remember to place a base somewhere nearby the energy park - the whole business has to be inside your territory to generate any real revenue.

  • #2
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    Posted by Slimehorse on 22-02-2001 12:26:

    Wonderful. Beautiful. Thanks very much for the info. I'll name bases after you in my next game

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    Posted by Ogie Oglethorpe on 22-02-2001 12:48:


    A couple of variants on the layouts for an energy park. One I usually prescribe to is as follows:

    Make rows of squares alternating between echelons and solar collectors at least 5 squares if not longer in length




    Resulting energy (w/o specials or +2 econ or Merchant Xchange) at 3000 ft is as follows:
    4 4 4 4 ....
    8 10 10 8 ....
    4 4 4 4 ....
    8 10 10 8 ....
    4 4 4 4 ....


    Resulting energy from the 5 X 5 plot of land is: 132 energy or 5.28/square (6.28 if +2 econ, 7.28 if +2 econ and Merchant X-change). Obviously the longer the array the better as you get more 10 energy squares and hence the average energy per square goes up. Also if not obvious you'll want to harvest energy from the solars before harvesting the mere 4 energy echelons.

    E-parks are almost always best suited for for development after energy restriction are lifted (obviously) also they are better developed when superformers are inplay as the t-forming can be fairly extensive and to t-form ahead of the crawlers coming out fromthe target base site(s).

    Inlight of the heavy t-forming required many folks simply prefer sea t-forming with fusion trawlers. Altho' energy output is not as great the resources to develop the energy are much less.

    Compare the results of tidals being 4 energy (w/ thermocline) per square but only the need for a simple tidal harness.

    Usually onelooks to crawl resources back to but one or two bases those that have preferably Science enhancing Sps and the full complement of econ and science enhancing facilites. Normally if only one exists it should be the headquarters to prevent efficiency losses.

    One last point to add to Kinji's point 'bout saving energy for land lifting. You still are capable of prebuilding an echelon mirror under a base site and it will still give its benefit to surrounding solar collectors. So build the base site on an echelon and proceed as he described. One other point if you do not build a base and your echelons extend outside your boundaries, the echelon contribution to the solars for those echelons outside the boundaries are NOT considered. Yet another reason to build a base to extend your boundaries. Nothing irks you more than having the AI plop a base down and have your energy park output cut nearly inhalf b/c all of a sudden your echelons fall within the bounds of an opposing AI.

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    Posted by Skanderbeg on 23-02-2001 02:19:

    Land energy parks:

    Don't forget to drill to aquifer at the highest places!
    The rivers will ad one more energy to each square they flow through.

    Inland seas, if You have one in Your territorry, or if You can terraform one, are a ideal place for a sea energy park. A sea base in an inland sea needs no big defense and can concentrate on science enhancements, and a second base at the coast at the inland sea can build the trawlers.

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    Posted by Aredhran on 23-02-2001 02:24:

    Very important thing to remember:

    Echelon mirrors only work as advertised when they are inside of your territory (just like sensors)

    Therefore, if you decide to build your energy park in a remote location it is a good idea indeed to plop down a base, not only for reducing the terraforming cost, but also to actually receive the full energy input from your terraforming effort.

    As far as sea parks go, they are usually cheaper than land ones (ie. less terraforming involved), even if the energy/square ratio is lower than land-based parks.

    As said above, try to home all the collecting crawlers in one single base (or maybe two). This base should have: HQ (avoid inefficiency), all lab and econ facilities (to maximize your investment), the Science SP. If you can, try also to have the Merchant Exchange there (do not overlook the benefits of +1 ec/square !), and keep it in Golden Age (shouldn't be too hard with a high energy income, with only 10% psych). For sea parks, you'll need the Thermoclyne Transducer (if you're playing SMAX).


