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Turn 71 ready for Hive

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  • Turn 71 ready for Hive

    Turn is posted.

    I turned over control of a drop colony pod, a drop probe, and three AAA drop plasma sentinels. (You can reverse engineer some AAA units now.) Please drop the CP onto (78,58), found a base, then drop in the other units. There is already an interceptor there from when I took out a CyCon air unit. This new base will let us access the weak eastern CyCon bases while putting some distance between it and CyCon's healthy sea bases to the West.

    Staples of Life has a book sale this year. Stop by and pick up anything your scientists are interested in. We have a probe scheduled to visit the Meadopolis library next year to study Cyberethics.
    "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle

  • #2
    Cool, it appears that the Hive can finally infiltrate the Cycon this turn. Because the cycon appear to have taken one of the data angel bases.

    Another point to take care of is that many of the hive's scouts or police on our main continent aren't clean. I would like to point out that it only costs 20 ecs to upgrade a scout or police scout to a clean police scout. This is often an investment of 20 ecs for 1 mineral per turn.

    This investment will pretty much pay for itself fairly quickly and is currently cheaper and faster at giving us turn advantage than making crawlers and putting them on forests.


    • #3
      Half turn

      I was only able to get Social Psych from the Drones because we didn't have our probe teams prepared the last turn. I hope the Drones will keep the base free of probe team the next turn so I could try more. In the mean time, please keep probing Roze.

      What should I do if I want to raise the little hill for the energy park to 3000 again? I'm really puzzled what I did to make it lower below 3000.

      I rushed several planes so they can come out the next turn. Please review if the military production is adequate.
      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

      Grapefruit Garden


      • #4
        Midturn file: Edit: File removed.

        This file is only a temporary evaluation file. The Central Military Committee has successfully infiltrated the CyCon and the new information now accessible may give us new possible courses of action.

        Suggestions as to how the CMC should proceed are welcome. We have probes near the new CyCon base in the Monsoon Jungle and we may have sufficient energy credits to subvert the base.

        We may also consider doing a full scale CyCon invasion.

        All CyCon technologies may be downloaded this year.

        The CMC will have orders dispatched before the deadline.

        Comrade Rubin
        Chairman of the Central Military Committee
        Last edited by Rubin; May 31, 2004, 11:23.


        • #5
          pre-END TURN file: Edit: File removed.

          All but Roze's last naval base have been captured. Bribed the new CyCon settlement and stole the remaining technologies.

          The infiltration information suggests we may overwhelm CyCon forces if we choose to do so. In this regard we should seek complete aerial supremacy and take out all CyCon Anti-Air defensive measures.
          Last edited by Rubin; May 31, 2004, 11:24.


          • #6
            The things I noticed was that that cycon base that can be mind-controlled is not within 1 turn range for dropping into their two bases on the nearby island. Instead it will take two turns from that cycon base to reach the cycon base using drop AAA garrisons (rovers don't do much since they have fungus and forests in the way).

            I don't think probing the data angels for techs that the drones already have was a good idea. It was a waste of drop probes since the data angels have +2 probe rating which means much higher probe loss (and expensive since those probes were drop probes) and we could have used infantry probes for getting techs from the drones since the drones are only 2 squares away from our nearest base.

            The main thing I would suggest would be build colony pods and AAA +3 garrisions. The drones gave us +3 pulse armor AAA prototypes. I would remove the pulse armor and make a normal +3 armor AAA unit to make the unit cheaper.

            I cannot stress enough the importance of colony pods. We needed them to get more bases, and now it has become clear we'll need them to retake the old peace bases.

            Likely the cycon will continue to burn all bases before letting the hive take them over. So likely the only way to to advance is by planting bases and covering them with AAA garrisions and air force. For the data angels terriority build non-drop colony pods and just ICS your way to the the eastern sea (move 2 squares from a base and plant a new base).


            Current analysis of the cycon is they're actually fairly weak military wise and industrial wise. Their biggest advantage right now is they've got the PEG and getting heaps of cash which they're using to rush buy military like crazy.


            It would servely weaken them and with the new base the drones requested near the university terriority (built next turn) that base with the PEG is within drop range.


            • #7
              Comrade Kody, thank you for the fine evaluation of our current situation. I have a few comments:

              1) We have not yet lost a single probe team during covert operations against the Data Angels.

              2) The CyCon air force and ground army are very limited and we need not nescessarily airdrop into their bases. Advancing AAA drop infantry may prove to be a viable approach.

              3) It seems the Free Drones are very interested in relieving the CyCon of the Planetary Energy Grid. This is the CyCon's sole strength and should be first priority to Foreman buster.

              Comrade Rubin
              Chairman of the Central Military Committee


              • #8
                Fine evaluation?


                Just giving my opinions. I haven't been following this game enough to confidently say much now.
                Well that's good news. Although it seems strange we haven't lost a single probe team against the Data Angels. I did some tests way back when they first declared war against us, and lost around half the probes in the tests I ran (reprobing the base after upgraded interlocks).

                On Cycon military...

                Only one cycon chopper near the data angel terriority. However, there are handful of air units being built next turn. From the build patterns in their bases it looks like they've been rushing units a fair bit. (hence PEG needs to be removed from their control, whether it's drones or hive or just destoried)

                Also I think the cycon recently used up most of their military resources destorying the data angel bases near their bases (to prevent drop into their terriority). So what you are probably seeing is only until they rebuild their PEACE province military again. I think they'll have 3 or 4 aircraft in that area at the start of their current turn due to new builds.

                Judging from the Drone's war against the Cycon, the cycon will likely destory or mindcontrol any bases that we take from them. That's why I'm thinking colony pods will be essential to advance. Drop colony pods once we get bases to the eastern shore of the data angels. Taking cycon bases will usually mean we'll be overextending our units outside of our effective air control and will be vulnerable to the cycon stealing techs or getting AAA from us.

                Top priority in my opinion is to keep AAA out of Cycon hands otherwise the advance will slow down significantly since AAA+aerospace and 3-armor pretty much always wins against 1 and sometimes 2 6-attack choppers.


                • #9
                  Looks like the Drones has gotten PEG from the CCs. As for CCs attempts to destruct bases, I'm certainly not the military expert, but could we clear any CC forces in a base if we can't capture it? And if we do capture it we would need some drop probes and perhaps a couple drop AAA garisons? This was if the base is larger than 3 they should be safe.
                  Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                  Grapefruit Garden

