This post is to update the community on the current hive governmental structure with special attention on openings that need to be filled. Any mistakes in this post are my own and no one elses and hopefully will be corrected soon. I apologize for them now ahead of time.
Chairman and supreme leader: Voltaire
Vicechairman (of homeland planning) Dacole
Minister of terraforming: Jamski NAME FIXED BY MICHA
Minister of base production: open
Minister of population (pop booming ect) open
Minister of social planning (government changes, eco, psych and tech allotment) open TYPO FIXED BY MICHA
Diplomacy (updated by Octavian)
Vice Chairman of Diplomacy: Octavian X
Drone diplomat: HongHu (temp)
CC diplomat: HongHu
Peace diplomat: Voltaire
Uni diplomat: Octavian X
Vicechairman of millitary Rokossovky FIXED BY MICHA
Minister of covert operations Jamski FIXED AGAIN
Vicechairman of science: OPEN!!! NEEDS TO BE FILLED ASAP
again this is only how I see it and may be very wrong thought it was nessecary that the openings be put all in one place any new players who want to help out find a department you like contact anyone in that department they will put you to work I am sure!
EDIT BY MICHA: Fixed almost all names. Please learn to spell Rokossovky´s name, since what you guys have done to it in various posts equals a rape
Chairman and supreme leader: Voltaire
Vicechairman (of homeland planning) Dacole
Minister of terraforming: Jamski NAME FIXED BY MICHA
Minister of base production: open
Minister of population (pop booming ect) open
Minister of social planning (government changes, eco, psych and tech allotment) open TYPO FIXED BY MICHA
Diplomacy (updated by Octavian)
Vice Chairman of Diplomacy: Octavian X
Drone diplomat: HongHu (temp)
CC diplomat: HongHu
Peace diplomat: Voltaire
Uni diplomat: Octavian X
Vicechairman of millitary Rokossovky FIXED BY MICHA

Minister of covert operations Jamski FIXED AGAIN
Vicechairman of science: OPEN!!! NEEDS TO BE FILLED ASAP
again this is only how I see it and may be very wrong thought it was nessecary that the openings be put all in one place any new players who want to help out find a department you like contact anyone in that department they will put you to work I am sure!
EDIT BY MICHA: Fixed almost all names. Please learn to spell Rokossovky´s name, since what you guys have done to it in various posts equals a rape