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    Posted by Slimehorse on 23-02-2001 08:42:

    Again, I'll say thank you. One very minor question, perhaps semi-off-topic but I think I can justify it since crawlers and trawlers are an integral part of the overall energy park system (no, I'm not a lawyer). Yes, I know that a "trawler" is a sea crawler, but is that a name built into SMAC or is that just what we've all just decided to call them? When I stick a supply unit on a foil, the workshop automatically calls it something like "fusion supply foil" or something, and I've been renaming that to "trawler," in order to sound more professional, like all you experts. But am I in fact designing it wrong? Is there a better sea crawler design that I'm missing that the game will automatically designate as "trawler?" (In the same way that I was delighted to see my Ãœberdeathgravship get called a "Deathsphere" (or whatever it was) automatically)

    And lbores, my assumption is that all of this would hold for the FS also, given all it does is +1 nutrient... which in my opinion makes it maybe slightly less attractive for sea parking, since I like lots of coastal bases along it with workers working the sea squares. Although if you get a nice big FS, like in the huge map of Planet, there's still room in the center for a sea park (which, given what I've been gleaning from the boards is I think probably a better role for the center than what I've previously been doing, which is dumping sea bases in there).

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    Posted by LoD on 23-02-2001 21:05:

    Slimehorse: A trawler is just a term for a Sea Crawler coined by the SMAC community. So don't worry, you are not left out on anything here .

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    Posted by Ogie Oglethorpe on 27-02-2001 14:00:

    Note that the t-forming required for a tidal harness is the same regardless of waters t-formed. Geothermal shoals harnessed and trawlered would of course only make the payback better (almost equivalent to average per square output from energy park) at a substantially reduced cost of former time vs. traditional echelon mirror/solar collector raise elevation to 3000+meters t-forming activities.


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    Posted by Slimehorse on 27-02-2001 15:57:

    And I too had completely forgotten about the Geothermals! Of course- that's definitely the place to go about sea energy parking. The downside being that I don't think I've ever encountered an inland geothermal shallows, which means lots of expensive uplifting to turn it into an inland sea, or else defense of all those wimpy trawlers becomes an important consideration. Especially since in the game I'm playing the GS lies directly between me and Miriam...

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    Posted by Kinjiru on 28-02-2001 21:07:

    Regarding the defense of open water sea parks...

    In MP, one of the best ways to defend the sea park is to intentionally leave (or plant) sea fungus in one or two squares. Park a loaded up carrier, destroyer and foil probe in that square. The enemy can't see you until too late! Even better when you have the Xenoempathy Dome.

    In SP, this doesn't work since the AI can see you in the fungus anyway. But still, parking a carrier with some bombers in the general vicinity is probabaly the best way to protect your investment. Also, putting armor on your crawlers defintely helps. Face it, you are going to lose a bunch of trawlers no matter what you do, if you can damage or destroy the attacker at the same time, then you are going to come out ahead.

    Hmmm... defense in depth might work here as well. Build a bunch of foils that are heavily armored, but weaponless (and clean of course). And just park them in a massive line, two or three deep, along the approached to your sea park. Back them up with one or two armorless, but heavily weaponed foil, with the Marine Detachment if playing SMAX. If you have one or two big sea parks this strategy could work, if you have lots of smaller ones then it would probably not be cost-effective.

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    Posted by Aredhran on 01-03-2001 10:05:

    How could it be cost-effective at all ? Think of all the boats you'll be building... No matter what you do, you're better off producing a bunch more of trawlers, and accepting the loss of a few (which will be easily replaced).

    I like the carrier hidden in fungus strategy, but that ability comes much too late to be of any use in most games.

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    Posted by NorthSwordsman on 02-03-2001 02:39:

    Wouldn't it be better to have your formers build a fungal border all around the energy park during/after completing the park, (assuming it was built in open sea.. if it was in an enclosed area, toss the idea out the window) stationing a few foils/cruisers *clean, of course* , IOD's, what have you, in the area? The fungus does slow units down, not to mention, (unless they have fungal movement bonuses) they will end their turn in the fungus.

