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  • #16
    Here are the beelines:

    If Mod 0 is unavailable, Ecology can't be selected.
    We go IB (can't select mod 0) (mod1 tech)
    Then CE (csmod 2) (mod0 tech)
    Then IndEcon (csmod 1) (mod0 tech)
    Then IndAuto (csmod 0) (mod1 tech)

    We can go straight for the PEG:
    ProgPsy (csmod 2) (mod0 tech)
    AdaptEcon (csmod 1) (mod0 tech)

    If we detour to BioGenetics, we won't get a PEG beeline.
    It is ~definately~ a gamble.
    If we go Biogenetics, we have no shot at the PEG
    If we go AdaptEcon, we lose our shot at the HGP
    Since BioGen is one tech away, and Morgan's itching to use his crawlers (and his rushed rectanx), I reckon we'll lose that race.
    Sooner go for the PEG.
    At least that way we screw anyone who's trying to tech along the same beeline!


    • #17
      Not being able to research CentEco as first tech, I tend to be in favour of starting with IndBase IF no sea is detected in the first turn. Remember that sooner or later every faction founds coastal bases and when we have infiltrated them all, we'll get all the techs 3 other factions have...

      I've got a hunch that the Hive will be on the central part of a continent, with all teams around it. If this assumption is correct, we could get problems with trying to navigate probe teams through Hive territory for reaching the other teams...
      He who knows others is wise.
      He who knows himself is enlightened.
      -- Lao Tsu

      SMAC(X) Marsscenario


      • #18
        Geo: Think Strategically, not Tactically.

        It's best we get a few key techs before we steal them from others. I'd sooner have IA in 2120 and -other stuff- in 2145 than have IA AND other stuff in 2135.


        • #19
          I don't think we'll discover sea in the first turn anyway, and about those key techs, when the teams are infiltrated, we got those immediately, Most of them will follow the same path. *shrugs*
          He who knows others is wise.
          He who knows himself is enlightened.
          -- Lao Tsu

          SMAC(X) Marsscenario


          • #20
            What if one other team also follows an exotic path?
            Like Gaians to CentEmp
            or Sparta to Impact Rovers
            or Morgan to the PEG?

            I'm not willing to take that risk.

            This presumes that we find them - it's a needle in a haystack in a world this size.


            • #21
              As we're about to start IA, we need to start thinking in here again.

              I'm in favor of going ProgPsych/AdaptEcon as EN suggested to make the PEG available then perhaps FieldMod --> BioRes for beefing up our weaponry if we haven't probed/traded for something by then?

              Alternatively, as soon as we get our hands on BioEng, we could head up the restriction lifitng path (BioEng --> GeneSplice --> EcoEng --> EcoEcon)
              But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
              PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


              • #22
                I like getting 3res armor and then going for the restriction lifting path unless it doesn't allow for some reason... that way we still have the biores path open as a secondary.

                The 3res armor, this early in the game, I've found generally is quite the boon in my games.

                There is the fact that after IA and the fact we'll have Doc: Flex to go for Doc: Ini and get the Maritime... and yes, I'm just a pirate at heart, but it would certainly allow for faster probe ships and a stronger sea presance. After all, if all factions are connected, via, Yang, through landbridges wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that faster contact would be by sea (and faster conquest) than by land?

                Get some of those colony sea pods out early and after bio res and the restriction lifting path aim for Doc: Air... coupled with well-developed and defended sea bases we'd be a striking force for anywhere on Planet!

                Say... can air units be probe units as well? Must... go... test...
                I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                • #23
                  No, airprobes can't be done in the vanilla version.

                  Hopefully Yang still wants to trade Doc:Flex with us. It would allow us to omit the research of Doc:Mob (I'm pretty sure later on when the ComNex is constructed he will want to trade Doc:Loy as well...)
                  He who knows others is wise.
                  He who knows himself is enlightened.
                  -- Lao Tsu

                  SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                  • #24
                    Ah, one must alter the .txt to get them? I know I can get air troop ships... they only carry one unit... strange that they wouldn't allow airprobes then...

                    Sounds good on the Doc:Loy too. Too bad that will possibly be a Spartan priority... better for us for them to leave WP I suppose though.
                    I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                    Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                    • #25
                      I remember I wanted to make a copter probe, it did not work. colony missile did not work too. I guess missile probe will not work too....
                      Map creation contest
                      WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                      • #26

                        A colony missile... now there's a really unique use of a chasis.

                        I can see the ads now:

                        Come join the Colony MISSILE! Departing Enigma Machine and targetted for crash-landing on a nut tile SE of KC!
                        Insurance not included... but fast arrival at your new home certainly is!
                        I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                        Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                        • #27
                          Yeah, the base named 'graveyard'

                          On topic again

                          People, in two turns IndAuto is ours. Where do we go from there on the research level?
                          He who knows others is wise.
                          He who knows himself is enlightened.
                          -- Lao Tsu

                          SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                          • #28
                            well, some votes then. I thought about Doc. Mobility, but if Hive has it, then we might probe it. I think we need Doc Flex ASAP. to contact Lal and Zakharov, they may be very helpful with technologies. So I do not know - do we research mobility and then flexibility or completely rely on stealing it?

                            Another choices - I thought about Biogenetics - recycling tanks will give a lot of resources - they are excellent facilities.

                            Social Psych? for relaxation for agents after hard work in field?
                            Map creation contest
                            WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                            • #29
                              Nah, there's the VW for agents relaxation.

                              I'm in favor for grabbing DocFlex from the Hive, but it's not like we can choose what tech to take.

                              You're in favor of Biogen and FF thinks of taking a beeline to FieldMod.

                              We'll see by next week then.
                              He who knows others is wise.
                              He who knows himself is enlightened.
                              -- Lao Tsu

                              SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                              • #30
                                Yes, that might be good choice:

                                Progenitor Psych
                                Field Modulation (3res armor)
                                Adaptive Economics --> Planetary Energy Grid (IMHO a decent SP)

                                Biogen might be obtained from Lal for Prog Psych maybe...
                                Map creation contest
                                WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet

