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Law and Order

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  • Law and Order

    • Total freedom in Design Workshop, including crawler upgrade (upgrades anytime, during turn or on-field)
    • Retro-engineering allowed, except for using the probe rover chassis before researhing Doc. Mobility.
    • Social Engineering settings may be changed only once per turn. No “quickie” changing.
    • Stockpiling in Build Queues allowed at any time
    • Multiple drops or orbital insertions using the right-click menu is forbidden. So is airdropping from outside a base/airbase, or after having moved (except on a magtube) using the same method.
    • Base growth through Colony Pods - can be used to increase a base size up to the applicable pre-facility limit, but cannot be used to breach that limit without the facility being built.
    • Psi (or any other) units cannot be assigned multiple waypoint patrol routes (to avoid instant demon boil bug)
    • It is not allowed to set the home base (Control-h) for a unit to be the base of another faction when the diplomatic stance is pact. The unit will then require no support from either faction.
    • No base trading with the AI. Extortion and gifting is allowed.
    • It is not allowed to trade technology to AIs in exchange for credits if as a result the AI's energy reserves would go into the negative.
    • Cannot change an infiltrated faction's workers to specialists, for example by using the F4 screen (or the bases icon of the F2 screen)
    • Transparent Commlink Logs - It is forbidden for any player, whether playing the turn or just browsing the .sav, to open a .sav file (current or past) with a text reader program (eg word, wordperfect, notepad, etc etc) as the in-game commlink exchanges are embedded in text in the .sav file and can be read by anyone.
    • It is forbidded for any player, whether playing the turn or just browsing any gamesave, to select left hand menu, then Game, then Resign. If hit accidentally, then immediately select the "No! Get back in there and fight" option. Selecting the "yes, time to slink away in shame" option triggers the game end scores and map expansion from the start (thereby revealing the start locations and limits of expansion of all seven factions).
    • No communications without the correct commlink.
    • Council notification - immediate broadcast to all players (Post in the thread and e-mail to all immediately by player who has called elections, citing candidates and votes. After each player's turn, post in the thread the running totals)
    • If an aggressive probe action (anything except infiltration) is used on a faction you have a truce, treaty or pact with, you must select 'Declare Vendetta' in the dialog box that appears afterwards, and notify the victim of your transgression, unless you have received permission in advance. No notification is required in other cases.
    • Demanding withdrawal to a human player through the menus rather than by negotiation is prohibited.
    • Bribing (or accepting bribes) for votes through the diplomatic channel box by clicking on the human faction leader's picture is prohibited (must be conducted by diplo message or e-mail).
    • Multiple reloading of the game to try for different effects is forbidden. If a reload is necessary because of a game crash etc., an explanation should be posted to the turn administration thread or PMed to Drogue.
    • This bug is not allowed: Normally, a base must have an Aerospace Complex to be able to build orbital facilities. However, if an Aerospace Complex is the item currently being built, then orbital facilities can be added to the build queue. If production is switched to something other than the Aerospace Complex, the orbital facilities remain in the build queue and will be built without the need for an Aerospace Complex.
    • This bug is not allowed: On the turn a terraformer completes its terraforming task, its "flag" will be grayed out indicating that it has moved. Clicking on and activating the terraformer will allow a new terraforming command to be issued to the terraformer with the correct number of turns to completion displayed. Clicking on and activating the terraformer again, cancelling its new orders; at this point, the terraformer will have regained one movement point. Using the more advanced technique of this bug is also disallowed.
    • Choppers are never allowed to attack bases.
    • It is allowed to build a turn simulator, where you can test out battle results or strategic plans years in advance. It is also allowed to use parallel turns of the official game to test out AI diplomacy (with the exception that you can't accept AI world map offers or trades) or some innocent internal affairs orders (crawler & former movements etc). However it is NOT allowed to use the official game turns to play ahead by eg testing out battle orders, scouting with units, or for example moving your probe units to check the probe cost of something and only then decide whether or not you're going to probe it.
      In clarification:
      Any exploring, military trials or probe actions, is not allowed. Testing former orders and AI diplomacy (without accepting any deal) is allowed. For anything else, check with Drogue before hand.
    • It's not allowed to perform probe actions on a base that from one faction revolted to another human faction, unless the new owner decides and announces to keep the base. If the faction doesn't want the base that revolted to them, they have to gift it to an AI of their choice directly after receiving it if possible. If not possible, they have to starve the base and build a colony pod in order to destroy it, again as soon as possible (without hurrying). While disassembling the base, the new owner has the right though to sell off any facilities present in the base.
    • It is not allowed to mind control with standard probe teams units or bases of any faction that runs a +3 or higher SE Probe rating.
    • Due to the probe rollover bug, an enhanced probe team mind controlling a unit of a faction running +3 or higher Probe SE, would only have to pay half the credits it would have had to pay without the bug. To compensate for that bug, the probing faction needs to get rid of a sum of credits equal to the probe cost. This can be done by for example significantly overpaying for a hurry order, meaning the credits are wasted.
    • It is not allowed to locate bases in unexplored tiles.
    • Turn playing and diplomacy rules are set by each faction, as that faction wishes. If a faction member gives away information to another faction, to the expressed detriment of their team, without authorisation, I will consider them a mole and inform the faction leader, who is recommended to expel them. I will enforce their turn playing rules, and so unauthorised turns will not be accepted, however a faction should not be able to gain from an unauthorised member playing the team. If they do, it will be dealt with as per parallel turns.