    This, of course, would not apply to IODs, Sealurks, and those units that can move thru fungus freely... but it would slow others down somewhat. I realize that this idea may not be the best idea, but it does provide /some/ protection. You can always selectively built fungus spots to channel an enemy into an area where you have a nice trap for them. I know there are alot of things in this idea that may or may not work, but I think it might be worthy of pursuing as a tactic.

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    Posted by Aredhran on 02-03-2001 02:48:

    Again, think of the time wasted planting fungus, when you could be building more tidal harnesses...

    Not to mention that you wouldn't be able to see enemy units in the fungus you planted there yourself

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    Posted by NorthSwordsman on 02-03-2001 02:53:

    I didn't say the idea was perfect. It was something off the top of my head. I prefer inland sea parks, easier to defend. I wish SMACX came with the ability to plant sensors in the sea, instead of using that watertech mod for smac.

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    Posted by Kinjiru on 02-03-2001 07:11:

    It could be somewhat cost effective, if you are planning on building a navy anyway, and you are on a huge map, and your sea park is far away from your bases.

    If your trawlers have a long way to go to get to the park, then you don't simply have the cost of rebuilding a trawler to think about, but the lost opportunity cost as well. If you don't want to go all out for defense in depth, then you could try a Maginot Line defense. Use a single line of armored foils, staggered back and forth, with maybe a few more held in reserve to plug any holes that appear.

    There is no good method for defending at sea in this game. Period. This is just a suggestion for how to go about attempting to protect some sea assets, if you are so inclined.

    Besides which, if I were going to attack your sea park, then I would not simply go in a beat up all your trawlers, I would keep a few units in the area so that when you bring over some more trawlers, I can kill them as well. Essentially the tactic would be to deny you the use of the sea park (and perhaps use it myself). If you are not going to attempt any kind of defense for your sea park, then you are leaving yourself open to this kind of tactic.

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    Posted by NorthSwordsman on 02-03-2001 13:44:

    Then the best way to do this is just create an inland sea with a base, and use that. Hmm.. good points there, Kin. Thanks!

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    Posted by TigToad on 02-03-2001 15:00:

    A couple things... first off my opinion is while building a full blown land energy park is fun, I never do it. It takes too many resources to get it going and its kinda boring to do after you've done it once. I strongly prefer building sea crawlers and harvesting that way. Especially in SMAX when you can build a thermocline.

    Second, it is quite possible to win a game without a crawler unit ever being built on transcend. In fact, long ago, before I found this forum I did it regularly. I just didn't transcend often. IMO, the easiest way to beat the AI is to grab Lal, the Empath guild and when you get that late game project, just name yourself supreme ruler. The upside to this is you get to conquer quite a few bases on your way to the top.

    As for energy parks, you are going to go gung ho and build on, practice on a level or two lower than transcend first. Second, make sure you grab the merchant exchange (very useful for this), the Weather Paradigm (all that forming) and the Human Genome (unless you're lal, you need this to run free market early, IMO--and I LOVE running free market early and often).

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    Posted by Misotu on 02-03-2001 22:39:

    Yeah, I pretty much agree with Tig. Land energy parks are very pretty the first few times - but painfully slow to build. Why bother? Take SMAX, thermocline and the Merchant, run FM/Wealth and then just crawler that energy in from the sea ...

    In MP, I often build small energy parks, however. But I don't crawler them. I build a base in the middle of the park and harvest it with workers. Given a global trade pact, (crawlered energy doesn't count towards trade income) you will *coin* it in And you don't have crawlers sitting there waiting to be bombed.

    By the time you have built a decent remote energy park in MP, your opposition has a satellite and is on the way to wreak havoc ...

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    Posted by Thantos on 03-03-2001 23:33:

    Something that I have found that helps my sea crawler programs is equiping them with deep radar and creating a more spread out park program with the distance of initial solar panel placement being just one square shy of my formers max range. This gives me a rather broad view of the ocean and forces him to spend much longer playing hide and go seek against my trawlers.

