MorganLink Magazine #2 "Scandal for Scoundrels!" CEO MORGAN CHARGED WITH EMBEZZLEMENT! Here's the story, covered in Morgan Street Journal by the venerable Impaler[WrG] Sources indicate that Chaunk, Chief Prosecutor for Morgan Industries, is preparing to file Section 33-2a Embezzlement Charges against CEO Nwabutike Morgan. Reportedly the charges will state that CEO Morgan, while still aboard the Unity Spacecraft, misappropriated the sum of 10 Energy Credits for his own personal use and hid them somewhere about the Morgan Capsule; leaving only a mere 100 Credits for the rest of the faction to make due with. Upon the landing of the Pod he then endeavored to conceal his theft from the rest of his faction. When security forces apprehended Morgan. he was nearing completion of a secret underground Grotto which was to be filled with nerve stabled Super model love slaves, lots of wine, synthetic caviar and a life time supply of Viagra. Chief Prosecutor Chaunk gave this response. "He is going down. I have him in my sights and he can not escape. We will strip Morgan of every energy penny he has and boot him off the board for this unforgivable theft of company assets. I don't care if he DID found this company and lead us through the breakup of the Unity. This crime is unforgivable." CEO Morgan gave this response: "These Charges are Ridiculous, Poppycock, made of whole cloth and further more NOT TRUE! I am the Teflon Kid and will come through this completely unscathed! Prosecutor Chaunk is going after me because of my wealth and wishes to "bag" himself an innocent businessman so he can make a fortune on his lawyer fees which mind you run at a staggering 500%!!." When Chaunk was asked to justify his lawyer fees he responded with "No Comment". Morganic legal experts agree that the case against Morgan looks grim but none could imagine that the highly respected leader of our faction could ever have been charged in such a manner. They find the possibility of conviction infinitesimal due to the fact that Morganic Society would be shaken to its core by such an event. Morganic Lawyers called into action As reported by Tim Chester Like a well oiled machine, the legal department in Morgan Industries sprang into action this last week amid uproar. Rumours had started, and were spreading like wildfire - the Mod's, the producers of the so called Pholus Lunar Newscast had started a campaign of viscious lies and misrepresentation. The headline made their stance clear "Outrage Over Atrocities Commited by the Morganites". This reporter throws scorn in the direction of the Phalic Loony Newscast that, amidst their campaign of racial hatred, they couldn't even be bothered to get our Faction name correct. But thats by the by. And official Morgan Represetitive made the following statement. "Originally the PLN stated they were neutral in all afairs. We now see they lied. In fact, their newspaper is nothing more than a rag. Our lawyers have issued a writ to the papers editors and the court case is scheduled for two weeks time. "The Morgan Company has at no time had any part in any of these "atrocities" they claim we carried out. The protocol that Kody cites has not been broken in any way. In fact, as all the CMN's are aware, we Morgans have not roleplayed at all, save for a little bit last week from only two of our members, who are both now in training to rid them of such roleplaying tendencies. "We will not rest till the truth is out, and Morgan Industries is once again free of the slur that PLN has given us." We at MorganLink news can only stand and aplaud as our leaders refuse to take this lying down. Let the lawsuit begin! Free Market established! Today several famous statesmen like Dr. Chaunk and many of the upper management of Morgan Industries announced the institution of a completely free market without any governmental regulations. Finally the Morganites have managed to set up a thriving economy on the foundations of liberty and capitalism, allowing for anyone to make his own fortune. Within the first years analysts expect an annual growth of more than 50% for the GFP (Grand Factional Product) of Morgan Industries, while the average income as well as the living standards will rise even more due to the vast diversity of new products and services available...
Quote of the day: "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good" Investors shocked! ![]() MichaSoft Systems share prizes went down by 33.5% due to the mysterious inactivity among high-level management. Head of the Company, Mr. Micha el-Herodes, is said to have disappeared several weeks ago, without giving notice to his secretary or his three wives. Analysts say the latter may be the motive for his departure, while former co-workers claim it´s all a trick to cash his own life insurance... Morgan Street Journal: Financial Times By Impaler[WRG] Morgan Industries conducted its long awaited Initial Public Offering today. Morgan himself rung the Ceremonial Gong to comense bidding on 10,000 shares of Morgan Industries stock. Prices soon climbed from 3.2 to well over 16 Energy Bucks per share. Many traders were seen trading in wedding rings, watches even the shirts off their backs (and in some cases the shirts off other peoples backs) for more Morgan Stock. Morgan was quoted as having said " Mine Mine ALLLL MINE!!!" and "Greed is Good". Senior market analyst Yoggy belives that the sky high price will soon fall which is in sharp contrast to rival analyst Toro's predictions that prices could soon reach stratosphereic prices of 30-50 Energy Bucks per Share. Toro said "Sell your first born XenoChild NOW when it can still get you a desent return on your investment!!". Meanwhile Senior members of the Board of Directors had already had options to purchace the limited Edition "Golden Shares" of stock which give them controling Interests in Morgan Industries and all its subsidiaries regardless of how many regular or "Peasent" shares as many Directors refer to them are sold. Resent investors Blut0 and TheloneAmigo were seen making purchaces of Golden shares of Morgan stock and both expressed their glee at becoming full fledged perminent members of the Board of Directors, "Its good to be Golden" said ZargonX another resent investor who claimed to have saved every credit he earned for 8 years inorder to become a Board Member. Opinion: Powergraph: Actual value or a load of *Shut your mouth!*? Mass debating has been happening in the Morgan faction this week over the power graph. We want to know your opinion! Is the power graph a good representation of power, or just a load of empty mouth? For the ladies out there, we've even added an "ooh, pretty colors option" ![]() Vote in Poll See Votes In Other News
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MorganLink Magazine Issue 2 : Scandal for scoundrels!
MorganLink Magazine Issue 2 : Scandal for scoundrels!
She cheats her lover of his due
but still contrives to keep him tied
by first deciding to refuse
and then refusing to decideTags: None