I believe we really need a basic government structure. I propose we set up a temporary government like this:
Chairman - Voltaire (of course)
CMC - Rubin
CPC - HongHu
Ambassador - Arnelos
Turn player - Mead
The names I propose is based on how familiar one is with the game and time availability, as well as having SMAX.
I feel Arnelos is very good at diplomacy and by serving as the Hive Ambassador he would be able to post the war declaration with a glourious title.
Rubin is very experienced. Also Voltaire had appointed him to chair the CMC. So it really goes without saying that I believe he would the best candidate for CMC.
Mead and I can both be candidates for CPC. I would rather like Mead to continue to play the turns though. However if it is decided that Mead should temperarily not play the turn for CC's opposition, I think Mead can be responsible for the CPC while Rubin or I can play the turn.
I also propose the following rules:
1. The person who is responsible for each area must take responsibility and has final say on his area.
2. Before each turn CMC and CPC should summarize the situations, present options for discussion and setting up polls for decision. Before the turn player plays the turn CMC and CPC must post a specific set of orders. The orders must be followed by the turn player.
3. The Ambassador must be responsible for copying all messages to the team from various channels, such as PMs from other faction and posts in the embassies. At time of each diplomatic issues he should be responsible for the situations, present options for discussion and setting up polls for decision.
4. The turn player has authorities to make final decisions on any detailed movements and in game decisions, provided that he has followed orders from the team. He is responsible for posting the save before end turn and other screenshots necessary.
Chairman - Voltaire (of course)
CMC - Rubin
CPC - HongHu
Ambassador - Arnelos
Turn player - Mead
The names I propose is based on how familiar one is with the game and time availability, as well as having SMAX.
I feel Arnelos is very good at diplomacy and by serving as the Hive Ambassador he would be able to post the war declaration with a glourious title.
Rubin is very experienced. Also Voltaire had appointed him to chair the CMC. So it really goes without saying that I believe he would the best candidate for CMC.
Mead and I can both be candidates for CPC. I would rather like Mead to continue to play the turns though. However if it is decided that Mead should temperarily not play the turn for CC's opposition, I think Mead can be responsible for the CPC while Rubin or I can play the turn.
I also propose the following rules:
1. The person who is responsible for each area must take responsibility and has final say on his area.
2. Before each turn CMC and CPC should summarize the situations, present options for discussion and setting up polls for decision. Before the turn player plays the turn CMC and CPC must post a specific set of orders. The orders must be followed by the turn player.
3. The Ambassador must be responsible for copying all messages to the team from various channels, such as PMs from other faction and posts in the embassies. At time of each diplomatic issues he should be responsible for the situations, present options for discussion and setting up polls for decision.
4. The turn player has authorities to make final decisions on any detailed movements and in game decisions, provided that he has followed orders from the team. He is responsible for posting the save before end turn and other screenshots necessary.