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    Posted by Rastapopoulos on 04-03-2001 15:28:

    As for the discussion about defending energy parks (by the way, I never build them on land, too much hassle, and the only thing I ever form on the sea is harnesses and farms, as many as I can):

    I must say, I'm usually quite happy when an enemy attacks my crawlers/trawlers/formers. Unless he does it with a chopper, I can kill his foil or needlejet with one of my Interceptors that I have for the purpose and make him loose an expensive military unit for a cheap crawler that I can easily replace. I've seen quite a few players (especially AI, but even humans) waiste away large portions of their airforce or navy this way while I was thinking: keep going, I like it...

    So besides giving you energy, these parks can be excellent bait for overzealous killers of any kind.

    Only trouble remain the natives of course.

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    Posted by Googlie on 04-03-2001 21:21:

    If you have built an energy park a little known or discussed fact is that you can double a bunker on your solar array, then put armor on your crawlers - they get both the armor bonus and the bunker bonus on defense.

    And, of course, if you build your crawlers at a base with a Command Center and a Bio Center, your crawlers will be Commando, with an additional 37.5% defense bonus

    You can make them pretty hard to take out.

    Now you can station an AAA or SAM unit there too, and just watch the AI knock their heads agaisnt your defenses.


    • #3
      CEO Aaron
      Posted: Jun 25 2004, 11:27 PM

      I'd just like to poke in on the Energy Park discussion with this: Why bother? The area used by your energy park will almost invariably better suit corporate goals with the construction of more bases, housing more specialists. The window of time where crawled energy from sea or raised land squares compares favorably with crawled nutrients supporting specialists is alarmingly small. In addition energy tend to be difficult to defend, wasteful in terms of territory and expensive in terms of terraforming time, not to mention that seeding a similar area with bases yields more than just energy dividends.

      Posted: Jun 26 2004, 05:20 AM
      Once you've reached hab limits in all bases, and have enough bases to make GA boom's difficult, there's not much you can do with more nuts. If you have LV, SC, and/or TOE, it further manifies the e-park.

      I agree they aren't the be-all-end-all of energy, though. They do require defense in MP, more than bases, really, beacuse every square is portentially vulnerable. I consider them supplementary, not essential.

      CEO Aaron
      Posted: Jun 26 2004, 08:23 PM

      Vats + CBA = All the max size bases you can eat. I don't know who's going to be our Research coordinator, but cornering these two projects will single-handedly clinch any growth wars we find ourselves in. All that needs to be done at that point is to secure sufficient territory in which bases will be founded.

      Posted: Jun 28 2004, 10:51 AM
      I'm in favour of ditching the energy park also. Former time IMO is better spent on Boreholes, with bases working them taking up the space where the park would have been. What we might lose in quality, we can make up with quantity.

      Posted: Jun 28 2004, 01:37 PM
      How about the Ascetic Virtues?

      Posted: Jun 28 2004, 02:14 PM
      With Morgan, that goes without saying.

      Posted: Jun 29 2004, 03:49 AM
      I believe the Cloud Base Academy has been axed this game. I also think the point of an energy park is to funnel energy to a base with certain SPs, such as the supercolider or the theory of everything to maximize their use.

      Posted: Jun 29 2004, 04:51 AM

      a) Locks us into SP's we can't be guarenteed to get th
      b) Wastes a lot of build time
      c) Makes us over-reliant on one super base

      Posted: Jun 29 2004, 11:19 AM
      If we happen upon an inland lake, or can make one easily (WP or somesuch), then a sea energy park would be fully worthwhile. Other than that, I agree generally that energy parks are probably not a great idea. But let's not completely write them off. A mini energy park can be very useful for adding a small amount of energy to a base if we get a 3x3 section of high land spare or somesuch, doubly so if there are energy bonuses seeded by buster, or popped from pods.

      Building a 10x10 park though is probably out of the question

