Techs that I research in the early game depend on whether I'm playing single player or PBEM, and who the opposition is
I always make Cent Empathy my first tech, to get early formers
Soc Psych is always my second tech (I play only Transcend, so drone problems come early and often)
If the PK's are in the game, I'll then choose Ind Econ, if not, I'll run at Biogenetics, then Secrets - for the free tech as much as for trance ability for my defenders and early crawlers ' rush (it takes just 3 trance synth crawlers to complete one of the early SPs, and we should be generating enough cash - 90 to upgrade - to afford rushing them)
Generally speaking, in PBEMs, forget the WP if the Gaians are playing and the HGP if the PK's are in the game
Then InfoNets and Plan Nets, which opens upo the VW as a possibility (more expensive, though, at 5 upgraded crawlers)
By then Ind Auto is available, and after that I run for the restriction-lifting techs, then Airpower, which really takes me into the mid-game
Thats interesting indeed Googlie. I've been playing arround with beelines as morgan in SP for a while now, and I've generally been going thusly:
Centauri Ecology for formers natch
Ind Auto. (Industrial economics, information networks, planetary networks on the way).
However! The game rarely lets you go straight to ind aut in this fashion, so I'll stop off for Biogenics for recycling tanks when i need an off beeline tech.
Ethical Calculus for democracy (Includes Social Psych. I don't see Rec Commons as vital, since up this point (Land mass depending) I'm still expanding in FM, and so as soon as a base is about to turn size 2, one citizen turns to a doctor and a CP is bought next turn. RC start going in shortly after I turn to democracy, usually increasing Psych to 20-30% for GA booming where possible.)
At this point, the restriction lifting techs are appearing very attractive, but I need to curb my instincts (I think!) and go for D:AP instead (Appled Physics, Doc Mob: Doc:Flex, HEC, Synth Fossil Fuels, D:AP) The Mod 3 rule again means no D:AP beeline, hence I'll pick up the restriction lifting techs on the way. Applying those rules using MM spreadsheet in slot 5, I came up with the following tech progression:
Industrial Base
Centauri Ecology
Information Networks
Industrial Economics
Planetary Networks
Industrial Automation
Doctrine: Mobility
Social Psych
Doctrine: Flexibility
Ethical Calculus
Gene Splicing
Applied Physics
Ecological Engineering
High Energy Chemistry
Doctrine: Initiative
Synthetic Fossil Fuels
Doctrine: Air Power
Secrets of the Human Brain
Environmental Economics
IndAuto in 6 techs, D:AP in 18, EE in 20. It's likely we would have traded techs at some point though, so this beeline would be changed by that. We would also likely be in a different slot than number 5, and the MM spreadsheet has known issues with scenareo edited games. This beeline also has D:Init and SotHB as off-beeline techs, although SotB is useful for MMI. Note that MMI is three techs away (Neural grafting, X, MMI).
For my feeling, Biogenetics comes too late in that list, since RecTanks enhance your just founded bases greatly (primarly nuts, but also minerals while the pod is underway).
There are even some advices to rush the RecTanks instead of the former first but for me with RecTank (rushed), scout (part-rushed?), former (part-rushed) the former comes much too late. It can generate either two nuts (growth, if no 2+ nut square is around) or two minerals (usually: forest) quickly (or both with quick growth or a forest planted on a nut special!) and RecTanks cannot, so they come 3rd.
Expanding in FM with the 2nd citizen a doctor and a rushed pod is an interesting strategy but isn't that "too much" expansion? IMHO, one potentially working fellow not working could easily a bit too much a waste in the early game (opportunity costs in base output => turn disadvantage).
EthCalc is for me primarily for creches, not for Dem. I switch to Dem only if I have finished my expansion mostly (free minerals!), have the first hab complexes built in bases with creches and finally want to "boom" to 11 by allocating 20% to psych.
Yeah normaly Biogenics would come sooner, but I'd sooner have a crawler than a rec tanks. A crawler costs less (3 rows not 4), and can be used to harvest any number of a resource (Usually 2 min from a forest at this point). I do like to have them though, and I've even played a few games where I've put off Centauri Ecology for RecTanks. However, I've compared RecTanks to not below.