    This are accepted rules for this ACDG which Drogue will enforce. Do not attempt to break them!

    Also, we can use this thread to ask Drogue questions, and to discuss future internal rulings.
    SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw

  • #2
    Sounds great And the pic is wonderful. Being a Libran, if my girlfriend didn't object so, I'd have a tatoo of the balance symbol on my back
    For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
    But he would think of something

    "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


    • #3
      "Choppers are never allowed to attack bases."

      I wasn't aware of this rule and I just wanted to repeat it for emphasis.


      • #4
        Yes. It was the least change voted for, to try to tone down the 'chop 'n' drop' tactic.
        For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
        But he would think of something

        "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


        • #5
          This list is incredibly useful for future reference, thanks Obs!
          Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

          - Paul Valery


          • #6
            Well I just knew that someone will not read rules in the main forum
            SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
            The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


            • #7
              Kody, please do not do post breakdown by person per faction for Gaians, since it is IMHO giving up information about other factions. You can easily see who is active and who is not, and other factions can easily realiste who is active and valuable member for each faction (or who is the greatest spammer, but it is not important). I would advise you to do it again, since you are hurting Gaians that way. We can wish to mislead other factions about who runs what, but your breakdown prevents that.
              Last edited by Illuminatus; July 2, 2004, 12:16.
              SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
              The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


              • #8
                Might I know how will Angels offense by breaking down game rule be treated? I heard it yesterday from Kody and Enigma, and still no news.
                SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                • #9
                  I'm curious as well. That seems a minor atrocity to me.

                  Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                  • #10
                    According to Drogue, he is dealing with it right now, and most likely base coordinate will be published in all factions.
                    SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                    • #11
                      Mods have leaked information again to Angels. I do not care if other factions would find out who our replacement turnplayer is, this must stop. Leaking information is becoming a trend, and the fact what was leaked is not important, but the fct that mods are constantly leaking information, which may one day become faction vital. I wish to know which mod told this to Enigma.
                      Last edited by Illuminatus; July 5, 2004, 13:58.
                      SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                      The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                      • #12
                        Told what? Please give details, as I am aware of no such breach. I am also concerned with mods givign away information, and will post on the CMN forum about it, but I am not aware of any new situation.
                        Last edited by Drogue; July 5, 2004, 14:29.
                        For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                        But he would think of something

                        "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                        • #13
                          Well I did put my title in my location field. I didn't think it was too obvious. E_N seems to be raising **** as usual. I don't think people knowing who executes the turn is at all important. Afterall, the turnplayer just does what is told, hopefully. Speaking of which, here goes 2103.

                          Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                          • #14
                            [18:58] Enigma_Nova I hear Gaians are waiting on smacksim to play the turn.
                            [19:42] Obstructor just waiting for our turnplayer to get online and play the turn
                            [19:44] Enigma_Nova
                            [19:44] Enigma_Nova
                            [19:44] Enigma_Nova Smacksim sighted
                            [19:45] Obstructor you figured it out by his title, right?
                            [19:45] Enigma_Nova I figured it out because someone mod-like told me.
                            [19:45] Obstructor who told you?
                            [19:47] Enigma_Nova I forget.

                            I am worried that one of mods cant stop commenting game, and if this continues, he could one day leak actually important informations.
                            SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
                            The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


                            • #15
                              Ah I see. Well, that is a little disturbing, isn't it? What info from the private forums is o.k. to share? 'None' would be a safe bet. I'm sure we can share any relevant info directly to the main ACDG forums, if need be.
                              Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game

