I guess if one has always follows the game it will be easier to follow it. For me because I missed the initial stage it's a little harder to get back into the game, and then I have this and that problems which prevented me to give the game proper attentions. What I have to say is being a mod IS a huge responsibility, I'm glad we have several people who can cover each other. What I would appreciate is that if whoever is following the game would give the others a bit hint so that we'll know what the current situation is, etc. Method, looks like you have been following the game. So maybe you can answer some of my questions such as their starting positions and how the Gaians got to know that Spartans have Morgan's commlink.
No announcement yet.
The Observatory
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Well, I asked the Spartans and looks like they have not pacted with the Hive. Maybe I'll ask Chaos Theory how he got to know the commlink thing, just for my own cruiosity.Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
The Gaian's method of finding the commlink fact is legit. The Spartans are calling for a summit through chat room or IRC. Should a mod attend the meeting? Will you be attending Method?
Regarding Kody's thought, my idea is that I don't really need to play in the game to find the game interesting. All I would need is somebody to talk inside the mod forum, to interexchange information, observations, and comments. It would be so much more interesting if I'm not always talking to myself here.Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
I will be on the road for approximately 10 days. I will try to get online from time to time. However, I would appreciate if somebody could keep an eye on all the important events and perhaps give me a brief update when I'm back. Thanks!Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
OK I'm back.Any news?
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Hmmm looks like the Spartan's infiltrated the Morgans. I still need to read the forums to see what had actually happened.Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
I would like to inform you all that I have to officially withdraw from the game. Some of you may already know that I'm trying to get into the University of Rochester. If I am successful I would have lots of RL life things to do, moving, etc. Best of luck to everybody else!Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Re: Game Strategy Observations
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Originally posted by Kody
However, the game setup is not in their favour as they are unable to offset their industry penality easily. One ways I see of doing that are to find a human pactmate early and work closely with them the land setup makes this hard. Also their blocked by the Hive who isn't a good AI to take over in the early game. If they do take over the Hive they'll likely have all the other factions turn against them as the AI buffer is now gone and they may end up with a 3 front war.
The high rainfall to give the factions extra nuts is also detrimental as the Spartans are usually better off making forests to help offset their industry penalty and this is not as good when you're supposed to be getting your nutrients from rainy squares. Their river square is also 2 squares away unlike data angels that started on the river and morgans that started next to the river.
Their advantages are the spartans are close to flexibility so can possibly get to the AIs on the other island first. Also the start is not accelerated so the elite morale bonus will have an effect for a longer period of time. These points offset the other penalities, but really come into effect when early bonuses mean the most.
Rule #1 of playing SMAC factions: use your strengths, don't compensate your weakness. Due to their easy police control, the Spartan strength is population growth => rainy squares are useful. The good terrain also meant we could build some rovers and foils as our first production item in a new base, instead of a former.
You're thinking of strategy to use. I was commenting on fairness of game setup. It was only turn 2 when I made that comment.
In comparison to other factions I think having rainy opposed to having nut bonuses (this is what buster did) is worse for spartans "than other factions". 1 or 2 population isn't as important as more units in the very early game. It's not detremimental, but I think in the early game the other factions benefits more than the spartans do, whereas having nut bonuses seems more fair to me.
I probably wouldn't forest the rainy squares either, but I would be wishing for a nut bonus at my starting position while playing spartans while with other factions it wouldn't be as important.
One thing I guess I didn't factor in is the completion and ec pods you guys were getting. My experience with spartans was with no pods on the map. I guess that would swing the balance so industry isn't such an hinderance.