With regard to the doctor though, the doctor is there for one turn. My build sequence is something like this:
Turn 1: Base built. 4 nuts (2 from the base, 2 from a rainy roling square), 2 min (1 base, one rainy rolling square), 5 energy (4 base, one rainy roling square.) Buy Former for 20 e.c.s (assuming no wealth)
Turn 2, former built (1e.c. stockpiled, no min carry over), starts to build roads to speed development (with a 2-1-1 theres no need for a farm or a forest at the moment) colony pod started (15 turns). Growth in 10 turns.
Turns 3-10 Nutrients increasing and minerals increasing.
Turn 11 growth next turn to size 2. Worker set to a doctor.
Turn 12, size 2. No riots due to doctor. Colony pod rushed for 13ec (I think, although you may want to check that. It should be 6/8 mins I hope)
Turn 13, size 1. Stockpile energy generates 1 e.c. Colony pod started again.
Cost: 38ec.
Stockpile gains: 2e.c.
End product: 1 base (4-2-5 total), 1 former, 1 CP in 13 turns.
Note that it's possible to modify this queue to be former -> Scout -> CP and part rush them all for less than 60e.c, and still get the CP on more or less the same scheduale. I don't usually build a scout as Morgan because it takes 1 min/turn () and doesn't do garrison duty. It's preferable to have some inner bases make some scouts or rovers on worm patrol, and formers on fungus removal.
Compare this to with a rectank:
Turn 1: Base built. 4 nuts (2 from the base, 2 from a rainy roling square), 2 min (1 base, one rainy rolling square), 5 energy (4 base, one rainy roling square.) RecTank bought for 60 e.c. Full price because 2 ec a min is better than 2.something ec a min.
Turn 2: Base produces 5 nuts, 3 min, 6 energy. 2 e.c stockpiled. Former started (6 turns) Growth in 7 turns.
Turns 3&4:Base growing building former. Nothing exciting.
Turn 5: Former rushed for 15 e.c (6/9 min) Growth in 4 turns.
Turn 6: Former completed, 2 e.c. stockpiled. No min carry over. CP started. Growth in 3 turns
Turn 7: CP 3/30 Growth 2
Turn 8: CP 6/30 Growth next. Doctor set to prevent riots
Turn 9: CP 8/30 Size 2. CP cannot be rushed under 10 min.
Turn 10: CP 11/30 Rushed for 47 e.c (16/19 min)
Turn 11: CP built, 2 ec stockpiled, no min carry over.
Cost: 122ec.
Stockpile gains: 6e.c.
End product: 1 base (5-3-6 total), 1 former, 1 CP in 11 turns.
The gain is 2 turns in exchange for 80 e.c. I don't think thats a sustainable advantage as the costs are prohibitive. It's nice to have a tanks in your SP city(ies) for the extra mineral, but in the very early game we need CPs and the extra nutrient isn't a good trade off for the massivly increased cost. Note that if one drops the former, then the costs drop considerably, (83e.c, 4 back from the stockpile = 79, no former, CP in 10 turns [Comparitivly, 3 turns earlier than no RecTanks, for 43 e.c]) but then the lack of the former means turns lost the other end getting the CP to the new bases location.
I used to have your view on ethical calculus - just for the creches mostly - but Morgie seems to love Dem! When most bases have a rectanks, a garrison (armored probe or scout) and a former or two, the cost of demo isn't that great, but the gains are huge! Massive increase in income, and more importantly GA booming. I've even been in situations where I've been having terrible trouble just trying to keep up with hab complexes, as smaller bases launch to size 4 in seemingly no time at all (+2/4 growth for size 1-3, then GA to 4). Big fan of Demo, FM, Wealth here, and the earlier the FM the better
1. Instead of building 6 Rec Commons, I build 6 crawlers and put them toward HGP. All bases benefit, including new bases beyond the beauracracy limit. It's also important long-term for GA's as others have pointed out. When bases are going from size 1 to 2 then immediately to 1, not even the 1 ec/turn maintenance would be recouped, not to mention the minerals for the facility in the first place. So... how about building a CP instead of an RC, until we're done building CP's, at which time we can build a crawler towards HGP. With the factions in this game, I see no reason we can't get to IA early enough to insta-build the game's first SP.
