Hercules: Sorry, I meant 19.65, to the North East along that river tile. Keep mixing up that grid. The direction has priority when I post a grid and a direction.
Since CentEco won't be for sale this round, I suggest delay the actual choosing of a tech ingame untill we made all our movements and have the max. view of our surroundings.
If a sea is detected on either side of our starting position, I suggest choosing Doc:Mob (for Doc:Flex next tech), if not, I endorse the IndAuto beeline (choosing IndBase thus).
As you see, I prefer to keep things flexible...
The above comment is made under the assumption that we're able to choose our tech in the first turn, not be prompted about it by the game at the opening of the turn.
Since CentEco won't be for sale this round, I suggest delay the actual choosing of a tech ingame untill we made all our movements and have the max. view of our surroundings.
If a sea is detected on either side of our starting position, I suggest choosing Doc:Mob (for Doc:Flex next tech), if not, I endorse the IndAuto beeline (choosing IndBase thus).
As you see, I prefer to keep things flexible...

The above comment is made under the assumption that we're able to choose our tech in the first turn, not be prompted about it by the game at the opening of the turn.