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  • #91
    There is a square with mineral bonus where Kody marked raise land and then borehole. I raised it (to 3500) but I can't do a borehole. What is the rule for boreholes?
    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

    Grapefruit Garden


    • #92
      If this is the raise land next to the energy park, then it's actually the monolith that should have been raised not the borehole. To allow for the borehole now you need to lower now and it should work fine.

      Normally you always lower land if you want to plant a borehole, but I figured out that if you raise land at the monolith not only do you preserve the height of the energy park (which would have been affected previously if you lowered, not anymore now you've already raised once). But also add several more land squares to our contient.

      Sorry I guess it was a little unclear.


      • #93
        Umm not only that but you need a former on each of the lower boreholes near roko to start boreholing before you raised at the monolith. After raising at the monolith you can't start the lower boreholes.

        Sorry yet more complexities I never really explained to people.


        • #94
          Kody you told me once the rule for boreholes, could you tell me again here? Appreciated!
          Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

          Grapefruit Garden


          • #95
            the game only considers 4 levels


            A borehole cannot be built if there's an adjacent square that is 1 level lower.

            Also with land raising and lowering, land must always be no more than 1 level different from an adjacent square.


            • #96
              Ok, I checked the Drones Embassy and it seemed that we have agreed that we'll let Drones take Asc Vir (Increases the population limit of your bases by two, and increases your society's tolerance for use of police and military units (+1 POLICE)).

              There is no prior agreement regarding Long Vac (Two less Drones at every base if your society's economics are planned. One less Drone at every base if economics are simple or green. ECONOMY increased by 50% at this base for free market economies).

              Original plan is after we finish BioEngineering we'll ask for AMA from the Drones, and then we'll research Retroviral Engineering and BioMachinary and we will do the Cloning Vats. However it looks like that we won't able to do that for at least a while because the sunspot activity is supposed to last for 20 turns.

              I would like to have some discussions regarding whether we want to build Long Vac, or do we want to renegotiate the Asc Vir, or do we not want to do either of the two SP.
              Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

              Grapefruit Garden


              • #97
                Unless we have any other better means by which to spend production I suggest we build a Secret Project, as for which one I have no opinions on. If we had a prior agreement with the Drones regarding the Asc Vir let us just take the Long Vac, that is unless the Drones no longer want the Asc Vir.
                You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


                • #98
                  Hi all,

                  I still can't download the map because I can't get SMACX to run on my Laptop (OK, I admit that I have not spent much time trying) but offer the following thoughts.

                  I think you are correct about our agreement with the Drones regarding AV. We are bound by that agreement unless they release us from it.

                  In any event, LV does us a lot more good in the short-mid term. As has been noted previously, we will get two fewer drones because we are running 'Planned' SE.

                  Until (and if) we get CV, AV will not have as much as a beneficial effect for us.

                  I'm not sure, but I think the game might be over by the time anyone is able to get CV.


                  Why doesn't CyCon just resign and let everyone get on with the new game. I have not decided which team I will join but I am thinking about Morgan because I am so very bad at playing Morgan (and need to learn to play better), or Gaian, because it would be fun (I love the green bonus, plus that efficiency bonus).

                  It looks like most folks are more interested with the new game and that interest in this one is waning.


                  • #99
                    I agree that it doesn't look like we will get CV before the game is ended. What I'm currently debating is that do we really need the LV. We have HGP and VW and police ability which have been pretty good in preventing drones. We didn't have to use many doctors I think. So I'm having some doubts about whether it is worth of doing cashing in crawlers and let our industrial capability suffer a temporary sit back.

                    Asc vir on the other hand will give us 2 more pop growth room before the hub and may turn out to be useful since we have many size 7 bases now. However I do agree that unless Drones want it we can't build it.

                    So I'm now leaning not to build any of the two. But I would like to have more discussions if you guys believe that the SPs would actually bring us some more benefit than not to have them.
                    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                    Grapefruit Garden