2. My early game tech preferences:
Ind Econ (FM) and Biogen (HGP)
Cent Eco (formers)
Plan Nets (probes)
IA (crawlers, PTS)
Adap Econ (PEG)
Cent Emp (Emp Guild)
(Some of you may have seen some of this section in a previous post which has disappeared into the forum void.)
Cent Eco. Roads to new cities gain _several_ turns of base production. With a forest and rec tank, that really adds up. Having forests makes up for both the former support (+1 min) and the slight delay to the IA beeline (+1 energy). Besides, IA often comes too soon to take advantage of it immediately, because expansion isn't complete. This will depend on world size.
Biogen and Rec Tanks. We should definitely use our starting cash ASAP, and Rec Tanks (and/or switching to FM) is the easiest. The +1 food means colony pods can be finished sooner, gaining several more "base-turns". The +1 min cancels our -1 support and means the colony pods or formers are built faster. The +1 energy is also great when combined with our faction's +1/base. My calculations indicate Rec Tanks usually give slightly more turn advantage than a former, but they're both great.
FM doubles (literally!) energy income so I'm currently torn between Biogen and Ind Econ as a first tech.
2a. Good detail work on Formers and Rec Tanks, Chaunk... we should check strategies against real numbers. You compared Former-CP to RT-Former-CP, but what about RT-CP-CP? A nice thing about RT's is you get nutrients and minerals at just the right rate to build nothing but CP's for quite a while (if that's what we want). If our second tech gives FM, that's a lot of base squares at +4 econ. (If I find time I'll crank out numbers for RT-CP-CP.) Another important thing is that the effect of +1 nutrient is much more noticeable if you don't have any rainy squares! This is the kind of calculation that really has to be done once we open the turn. (But now is a good time to throw out ideas so we can decide quickly when the time comes.) Also, don't discount that two turns we gained, or continuous gain of 1-1-1 thereafter. If the next base also does that, the third base has gained four turns. And we have to spend our 110 starting ec's on something, and the sooner the better. But as ec's run low, yes, we should consider formers instead, as we don't want to tie up our build queue with rec tanks that can't be rushed.
I agree once crawlers are available, they're often (but not always) better than RT's.
3. AndiD, the idea with Morgan is to get such insane base square energy that the second worker is not essential. Count 1 for the base normally, 1 for the RT, 1 for faction +1 Econ, and 3(?) for FM-Wealth (+4 Econ), that's 6 energy at the base square, not including a possible river or energy special. When the base square is that good, you want as many as possible. Also, I prefer to go very thin on scouts-- not every base gets one. That may sound risky, but the turn advantage is so great that you can even afford to lose a base and still be ahead.
I forgot to mention... Rec Tanks are awesome candidates for auto-completion pods!
Regarding tech beeline:
I think ProgPsych and subsequently AdapEcon is certainly something we should tackle quite early, since the PEG would help us greatly in saving time (not to build Energy Banks) and further increasing our cash.
I'm not quite literate on the tech tree yet to include that in an updated tech beeline list...
Regarding crawler vs. RecCommons for SP (= HGP) instabuilding:
Interesting strategy but doesn't it depend on the base growth? Fast growing bases (jungle, nut special) can grow with RecCommons quickly to size 3 or 4 and produce crawlers much faster than without (cheaper rushing => more rushing). Of course a size 1 base with a rocky mineral special and a former building mine+road would be as fast (faster?) with crawlers...
The doctor has to be fed so if you have no rainy or special square you can get trouble except when you replace RecCommons with RecTanks but that doesn't really solve the problem... (Using a garrison could but only until we run FM)
Have a look at the current mini-game perhaps and try the worker/doctor strategy... ;-)
As soon as the HGP is done the problem disappears anyway (doesn't it return with FM?)
And how often is there really a rolling rainy square for 2 nuts/1 min? (certainly the best starting square but quite rare IMHO...)
