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PEACE Communication
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
I didn't realize that they didn't have sea pod. That means it will take longer time too. And we need to find them a place to live on our land.Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Maybe that Island north of Jamski´s redemption? But it´s too far to be the first base... That´s really tricky...
Maybe we really need to let them conquer one of our bases...Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
Originally posted by Kody
OK, Kody, I feel your pain.
Peace could land on that island southeast of us and we could then land choppers and Needlejets in it to protect it.
Come to think of it I am starting to like that idea.
It will mean that they get to establish a base far quicker; and
It will give us a nice base from which to launch an invasion to threaten CyCon; and
We won't have to worry about giving up any of our territory to them; and
We won't have to go through the break Pact dance to allow them to establish a base.
Here is a copy of what I posted in the Thread 2157 describing the mechanics of what we will have to do in order to allow Peace to establish a base in Hive territory.
They can establish a base on our southern coastline, even though it is in our territory.
They can only do this if they are not in a Pact with us.
I just ran a simulation on an old Trans SMAX single player game save I had to test this. This is what I found:
I was playing Hive, Pactmate was Cult.
While in Pact I tried to establish a base in Cultist territory and the following message came up.
"Chairman, our Pact of Brotherhood with Prohet Cha Dawn of the Planet Cult Precludes us from building bases in Cultist territory."
So, I clicked on the Comm menu and right click broke the Pact. The following message came up.
"Our Pact of Brotherhood with the Planet Cult has ended. All Cultist units have been removed from our territory. 5 units have been removed from cultist territitory and returned to our nearest bases."
I reloaded the test game, broke the Pact and then moved a colony pod into Cultist territory and, while in treaty but not in Pact, I tried to establish a base. I got the following message with two options.
"Chairman, our treaty with Prophet Dawn of the Planet Cult precludes us from building bases in Cultist territory.
I then chose to break the treaty and my base was established.
The Cults then went into Vendetta against me.
From this test I conclude the following if we are going to allow Peace to establish a base on our territory:
1. Peace and us must break Pact before they enter our territory otherwise all of their units that are within our territory will automatically be returned to their nearest base once we break pact.
2. Once we break Pact their units and our units will not be able to occupy the same squares (or move through us) until we restablish Pact.
3. They must build their base before we reestablish Pact.
4. Once they build their base in our territory it is very likely that the game will automatically change the Treaty between us to Vendetta and we will have to restablish the Pact manually.
5. We need to be careful not to have our units in a position that would block their movement, because once we are out of Pact they cannot move through our units or occupy the same square.
6. Because I am not sure what would happen if both Peace and Hive units occupiped the same square, outside of both the Hive and Peace territory, when Pact was broken I think we should avoid it.
6a. We should also be careful not to try to move our units into the same square as their's while in treaty. Attempting to do so will result in attacking and destroying their units.
7. When we escort the Peace units in let's have our units behing them, providing a rear guard action.
8. Let's get them landed, established, and protected as soon as possible.
Let's really think about having them establish their base on that island and then basing a couple of needlejets and choppers there to patrol and protect.
Sounds like a plan.Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
Let me eat your yummy brain!
"be like Micha!" - Cyclotron
I like Mead's idea. I will copy your post to them.Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
My PM to Makahlua:
I didn't realize that you didn't have a sea colony pod. This means you need a land square to establish your base. We have had some discussions inside the Hive. We would let you set your base at our land, however, this would mean we have to go through a very complex process of breaking pact, become vendetta, and reestablish pact. This may require more time than you would have. The best solution to us is for you to set up your base at the island southeast of the Hive and we send some forces to protect it. We will have penetrators that can fly to your base as soon as it is up and as soon as we build a transport we would be able to ship a couple plasma garrison and probes also. The first production of your new base in my opinion should be a defense probe (0-0-1 probe).
I'm attaching a local map for your reference.
I'm also attaching a post from Comrade Mead in the Hive forum. Hopefully it will help you understand more about the establishing base at pact member teritory issue.
They can establish a base on our southern coastline, even though it is in our territory.
They can only do this if they are not in a Pact with us.
I just ran a simulation on an old Trans SMAX single player game save I had to test this. This is what I found:
I was playing Hive, Pactmate was Cult.
While in Pact I tried to establish a base in Cultist territory and the following message came up.
"Chairman, our Pact of Brotherhood with Prohet Cha Dawn of the Planet Cult Precludes us from building bases in Cultist territory."
So, I clicked on the Comm menu and right click broke the Pact. The following message came up.
"Our Pact of Brotherhood with the Planet Cult has ended. All Cultist units have been removed from our territory. 5 units have been removed from cultist territitory and returned to our nearest bases."
I reloaded the test game, broke the Pact and then moved a colony pod into Cultist territory and, while in treaty but not in Pact, I tried to establish a base. I got the following message with two options.
"Chairman, our treaty with Prophet Dawn of the Planet Cult precludes us from building bases in Cultist territory.
I then chose to break the treaty and my base was established.
The Cults then went into Vendetta against me.
