And this thread is to encourage roleplay within our faction.
What to do for roleplay? Join In-Character Stories (sign up here).
Be a member of Debating Team (signup also here, details in Pholus Lunar Broadcast #2). Write for Voice of the Planet.
The very least thing you can do, is to put into your sig that you are member of Gaian Union (eg Lord in Gaian Union, along with any titles you may have) plus on of your in-character quotes or Deidre quotes (non-classic ones, or fictional ones are encouraged). You can see my example of it in this very post.
List of non-classic Deirdre quotes (gonna be updated soon):
In the end, our devotion to Planet is driven by faith. While the other factions prosper by carelessly devouring the wealth of Planet, we stand firm in our belief that Planet has moral significance of its own. They gain strength from plunder. We gain strength from the beauty and value of the thing we serve. --Lady Deirdre Skye, "Arguments in Council"
In ancient times the members of our own family and tribe were human, but all else was a dangerous Other. Our entire history can be considered a process of pushing this boundary back, toward a point at which nothing that thinks can be said to be alien to us.
-- Lady Deirdre Skye, Arguments in Council
---following is being made up by me
Other factions are blind when it comes to see the obvious: the one who adapts best to the environment shall win the battle. Military potential of the native lifeforms we have encountered is fantastic. What can you do against an army that can hide itself in the wilderness, use planet-spanning network of roads inaccessible by ordinary means, an army that no wall or armor can stop, an army that is capable of healing and supporting itself, an army that disregards any technology parity? --Lord Darris, captain in Gaian Defense Forces, Annual Report to Council of Lords
Not for one man, one people or one nation, but for all of mankind and Gaia. --Lady Deirdre Skye, Planetfall
What to do for roleplay? Join In-Character Stories (sign up here).
Be a member of Debating Team (signup also here, details in Pholus Lunar Broadcast #2). Write for Voice of the Planet.
The very least thing you can do, is to put into your sig that you are member of Gaian Union (eg Lord in Gaian Union, along with any titles you may have) plus on of your in-character quotes or Deidre quotes (non-classic ones, or fictional ones are encouraged). You can see my example of it in this very post.
List of non-classic Deirdre quotes (gonna be updated soon):
In the end, our devotion to Planet is driven by faith. While the other factions prosper by carelessly devouring the wealth of Planet, we stand firm in our belief that Planet has moral significance of its own. They gain strength from plunder. We gain strength from the beauty and value of the thing we serve. --Lady Deirdre Skye, "Arguments in Council"
In ancient times the members of our own family and tribe were human, but all else was a dangerous Other. Our entire history can be considered a process of pushing this boundary back, toward a point at which nothing that thinks can be said to be alien to us.
-- Lady Deirdre Skye, Arguments in Council
---following is being made up by me

Other factions are blind when it comes to see the obvious: the one who adapts best to the environment shall win the battle. Military potential of the native lifeforms we have encountered is fantastic. What can you do against an army that can hide itself in the wilderness, use planet-spanning network of roads inaccessible by ordinary means, an army that no wall or armor can stop, an army that is capable of healing and supporting itself, an army that disregards any technology parity? --Lord Darris, captain in Gaian Defense Forces, Annual Report to Council of Lords
Not for one man, one people or one nation, but for all of mankind and Gaia. --Lady Deirdre Skye, Planetfall