Shall we continue the growth discussion in the appropriate forum and leave it to tech / SP-related here? (Maybe we should plan growth strategies with and without HGP since it makes a huge difference early on)
Well I checked my numbers and it's actually possible to produce RT-F-CP in the same time as RT-CP for little extra cost. Essentially assuming that every CP takes 3 moves to get to it's destination, thats 1 turn on roads or 3 turns with no roads, plus one either way to plant the base. Therefore in a cash rich scenario I propose this sequence.
Turn 1: Base founded. RT bought for 76 ec. This is overpaying by 16 ec to get 10 min pre-built on the former next turn. Growth in 11 (Assuming a 2-1-1 square agian)
Turn 2: RT Completed, 10 min accumulated. 2 ec back from stockpile. Former can be bought for 18, but we should in fact wait 2 turns, til it's accumulated 16/20 min. Growth in 7. Aim therefore for CP in 8 turns
Turn 3: Nothing exciting G6, CP7
Turn 4: Former now 16/20 min. Every min at this point is 2 ec, lowest cost again. We want a CP in 6 turns, at 3 min/turn. That means we need to buy an extra 10 min. Therefore, spending 22 ec to buy one min for former and 10 min extra for CP next turn. G5 CP8(Currently)
Turn 5: Former built (2ec stockpiled), starts roading like crazy to try and road as much as possible to next base site. G4, CP 7 (10/30 +3 min/turn still)
Turn 6,7:Nothing happening really.
Turn 8: Growth next turn. doctor set. CP at 16/30 min, to be 18/30 next turn.
Turn 9: Growth to size 2. CP 18/30. Need to buy 9min, therefore 24ec spent to buy CP.
Turn 10: CP built (1 e.c stockpiled), can move along roads to new base site.
Costs: 122 ec
Gains: 1 RT, 1 Former, 1 CP.
Growth is then in 7 turns, a new CP would be built in 15, reducing to 8/9 when the previous CP turns to a base. Quite buyable in 8 turns, probably worth overspending on, to guirantee the next one on time.
This is my prefered build sequence if we can do it. It requires biogenics, Centauri Ecology & FM. I would still rate FM as a more important tech than biogenics although I think I need more testing. With Biogenics we spend a lot more, and without FM we can't afford a fraction of the increased costs. Therefore I propose the slight change to the start of my tech line below:
Industrial Base
Centauri Ecology
Industrial Economics
Information Networks
Planetary Networks
Industrial Automation
From here it would be the same or similar. It's likely we will be unable to research Biogenics straight after indEcon, hence I've inserted InfNetworks first.
However! If we have a large number of moist or arid tiles, and few rainy tiles, then biogenics demands to be bumped up, perhaps even to before centauri ecology. The extra nut makes a 1 nut square into a 2 nut square, which is needed to run a FM expansion for feeding the doctor at size 2.
I've also spent a few hours starting over and over again in the game and experimenting and came to similar conclusions.
Furthermore, FM *is* IMO definitely more important since it jacks down time of tech advance significantly. You get 2+ energy per base and 1+ energy per square nearly from the beginning and you can afford playing with the SE sliders after each new discovery, fighting for each tech turn saved in the very beginning.
The time of next tech discovery (InfNet) after IndEcon went down from 4 turns to 2 turns (!) on switching to FM.
The only disadvantages are planet (do we play rare native life? anyway, we are not attacking and psi defense is irrelevant to planet) and police (when we don't build garrisons regularly anyway, our police rating is irrelevant).
CentEcon can in a way substitute Biogenics (let the former build a farm on a (preferably rolling) moist square) and combined with the road advantage for the pods and the ability to immediately plunder special resource squares (imagine a forest on nutrient square) from the beginning it should be first in any case.
After the techs above I would definitely research
SocPsych (to get a (mineral rich) base beyond size 1 with RC and start working on the HGP)
EthicalCalc (to get Dem, efficiency and more bases without b-drones)
and after that perhaps
AdapEcon (to build the PEG shortly after the HGP secret project to help our cash)
but it depends whether other techs appear more important in that situation.
Techs that I research in the early game depend on whether I'm playing single player or PBEM, and who the opposition is
I always make Cent Empathy my first tech, to get early formers
Soc Psych is always my second tech (I play only Transcend, so drone problems come early and often)
If the PK's are in the game, I'll then choose Ind Econ, if not, I'll run at Biogenetics, then Secrets - for the free tech as much as for trance ability for my defenders and early crawlers ' rush (it takes just 3 trance synth crawlers to complete one of the early SPs, and we should be generating enough cash - 90 to upgrade - to afford rushing them)
Generally speaking, in PBEMs, forget the WP if the Gaians are playing and the HGP if the PK's are in the game
Then InfoNets and Plan Nets, which opens upo the VW as a possibility (more expensive, though, at 5 upgraded crawlers)
By then Ind Auto is available, and after that I run for the restriction-lifting techs, then Airpower, which really takes me into the mid-game
Thats interesting indeed Googlie. I've been playing arround with beelines as morgan in SP for a while now, and I've generally been going thusly:
Centauri Ecology for formers natch
Ind Auto. (Industrial economics, information networks, planetary networks on the way).
However! The game rarely lets you go straight to ind aut in this fashion, so I'll stop off for Biogenics for recycling tanks when i need an off beeline tech.
Ethical Calculus for democracy (Includes Social Psych. I don't see Rec Commons as vital, since up this point (Land mass depending) I'm still expanding in FM, and so as soon as a base is about to turn size 2, one citizen turns to a doctor and a CP is bought next turn. RC start going in shortly after I turn to democracy, usually increasing Psych to 20-30% for GA booming where possible.)
At this point, the restriction lifting techs are appearing very attractive, but I need to curb my instincts (I think!) and go for D:AP instead (Appled Physics, Doc Mob: Doc:Flex, HEC, Synth Fossil Fuels, D:AP) The Mod 3 rule again means no D:AP beeline, hence I'll pick up the restriction lifting techs on the way. Applying those rules using MM spreadsheet in slot 5, I came up with the following tech progression:
Industrial Base
Centauri Ecology
Information Networks
Industrial Economics
Planetary Networks
Industrial Automation
Doctrine: Mobility
Social Psych
Doctrine: Flexibility
Ethical Calculus
Gene Splicing
Applied Physics
Ecological Engineering
High Energy Chemistry
Doctrine: Initiative
Synthetic Fossil Fuels
Doctrine: Air Power
Secrets of the Human Brain
Environmental Economics
IndAuto in 6 techs, D:AP in 18, EE in 20. It's likely we would have traded techs at some point though, so this beeline would be changed by that. We would also likely be in a different slot than number 5, and the MM spreadsheet has known issues with scenareo edited games. This beeline also has D:Init and SotHB as off-beeline techs, although SotB is useful for MMI. Note that MMI is three techs away (Neural grafting, X, MMI).
For my feeling, Biogenetics comes too late in that list, since RecTanks enhance your just founded bases greatly (primarly nuts, but also minerals while the pod is underway).
There are even some advices to rush the RecTanks instead of the former first but for me with RecTank (rushed), scout (part-rushed?), former (part-rushed) the former comes much too late. It can generate either two nuts (growth, if no 2+ nut square is around) or two minerals (usually: forest) quickly (or both with quick growth or a forest planted on a nut special!) and RecTanks cannot, so they come 3rd.
Expanding in FM with the 2nd citizen a doctor and a rushed pod is an interesting strategy but isn't that "too much" expansion? IMHO, one potentially working fellow not working could easily a bit too much a waste in the early game (opportunity costs in base output => turn disadvantage).
EthCalc is for me primarily for creches, not for Dem. I switch to Dem only if I have finished my expansion mostly (free minerals!), have the first hab complexes built in bases with creches and finally want to "boom" to 11 by allocating 20% to psych.
Yeah normaly Biogenics would come sooner, but I'd sooner have a crawler than a rec tanks. A crawler costs less (3 rows not 4), and can be used to harvest any number of a resource (Usually 2 min from a forest at this point). I do like to have them though, and I've even played a few games where I've put off Centauri Ecology for RecTanks. However, I've compared RecTanks to not below.
With regard to the doctor though, the doctor is there for one turn. My build sequence is something like this:
Turn 1: Base built. 4 nuts (2 from the base, 2 from a rainy roling square), 2 min (1 base, one rainy rolling square), 5 energy (4 base, one rainy roling square.) Buy Former for 20 e.c.s (assuming no wealth)
Turn 2, former built (1e.c. stockpiled, no min carry over), starts to build roads to speed development (with a 2-1-1 theres no need for a farm or a forest at the moment) colony pod started (15 turns). Growth in 10 turns.
Turns 3-10 Nutrients increasing and minerals increasing.
Turn 11 growth next turn to size 2. Worker set to a doctor.
Turn 12, size 2. No riots due to doctor. Colony pod rushed for 13ec (I think, although you may want to check that. It should be 6/8 mins I hope)
Turn 13, size 1. Stockpile energy generates 1 e.c. Colony pod started again.
Cost: 38ec.
Stockpile gains: 2e.c.
End product: 1 base (4-2-5 total), 1 former, 1 CP in 13 turns.
Note that it's possible to modify this queue to be former -> Scout -> CP and part rush them all for less than 60e.c, and still get the CP on more or less the same scheduale. I don't usually build a scout as Morgan because it takes 1 min/turn () and doesn't do garrison duty. It's preferable to have some inner bases make some scouts or rovers on worm patrol, and formers on fungus removal.
Compare this to with a rectank:
Turn 1: Base built. 4 nuts (2 from the base, 2 from a rainy roling square), 2 min (1 base, one rainy rolling square), 5 energy (4 base, one rainy roling square.) RecTank bought for 60 e.c. Full price because 2 ec a min is better than 2.something ec a min.
Turn 2: Base produces 5 nuts, 3 min, 6 energy. 2 e.c stockpiled. Former started (6 turns) Growth in 7 turns.
Turns 3&4:Base growing building former. Nothing exciting.
Turn 5: Former rushed for 15 e.c (6/9 min) Growth in 4 turns.
Turn 6: Former completed, 2 e.c. stockpiled. No min carry over. CP started. Growth in 3 turns
Turn 7: CP 3/30 Growth 2
Turn 8: CP 6/30 Growth next. Doctor set to prevent riots
Turn 9: CP 8/30 Size 2. CP cannot be rushed under 10 min.
Turn 10: CP 11/30 Rushed for 47 e.c (16/19 min)
Turn 11: CP built, 2 ec stockpiled, no min carry over.
Cost: 122ec.
Stockpile gains: 6e.c.
End product: 1 base (5-3-6 total), 1 former, 1 CP in 11 turns.
The gain is 2 turns in exchange for 80 e.c. I don't think thats a sustainable advantage as the costs are prohibitive. It's nice to have a tanks in your SP city(ies) for the extra mineral, but in the very early game we need CPs and the extra nutrient isn't a good trade off for the massivly increased cost. Note that if one drops the former, then the costs drop considerably, (83e.c, 4 back from the stockpile = 79, no former, CP in 10 turns [Comparitivly, 3 turns earlier than no RecTanks, for 43 e.c]) but then the lack of the former means turns lost the other end getting the CP to the new bases location.
I used to have your view on ethical calculus - just for the creches mostly - but Morgie seems to love Dem! When most bases have a rectanks, a garrison (armored probe or scout) and a former or two, the cost of demo isn't that great, but the gains are huge! Massive increase in income, and more importantly GA booming. I've even been in situations where I've been having terrible trouble just trying to keep up with hab complexes, as smaller bases launch to size 4 in seemingly no time at all (+2/4 growth for size 1-3, then GA to 4). Big fan of Demo, FM, Wealth here, and the earlier the FM the better
1. Instead of building 6 Rec Commons, I build 6 crawlers and put them toward HGP. All bases benefit, including new bases beyond the beauracracy limit. It's also important long-term for GA's as others have pointed out. When bases are going from size 1 to 2 then immediately to 1, not even the 1 ec/turn maintenance would be recouped, not to mention the minerals for the facility in the first place. So... how about building a CP instead of an RC, until we're done building CP's, at which time we can build a crawler towards HGP. With the factions in this game, I see no reason we can't get to IA early enough to insta-build the game's first SP.