From this test I conclude the following if we are going to allow Peace to establish a base on our territory:
1. Peace and us must break Pact before they enter our territory otherwise all of their units that are within our territory will automatically be returned to their nearest base once we break pact.
2. Once we break Pact their units and our units will not be able to occupy the same squares (or move through us) until we restablish Pact.
3. They must build their base before we reestablish Pact.
4. Once they build their base in our territory it is very likely that the game will automatically change the Treaty between us to Vendetta and we will have to restablish the Pact manually.
5. We need to be careful not to have our units in a position that would block their movement, because once we are out of Pact they cannot move through our units or occupy the same square.
6. Because I am not sure what would happen if both Peace and Hive units occupiped the same square, outside of both the Hive and Peace territory, when Pact was broken I think we should avoid it.
6a. We should also be careful not to try to move our units into the same square as their's while in treaty. Attempting to do so will result in attacking and destroying their units.
7. When we escort the Peace units in let's have our units behing them, providing a rear guard action.
8. Let's get them landed, established, and protected as soon as possible.
MeadBe good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
There's something I am not sure of.
How certain are we that we can rely on the Peace's loyalty?
What assurances do we have?
Are we (have we) entering into a perma-pact with them?
What exactly is our relationship with them?
What is the relationship between the Drones and Peace?
My take on this is that we the Hive would be the protector of the PEACE. They will still have their own will but they will not be included in the cooperative victory of Hive and Drone, or at least will be included as a jonior member.
My view is that we could do the same thing that we plan to do with the Drones. That is to permit them enter our forum and we enter theirs if they also agree. I am not sure the Drones want to do that or not.
We can still have more discussions about this since we have not discussed it with the PEACE yet. One thing I would like to say is that I do not believe that they will betray us and go in the CPU's embrace. Not after they have so brutally murdered so many of their people. At least if I were them, I wouldn't.Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
I was thinking the same thing as Comrade Mead. If this is a giant ruse, it's being done well.
For instance, what if PEACE and the CPU have decided that in order of them to get a foothold on our land, they would have to establish a base. To make it look genuine the CPU attacks PEACE and has them put a pod on our beaches. This new base essentially becomes a screen door for their invasion.
While this might not be a likely scenario, we should at least keep within Hive tradition and hold suspicion toward outsiders. Are the Drones contributing at all to PEACE's survival or does the responsibility fall soley onto us?
Protecting them may very well draw resources, attention, and units away from area's that they may be needed. I think our main focus should be between the Drones and ourselves. If PEACE starts getting back into the game and become a nuisance and decide to attack us when our attention is somewhere else, we may be in for a struggle.Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
*****Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis
Well my personal opinion is if this is what the CPU is planning they've been going to long way and won't get them a lot reward either, especially if we are going to keep PEACE at the island away from our main land. If you guys don't feel to trust them enough, we do not have to invite them into our forums. We'll protect them until they don't need us. We'll be able to fend of them if they turn against us. But all people with some sense will despise them if they do that.Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
True.....Hey, Kody pointed this out, but on the map where it's giving the leaders for Tech, Militar, etc....overall it says 'turnplayer enigma'. What's up with that?Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
*****Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis
I didn't know how to change it.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
I have notified the PEACE about the upcoming motion.
The Hive would like to inform the PEACE that we are prepared to submit a motion to the planetary council for a resolution of the CC-PEACE war. I'm attaching a draft here for your reference. Please do not disclose it to the other factions before we submit it to the council.
To the Planetary Council
Motion of Ceasefire and Returning of the PEACE Bases
By the Human Hives
Dear Governor, dear Planetary Council Members,
The Human Hives would like to express its great concerns about the recent intense conflict between the CPU and PEACE. The CPU-PEACE war has so far lasted seven years and has had a devastating impact on the peaceful development of the planet. The Hive is concerned over reports of increasing violations of international humanitarian law. We are gravely concerned that given the increasing likelihood of an thorough occupation of the PEACE territory by the CPU forces, coupled with the approaching winter, the situation in PEACE has the potential to become an even greater humanitarian disaster. It has become more and more apparent that the continuation or further escalation of the conflict between CPU and PEACE has dangerous implications for the stability of the region.
The Hive believes that the Planetary Council has overriding obligation to stop the suffering of innocent civilians and prevent a de-stabilising conflict spreading to other countries in the planet. The Hive motions the Council to take immediate action to consider this matter in order to prevent a humanitarian disaster and a threat to stability throughout the Planet. The Hive affirms the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the PEACE and the right of all refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes. The Hive calls for an immediate ceasefire from the CPU and the return of at least half of the PEACE bases. We emphasizes that the authorities of the Planet Council must achieve a political solution to condemn the CPU invasion of the PEACE territory and to establish that all violence and acts of terrorism from the CPU are unacceptable.
Chairman Voltaire
We would also welcome any eye witness account of the damage of the war and any unhumantary actions by the CC force. We will include some articals on this regard in the upcoming Pravda.
Ambassador HongHuBe good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden