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CMC: Foreign Relations, Diplomatic Military Advisor Needed

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  • CMC: Foreign Relations, Diplomatic Military Advisor Needed

    Fellow Comrades, to aid our military planning and efforts the Central Military Committee needs coordination and information regarding our foreign relations affairs.

    The Central Military Committee cannot operate without diplomatic intelligence information and updates on current diplomatic stances; areas to which I have limited access. My concern is if the Central Military Committe should issue orders that would directly interfere with the hivean diplomatic agenda--or put our society at great risk due to inadequate hivean defenses in areas co-defended by our allies.

    An official CMC Ambassador is hereby requested.

    Comrade Rubin
    Chairman of the Central Military Committee

  • #2
    Comrade Rubin, as the somewhat official chief ambassador (I really don't know what I do around here ), I try to periodically update this thread,, containing summary of our relations with the other factions.
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    • #3
      If no other comrades are up to this job then I would be delighted to help. Please specify what exactly do you expect from the CMC Ambassador.
      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

      Grapefruit Garden


      • #4
        Comrade HongHu, the CMC Ambassador is to update the Central Military Committee on the military disposition and military strategies of our allies. On major issues the Central Military Committee is to be directly involved, otherwise the CMC Ambassador may file a very brief yearly report on our allies' requests and immediate battleplans.

        In addition, the CMC Ambassador acts as the hivean military representative in foreign embassies, thereby informing our allies of hivean military strategies that our allies are to take into consideration when conducting warfare; be it offensive or defensive. Based upon the current diplomatic situation the CMC Ambassador is responsible for deciding which military agendas are safe to share and which are classified.

        An immediate task would be to discuss with the Free Drones how the University settlements are to be divided and defended. Additionally, the Central Military Committee needs to know if Foreman buster plans on advancing further westward and launching an offensive against the CyCon from the northeast--and if hivean military should engage in direct support. This has obvious impacts on hivean military options, especially considering the strategic value of invading the Data Angels' territory.

        Finally, the CMC Ambassador is expected to focus on diplomatic issues and coordination of military planning. The exact current size, composition and location of allied forces are of less importance.

        Comrade Rubin
        Chairman of the Central Military Committee


        • #5
          Based on the job description I have an impression that Comrade Mead may be better suited than I am for he will be the main turn player. I would like to ask if Comrade Mead would like to serve as this capacity. If he declines then I will do it.
          Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

          Grapefruit Garden


          • #6
            Originally posted by HongHu
            Based on the job description I have an impression that Comrade Mead may be better suited than I am for he will be the main turn player. I would like to ask if Comrade Mead would like to serve as this capacity. If he declines then I will do it.
            I am willing.

            I request that Hong Hu or someone else equally experienced review my turn, prior to my pressing End Turn and posting it on the Turn Thread.



            • #7
              Good news, Comrade Ambassador Mead! I'll look forward to your first report to the Central Military Committee; especially regarding the Free Drones and PEACE.

              As you already know, we need to decide upon a division of University territory and settlements. I am sure the Free Drones have preferences we need to consider.

              Please, also consider presenting the Central Military Committee any diplomatic issues that you may find of importance to our military strategy.

              Feel free to extend the hivean military impact to our foreign embassies.

              Comrade Rubin
              Chairman of the Central Military Committee


              • #8
                We need to send a representative to attend the PEACE CPU negotiation.
                Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                Grapefruit Garden


                • #9
                  Comrade HongHu, what are you talking about? If this is a matter for the Central Military Committe send our new CMC Ambassador.


                  • #10
                    In here and later posts they are talking about settlement talks. I am not sure though if they only wanted Peace and CPU representatives or if they want the other factions to be there too.
                    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                    Grapefruit Garden