2. My early game tech preferences:
Ind Econ (FM) and Biogen (HGP)
Cent Eco (formers)
Plan Nets (probes)
IA (crawlers, PTS)
Adap Econ (PEG)
Cent Emp (Emp Guild)
(Some of you may have seen some of this section in a previous post which has disappeared into the forum void.)
Cent Eco. Roads to new cities gain _several_ turns of base production. With a forest and rec tank, that really adds up. Having forests makes up for both the former support (+1 min) and the slight delay to the IA beeline (+1 energy). Besides, IA often comes too soon to take advantage of it immediately, because expansion isn't complete. This will depend on world size.
Biogen and Rec Tanks. We should definitely use our starting cash ASAP, and Rec Tanks (and/or switching to FM) is the easiest. The +1 food means colony pods can be finished sooner, gaining several more "base-turns". The +1 min cancels our -1 support and means the colony pods or formers are built faster. The +1 energy is also great when combined with our faction's +1/base. My calculations indicate Rec Tanks usually give slightly more turn advantage than a former, but they're both great.
FM doubles (literally!) energy income so I'm currently torn between Biogen and Ind Econ as a first tech.
2a. Good detail work on Formers and Rec Tanks, Chaunk... we should check strategies against real numbers. You compared Former-CP to RT-Former-CP, but what about RT-CP-CP? A nice thing about RT's is you get nutrients and minerals at just the right rate to build nothing but CP's for quite a while (if that's what we want). If our second tech gives FM, that's a lot of base squares at +4 econ. (If I find time I'll crank out numbers for RT-CP-CP.) Another important thing is that the effect of +1 nutrient is much more noticeable if you don't have any rainy squares! This is the kind of calculation that really has to be done once we open the turn. (But now is a good time to throw out ideas so we can decide quickly when the time comes.) Also, don't discount that two turns we gained, or continuous gain of 1-1-1 thereafter. If the next base also does that, the third base has gained four turns. And we have to spend our 110 starting ec's on something, and the sooner the better. But as ec's run low, yes, we should consider formers instead, as we don't want to tie up our build queue with rec tanks that can't be rushed.
I agree once crawlers are available, they're often (but not always) better than RT's.
3. AndiD, the idea with Morgan is to get such insane base square energy that the second worker is not essential. Count 1 for the base normally, 1 for the RT, 1 for faction +1 Econ, and 3(?) for FM-Wealth (+4 Econ), that's 6 energy at the base square, not including a possible river or energy special. When the base square is that good, you want as many as possible. Also, I prefer to go very thin on scouts-- not every base gets one. That may sound risky, but the turn advantage is so great that you can even afford to lose a base and still be ahead.
I forgot to mention... Rec Tanks are awesome candidates for auto-completion pods!
Regarding tech beeline:
I think ProgPsych and subsequently AdapEcon is certainly something we should tackle quite early, since the PEG would help us greatly in saving time (not to build Energy Banks) and further increasing our cash.
I'm not quite literate on the tech tree yet to include that in an updated tech beeline list...
Regarding crawler vs. RecCommons for SP (= HGP) instabuilding:
Interesting strategy but doesn't it depend on the base growth? Fast growing bases (jungle, nut special) can grow with RecCommons quickly to size 3 or 4 and produce crawlers much faster than without (cheaper rushing => more rushing). Of course a size 1 base with a rocky mineral special and a former building mine+road would be as fast (faster?) with crawlers...
3. AndiD, the idea with Morgan is to get such insane base square energy that the second worker is not essential. Count 1 for the base normally, 1 for the RT, 1 for faction +1 Econ, and 3(?) for FM-Wealth (+4 Econ), that's 6 energy at the base square, not including a possible river or energy special. When the base square is that good, you want as many as possible. Also, I prefer to go very thin on scouts-- not every base gets one. That may sound risky, but the turn advantage is so great that you can even afford to lose a base and still be ahead.
Have a look at the current mini-game perhaps and try the worker/doctor strategy... ;-)
As soon as the HGP is done the problem disappears anyway (doesn't it return with FM?)
And how often is there really a rolling rainy square for 2 nuts/1 min? (certainly the best starting square but quite rare IMHO...)
Shall we continue the growth discussion in the appropriate forum and leave it to tech / SP-related here? (Maybe we should plan growth strategies with and without HGP since it makes a huge difference early on)
Well I checked my numbers and it's actually possible to produce RT-F-CP in the same time as RT-CP for little extra cost. Essentially assuming that every CP takes 3 moves to get to it's destination, thats 1 turn on roads or 3 turns with no roads, plus one either way to plant the base. Therefore in a cash rich scenario I propose this sequence.
Turn 1: Base founded. RT bought for 76 ec. This is overpaying by 16 ec to get 10 min pre-built on the former next turn. Growth in 11 (Assuming a 2-1-1 square agian)
Turn 2: RT Completed, 10 min accumulated. 2 ec back from stockpile. Former can be bought for 18, but we should in fact wait 2 turns, til it's accumulated 16/20 min. Growth in 7. Aim therefore for CP in 8 turns
Turn 3: Nothing exciting G6, CP7
Turn 4: Former now 16/20 min. Every min at this point is 2 ec, lowest cost again. We want a CP in 6 turns, at 3 min/turn. That means we need to buy an extra 10 min. Therefore, spending 22 ec to buy one min for former and 10 min extra for CP next turn. G5 CP8(Currently)
Turn 5: Former built (2ec stockpiled), starts roading like crazy to try and road as much as possible to next base site. G4, CP 7 (10/30 +3 min/turn still)
Turn 6,7:Nothing happening really.
Turn 8: Growth next turn. doctor set. CP at 16/30 min, to be 18/30 next turn.
Turn 9: Growth to size 2. CP 18/30. Need to buy 9min, therefore 24ec spent to buy CP.
Turn 10: CP built (1 e.c stockpiled), can move along roads to new base site.
Costs: 122 ec
Gains: 1 RT, 1 Former, 1 CP.
Growth is then in 7 turns, a new CP would be built in 15, reducing to 8/9 when the previous CP turns to a base. Quite buyable in 8 turns, probably worth overspending on, to guirantee the next one on time.
This is my prefered build sequence if we can do it. It requires biogenics, Centauri Ecology & FM. I would still rate FM as a more important tech than biogenics although I think I need more testing. With Biogenics we spend a lot more, and without FM we can't afford a fraction of the increased costs. Therefore I propose the slight change to the start of my tech line below:
Industrial Base
Centauri Ecology
Industrial Economics
Information Networks
Planetary Networks
Industrial Automation
From here it would be the same or similar. It's likely we will be unable to research Biogenics straight after indEcon, hence I've inserted InfNetworks first.
However! If we have a large number of moist or arid tiles, and few rainy tiles, then biogenics demands to be bumped up, perhaps even to before centauri ecology. The extra nut makes a 1 nut square into a 2 nut square, which is needed to run a FM expansion for feeding the doctor at size 2.
I've also spent a few hours starting over and over again in the game and experimenting and came to similar conclusions.
Furthermore, FM *is* IMO definitely more important since it jacks down time of tech advance significantly. You get 2+ energy per base and 1+ energy per square nearly from the beginning and you can afford playing with the SE sliders after each new discovery, fighting for each tech turn saved in the very beginning.
The time of next tech discovery (InfNet) after IndEcon went down from 4 turns to 2 turns (!) on switching to FM.
The only disadvantages are planet (do we play rare native life? anyway, we are not attacking and psi defense is irrelevant to planet) and police (when we don't build garrisons regularly anyway, our police rating is irrelevant).
CentEcon can in a way substitute Biogenics (let the former build a farm on a (preferably rolling) moist square) and combined with the road advantage for the pods and the ability to immediately plunder special resource squares (imagine a forest on nutrient square) from the beginning it should be first in any case.
After the techs above I would definitely research
SocPsych (to get a (mineral rich) base beyond size 1 with RC and start working on the HGP)
EthicalCalc (to get Dem, efficiency and more bases without b-drones)
and after that perhaps
AdapEcon (to build the PEG shortly after the HGP secret project to help our cash)
but it depends whether other techs appear more important in that situation.