People ran through corridors in panic, freshly awakened from cryosleep. Alarms were sounded. Captain was just being murdered.
“Quick! To the colony pod!”
“But wait! There is still booze in the bar!“
“If the ship crashes with us, nobody won’t be alive to drink it!”
“But at least we will die happy”
*nervous breakdown*
*colapses to the ground
************some time later****************
Where are we going?
To a colony pod.
But which one?
I dunno. We must choose wisely - crew is fragmenting into factions
Well which faction has booze?
You do not really try to base the decision on which the rest of your life will depend on booze?
Was that a rhetorical question?

Look there is Deirdre! She will surely know how to grow and make soome booze!
I dunno - Zakharov is better - his engineer do have a chemisty degree. They will probably be able to mix something storng.
Perhaps we should go with Lal? He will have alcohol!
Yes, for medical use. We could always go with Yang - that despot will keep something for himself.
And how do you propose to get it from him?
Well Morgan surely must have booze to sell!
We will have to work for it!
So who is left?
Santiago. Ughhh!
Meowww! I love that lady!

An empty colony pod! For ourselves!

Look! It has tons of booze!
OMG - we will find a utopia society with this!

Come here people! We promise free booze, free booze and free booze!
And free booze also!

And people were happy and they rushed to the pod...

*************Some times after the colony pods detach...*****
Hey watch it!
Ouch my leg!
Ouch my liver!

Upp.. bl.. ahhh!

Aaaah! I am gonna died covered with puke! I hope you end in hell

*****************One atmospheric entry, ship breakapart and bad landing after********

Wake up! We survived!

It is true! Here is some coffee!

Well ship broke apart, half of our crew is dead, other half is drunk, we have no fresh water, no pwoer generator, no supplies, no food, no tools, no contact with others and no means for survival, but apart from that everything is great.

Well, I was alone.
Well do sth about it!
Hey guys, look what I found! Unity scout chopper!
That's it! Our last hope! We can use the chopepr to find other factions and trade for supplies. We are saved!

That is great guys, but where is the fuel?
Are they perhaps medium sized?
Square shaped?
Are those red canisters?
With sign 'Chopper Fuel - do not touch'?
Uh I haven't seen them.

Spill the guts!


You drank the chopper fuel?
I thought it was beer.
You mistaken red canisters with sign 'chopper fuel' for beer???

Ouch! At least it was tasty. I searched for beer, but all vanished when ship broke apart. I manged only to find out secondary reactor and remains of bridge.

You got it!
All ended well. We got our own booze faction. And I am not even hurt even as I survived Planetfall in ship that broke apart.

Err, Blue, have you looked in mirror?

Forget it
Unity Wreckage Bar Patrons faction
------INDUSTRY, ------EFFICIENCY, ------RESEARCH, ------SUPPORT, ------ECONOMY - Drunken lazyasses.
START WITH 100 extra energy credits - found secondary Unity reactor.
+++MORALE Too drunk to be afraid.
FREE REC COMMONS AT EVERY BASE - If they manage to found a second abse it will certainly have a bar.
Leader - bartender Red, UNS Unity lowest class technician (worked in Microsoft)
Quote: "Here is another one for you."
---Bar Tales, bartender Red
WELCOME! (the story about the survivors shall continue in the thread)